By Thornton Crowe
Have Democrats and Media Dropped Their Collective Baskets or have they always been this way? Ronald Reagan said the above quote in October of 1964 during his Goldwater speech so that should be an indication, this is nothing new, it's just gotten more belligerent.
Since the last election, we've all seen the Liberals become more and more violent in their "resistance" to anything the Trump Administration does to make Americans' lives (including theirs) better. Is the media also cheering this violence inciting it? It would seem with every incident - whether it's a white flag or not, the media, known for it's liberal slant, seems to revel in this violence.
Sunday co-anchor Peter Hegseth said on Fox & Friends this morning, "Cultures are created." True; therefore, is the media and liberals creating a culture of violence?
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DJI Before & After Election |
For example, the market has been surging for four months, new jobs coming back to the States, consumer and overall confidence is up for the first time in well over a decade and many investors are re-investing in America in this longterm rally, yet the media doesn't report the polls that indicate any of these facts. This new business environment is good for everyone as it indicates our economy is about to make a real recovery after stagnation for many years. This demonstrates President Trump is not the monster the media and liberals created as his initiatives are working towards making people's lives much better.
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Maddow being served Friday morning with lawsuit papers. |
The situation with fear-mongering and the proposed budget has reached epic levels of misinformation because liberals prey on those who only hear 'Facebook Snips' which are simply untrue. Meals on Wheels is not going away without Federal money and neither is Big Bird, but the Left continues to spin this tale of woe without any substantiation whatsoever. (More on this later.)
The fact is this, liberals are not going to out President Trump because he hasn't done anything wrong to warrant such an action. In fact, they would have a much easier time of it, if they suck it up (like many of us did during Obama years) and live their lives, finding positive things in said lives to be thankful for. While this advice is practical and logical, something tells me, the liberals and their propaganda puppets aren't going to give up soon.
For those trying to discern fact from fiction in the news, keep a skeptical eye and look at other situations surrounding negative news stories. If it's something really salacious or provocative, chances are, the Trump Administration has just achieved (or about to) something that's working towards America First.
Hang in there... and how say you?
I've seen more BS on Facebook lately. Its ridiculous. People getting all worked up about Mar-a-lago trips when the president is working throughout the entire weekend. Where was all the upset about the $85M Obama spent on vacations where he did nothing for America? Not a peep from the Left then. Such hypocrites.
Loony Left has always been unhinged and gullible. Look at the sixties for an example. Liberalism is a mental disease.
Here's my take on the Left vs. Trump.
They are so outraged, even calling him crazy. They want to go line by line attacking every single thing he does. He's a mad man, they say.
NO, he really isn't.
You see, Liberals are so used to crooked politicians doing things a certain way. No accountability, No jail time and nothing but excuses.
What Donald Trump is doing is not CRAZY, he's running the United States like a BUSINESS, something Liberals have never been able to achieve on their own. Not successfully anyway.
So they simply do not understand profits and losses. They do not believe in ever cutting the cord. Just throw more money into it. Get other Liberals to fund it, a lot like Section 8 housing in Downtown Salisbury.
Let me go on a quick rant on that topic. Did you know Wicomico County rents the entire 3rd floor of the Downtown parking garage? When Jake Day starts building these Section 8 housing units on the 2 hour free parking lot, then next to the Cannon building and ultimately over at the Court House and Rt. 13, where will these thousands of people park, seriously?
Several people recently told me Jake Day is somehow partnered with the vested buyers in these properties as well but I've yet to be able to confirm those statements from very reputable and respected sources.
Anyhow, all of you need not fear what President Trump is doing. Sure, it's a whole lot different from anything we've seen in the past. Instead, you need to pray for his safety because every time we've ever had someone so willing to make massive change in governing they ended up assassinated. Salisbury needs exactly the same kind of leadership and I'm going to flat out tell you, if it doesn't happen this next election you better get the hell out of there fast before, (and they love this) your property value goes down to almost nothing. Don't be STUPID! Imagine what the property owners in Detroit experienced when the government started stepping in and bringing forth Section 8 housing. Clearly the future in Salisbury is a handout society, not a middle or upper class society that brings in great resale values.
Support your President and STOP listening to the Main Stream Media. They have an agenda and it's not good.
Are building underground parking lots.. 2 of the 4 lots will be affordable housing.. the other 2 lots won't be...
Running the country like a business? That's the problem you don't get he had four failed marriages four bankruptcy claims trump university was a scam why are you people so convinced that he is a great business man? He makes money of his name that's it. He's never produced a product in the market that was successful. So at the end of the day just be honest and say you hated the black president and now anything the white one does is great. Wonder how all those coal miners feel now that they're unemployed. You keep thinking it's about politics or left and right. No it's about morals which we're learning he doesn't have.
Well hasn't this degenerated quickly into nonsense. 10:48AM you sound like a moron. Nobody cares about his marriages or Trump University. If they did, he wouldn't have been elected in the first place. I'd bet if we looked at your life through a microscope much would be a failure for you. Everyone fails at one point or another, and I don't see you heading any major corporation or listed as a billionaire in Forbes, so please get off your high horse which is actually only about a foot tall, and stop being an idiot. Morals smorals. You don't have any morals yourself or else you would make this comment under your REAL name and not anonymous. Go back to the sandbox and wait out the next decade.
1031 where is this underground parking lot? Here is Salisbury? Brilliant. Yet another place for the hoodlums and gangsters to kill/beat up and steal from citizens. What will they think up next in their brilliance to save Salisbury?
Democrat=socialist/ progressive=socialist/ communist=socialist/ liberal=socialist
Yeah 1100 they're far worse.
