Every day last year at least one gun on average was reported stolen from someone's car or truck in the Richmond metropolitan area.
When including homes, businesses and other locations, nearly 2.5 firearms were reported stolen on average each day in either Richmond or the counties of Chesterfield, Henrico and Hanover.
The thefts have been rising over the past decade, and authorities say there's no sign it will abate until gun owners take more responsibility for securing their firearms, especially in their vehicles.
Local police have taken 5,873 reports of firearm thefts in the region from 2010 to 2017, and many of those involve the loss of multiple weapons. Nearly one-third of the total were taken from vehicles - a great many of which were unlocked.
Blame the gun owner? How about we catch the thieves and punish them, didn't they break the law?
And they are brought here and sold to the local thugs. But our police cannot get the thugs to tell them where they buy the guns. One of them HAS to talk someday.
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