After the city council toiled for hours over the decision to make what amounts to a symbolic gesture (the city contracts its policing to the LA County Sheriff's Department so it follows their policies regarding immigration authorities), the paper quoted sanctuary proponents in the breezy beachside Malibubble.
The Times reported:
"Malibu is about 92% white and one of L.A. County's wealthiest cities. Everyone agrees the city has workers who are not authorized to be in the United States, and they tend to serve the food at upscale eateries, clean the beachside mansions, look after children and keep the landscaping looking lush."
When the illegal surfer gangs take over, they'll be sorry.
The majority of the 11 million illegal aliens are hard working and honest people.
The majority doesn't excuse or make up for one bad egg. Wake up, even the liberal media reports on a daily bases the one bad egg killing our innocent. I'm not saying President Trump needs to be a one man show. We the people should join in and give the good man a hand. Get rid of the bad herd.
so have a dirty house morons
Anonymous Anonymous said...
The majority of the 11 million illegal aliens are hard working and honest people.
March 21, 2017 at 6:58 PM
if they were honest they wouldn't be illegal would they
although I agree 658 Once Upon a Time they were working for under the table cash! nowadays they come here specifically to have babies and to suck off of taxpayers. basically freeloading and taking away Services, education, & Medical, from law-abiding citizens. this needs to stop! first I believe going after the source of the money is a good idea!cutting off the incentives for them to want to come here in the first place!
Keep drinking that kool aid idiots!
...and they don't belong here because they are putting hard working honest Americans out of work.
Round them up and ship them out!
Yet they're still illegal.
Notice the sanctuary cities are where rich liberals live,their cheap arses don't want to lose that cheap labor as in gardening,housekeeping,etc.
Sooo, you've vetted all 11 million? Illegal means just that, bud.
7:34 I don't see any americans lining up to cut grass, pick crabs, eviscerate chickens or pick produce. You can't even get american kids to work summer jobs at the beach. Yeah them mexicans taking jobs away from americans.
Then I'm sure you dont lock your doors when you leave your home.
I cut grass for a living and i provide well for my family.
Maryland shouldn't crack down on illegal drug dealers. After all, they provide a cheap supply of heroin.
What kind of lamed-brain argument is that. Illegals make our lives easier so let them stay. But, then that's the land of Pelosi and Waters.
illegal - contrary to or forbidden by LAW, especially criminal LAW.
Are we still having trouble understanding what illegal means, or do we continue to bend laws where we see fit....for cutting grass and making our house clean??
Those good folks up there in the 'Boo aren't racists, not one bit! I call BS! They stated it plainly with that comment about the illegals cleaning and serving food; like that is all that they are good for. Wow! If that ain't being said with a racist slant that I don't know what is.
Good people or not, they still have to answer for their original sin of coming here illegally! I fail to understand why so many people cannot incorporate that idea into their defense of these illegal aliens. They always conveniently forget that part.
4:58 I rarely lock my house and the keys are in my truck and mercedes most of the time. You must be paranoid or live in an unsafe area. I suggest not being poor and live somewhere nice.
5:00am Is it your business or are you an hourly/per diem employee?
My wife cleans houses and everyone of them had illegals cleaning their homes and they fired every last one of them. Some were stealing, some would just lay around and did not clean, some were making demands that the owners buy a crib for their illegal child to stay in while they cleaned, some just did not show up to work at times, some demanded to be fed, etc. I worked in construction and more than once we were hired to go behind these illegals and fix what they screwed up. Yea, they are hard workers alright. Better get your facts straight before running your mouth.
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