On Monday night, urban radio show host Tavis Smiley told Megyn Kelly that Barack Obama has failed black Americans as president.
Megyn Kelly: On the subject of race, are we better off today that seven years ago?
Tavis Smiley: I’m not sure we are and I think ultimately the president missed a moment… On every leading economic issue, in the leading economic issues Black Americans have lost ground in every one of those leading categories. So in the last ten years it hasn’t been good for black folk. This is the president’s most loyal constituency that didn’t gain any ground in that period.
Smiley is right.
Conservative Larry Elder wrote about the increase in black poverty under Obama last year.
Via Townhall:
What about poverty? In 2009, when Obama took office, the black poverty rate was 25.8 percent. As of 2014, according to Pew Research Center, the black poverty rate was 27.2 percent.
What about income? CNNMoney says, “Minority households’ median income fell 9 percent between 2010 and 2013, compared to a drop of only 1 percent for whites.” The Financial Times wrote last October: “Since 2009, median non-white household income has dropped by almost a 10th to $33,000 a year, according to the U.S. Federal Reserve’s survey of consumer finances. As a whole, median incomes fell by 5 percent. But by the more telling measure of net wealth — assets minus liabilities — the numbers offer a more troubling story.”
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But if Obama ran for a third term they'd vote for him again.
Not only did he not help them - he actually hurt them - by enslaving them in welfare and food stamps...dependent on others for their lives. Soon, the others will refuse to support them - and they will perish in darwinian fashion.
At the same time, their entitlist, uncivil, beyond social acceptance has caused a good portion of America to revile them for the animals they have become. Their crime and incarceration rates have skyrocketed - all while they blame everyone else for their plight.
Look in a mirror and discover what you asked for!
I m shocked ! but not surprised .NOT !
Gonna lose more ground with Hillary.
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