MSM doesn't want you to know about the great things the Trump Administration is doing for Americans. They want to keep the hate brewing and everyone upset rather than happy the country is changing for the better.
If you employ a liberal keep in mind they seek to undermine your business.
But it's ok that Trump gets his talking points (often false and unproven allegations) direct from Fox News. Quoting directly from Bret Baer and Flaming Napolitano.
1117 once again shows the ignorance of the Left. They are not false and unproven allegations. The NY Times published two articles about wiretapping Trump people on January 19th and 20th (inauguration day) and now refutes their own original claims because he pour gasoline on their inferno they created. You're not being smart by quoting false claims yourself there, buddy. Idiots do not part from ignorance without a few nonsensical remarks.
Liberals suffering from Donald Trump Derange Syndrome are so insane they lack any common sense or basic reasoning skills. Suffering from political rabidity they portray themselves as worse than ignorant. Their chosen ignorance makes their rants all the more appalling. 1117 you are the very people Trump voters voted against!
11:20. Leaders of house and senate intelligence committees, Intellegence agencies and now even Fox News itself have proclaimed that there is absolutely no evidence that Obama ordered any wiretapping or surveillance of Trump as true me accused him of. The New York Times article said nothing about Obama ordering wiretapping against Trump.
The Force can have a strong influence on the week minded. -- Obi wan Kanobe
The MSM has been the only place people got their news for over 100 years. Prior to that, it was from religious clerics. Both sources have tried to control the week minded via giving the population information designed not to get people thinking for themselves. Intelligence is a dangerous counterpoint to mainstream propoganda. The dumber or more week minded people are, the easier they are to control.
Today, thanks in part to websites like yours and other social media sources, people now have options for where they get their news- fake or not, as it helps them form different thoughts than what MSM want them to hear. We are in the middle of an information revolution and it is scaring the crap out of people like Rachel Madcow, et. Al.
Joe, thanks for helping us carry the torch.
1129, where do you think the wiretaps came from? Santa Claus? God, get a brain and quit being so ignorant. Do you really think the intelligence community is going to admit they violated federal laws? Really? Hold this, I'll be right back.
10:48 is a great example of the week minded. His/her arguments are not cohesive. Obama was a bad president and it had nothing to do with the color of his skin. He tried to make our country socialist. That single effort made him a bad president. Couple that with his failed marquee health care program, and it makes him a horrible president.
Name one thing he did that made our country better? Not the world, but our country. I'll give you til tomorrow for that assignment because it will take time. Good luck.
Mr. Crowe, thank you for the Sunday morning bitchfests. All the whackos come out in full force. Makes me wonder about people as I shop at the food store later this afternoon, which one of these wing nuts is waiting in line next to me.
What a Fool!
Any criticism about the pompous a$$ Trum?
What a bias hypocrite.
Love the driveby comments of the loony lefts like 1146. They show their maturity level so quickly, its blinding.
Some just love bashing Trump no matter what good he does for our country. They are so brainwashed it's pathetic.
The Dow is going through the roof. Nice to see after so many years of horrible investing prospects. America is springing back to life after a long winter's nap. FInally.
I too am starting to wonder, are the Liberals the ultimate enemy to our Founding Father's and what we stand for in America?
Massive minorities like LGBT getting Liberal politicians to overwhelmingly change our laws to suit their wants and needs, yet 95% of Americans truly believe it is disgusting.
Taxes and fees on just about everything, INCLUDING RAIN.
Donald Trump is America's Last Hope and we must not only overwhelmingly support him, WE MUST CRUSH THE LIBERAL AGENDA and take our country back.
We need to lock up and arrest ANY more violent protesters as they are radical to our way of life and laws. These are terrorists on our very own soil.
We must stand firm and do whatever it takes to Make America Great Again and THIS is why I run Salisbury News.
Parking under the buildings -I believe - not underground
116 well, that makes me feel so much safer. Not.
Let's face it. Downtown is screwed. There's no coming back. Its just turning into inner city slum haven. Day will make sure of it.
10:48 1) you don't speak for me 2) stop bring race into everything 3)the very idea that you think you and your liberal friends have morales is utterly pathetic Our country is in the shape it's in now because if you liberals and the last 8 years...oh and it's got nothing to do with race but you go ahead and play that race card again and again 4) Trump has more morales in his little finger than any and every democrat elected right now. 5) your problem is you lost. Get over it sweet cheeks
1:23 You are exactly right!
Seriously 12:36? The Dow has been on a bull run for the last 6-7 years. It's been anything but horrible and I've made a fortune.
155 is another shining example of idiocy from the Left. Many 401K holders and retired people would like to have a conversation with you about your brilliant theory about how they have lost a lot in the market over the last 8 years. Liberals can't even read charts and simplistic graphs. No bull market over the last decade. You're living in a delusion that looks more delusional on the outside than it does in your pea-size brain!
1:59. What planet do you live on? We have been in a Bull market since late 2009. If you haven't made money on your 401k then you clearly haven't put your money in the right funds. Look up ANY trends for the DJIA or S&P 500 for the past 10 years. Huge dip in 2008 then off to the races ever since. Please. Use the Google and set your mind at ease.
237 no dream world here. You obviously can't read the simple chart in this article. SMH. It's a shame.
That Rachel would make a hot looking man, but as a woman, not so much.
Democrats are a disease that must be eradicated. But it's impossible to fix stupid so we must stop this disease from spreading by any means!!!!
Madcow Disease
Okay, in 2008, my retirement fund was cut in half, and since then it has gained almost 1.5% in your BULL$HIT market.
Just wow.
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