I'll be doing the same as any other day walking the dog , swimming in the pool eating grilled burgers and hot dogs , looking for things that I forgot about each and every hour.
Marva Theater sounds like a great idea! Wonder Woman on a big screen in a wonderfully preserved early 20th century theater full of air conditioned air. I wish that they had continuously running features, cartoons and shorts all day long.
Looks like it might be sweating. Much to do outside this weekend.
Trying to stay cool.... steamed crabs, corn on the cob, ice cold beer!!! Sounds like another Delmarvelous weekend!!
I'll be doing the same as any other day walking the dog , swimming in the pool eating grilled burgers and hot dogs , looking for things that I forgot about each and every hour.
pulling weeds...ugh!
Going to see Wonder Woman at the Marva theater.
Marva Theater sounds like a great idea! Wonder Woman on a big screen in a wonderfully preserved early 20th century theater full of air conditioned air. I wish that they had continuously running features, cartoons and shorts all day long.
Putting up a chain link fence!
JUST trying to survive....like so many others I know.
Getting out of the "bury" for few days
Heck, I got the morning paper (Dispatch) and by 630 had already started my first beer. More laws by CITY FAIL for cruiser weeks!!!
It maybe an EARLY TGIF, but wasnt wasted waiting to drink! WHOOHAA!!!!!
SUNNY HOT FRYDAY and its still morning!!!! WHOOHAAAAA!!!!
Considering how much longer I want to go on.
Checking out the happenings in Snow Hill. The downtown area has grown since I lived their 5 yrs ago. Looking forward to it.
Fishing by the OC jetty! Its been hopping all week and there's plenty for everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Relaxing in my swimming pool with a frozen drink and my favorite music!
Getting drunk and working....night shift.
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