the past almost four years, I have been proud to serve as an at-large member of
the County Council. I do not take that
privilege lightly. I have done my best
to travel the County, meeting with concerned citizens and attending various
functions including town hall meetings, County fire department meetings and
more throughout the year. There have
many times when I have been the only Council member or one of the few Council
members present.
addition, for the last three years I have served as the alternate and then
primary representative for Wicomico County to the Maryland Association of
Counties which meets weekly in Annapolis. In my first year, I attended with our
representatives to learn more about County government and to meet our
counterparts from across the state. I
have honored my commitment to Wicomico County by making attending these weekly
meetings a priority.
are those who are trying to make an issue of the travel expenses I have
submitted for each year. Each council
person makes their own decision on how actively engaged they want to be with
the citizens of the County, whether they attend meetings outside of the area
and whether they use a County vehicle for travel. What they chose to submit or not submit is up
to them.
bulk of the travel expenses I have submitted reflect the weekly trips to Annapolis
to represent our County. I chose to
drive my own vehicle and submit for mileage reimbursement. If I had used a County vehicle, as others
have done, the report would look entirely different.
is a poor attempt to deflect from the real issues that face this County. It is disappointing that someone within the
County government felt that something like this warranted attention.
Thanks Bob
Well said Bob. Once again, a classless act coming from the administration and their flunkies.
Shame on them.
Busting bobs chops for caring about the county ? But pollitt Goes around spending THOUSANDS AND THOUSANDS on food and bars pollitt is the one that needs to Answer to a Grand jury.
I saw rick pollit drive up and over concrete blocks last week at the c a r debate in the college parking lot i wonder if he claimed the damage to the bumper on his county car .
This takes the cake. He charges mileage for going to Annapolis once a week to represent the County and someone has a problem with that?. Who is the jack@ss that thinks this is a problem? The "boss" allows Strasberg to take a county car to bars and then drink and drive and he usually met Mackes there too. There are even photos to document it. But that is okay because they are part of the entitled crowd. Pollitt, Strasberg and the others are such flaming hypocrites, it's almost funny they are that ignorant.
Anonymous said...
I saw rick pollit drive up and over concrete blocks last week at the c a r debate in the college parking lot i wonder if he claimed the damage to the bumper on his county car .
October 20, 2014 at 11:28 PM
Why does he need a County Car?
11:28 guess that goes along with his flustered performance. Couldn't get away fast enough LOL. I think it would probably be cheaper to pay mileage than to maintain a fleet of county vehicles. People never take care of a "rental" or company car as well as they would their own. Just more expense on the taxpayers to keep them on the road.
Joe, this is hilarious. Great scoop on JT. They are obviously so desperate, they are grasping at straws. A good laugh before going to bed.
wow, a couple thousand at best, and the zero's just show who doesn't even care about us to go and represent us there! That says a lot!
Fat boy blogger bombed to shreds (figuratively only) by SBYNEWS -- again!
I have seen Bob at fire department events and numerous other community events all over the county. He truly cares about the citizens of Wicomico County, and when elected County Executive he will represent and serve the people.
JT, it's too early in the morning for your BS comments. You got scooped, get over it. Here's an idea. Why don't you steal this comment, copy and paste it and put it up as if you wrote it yourself.
Disgusting that a slob who feeds at the public trough like Jonathan Taylor whines about this.
Jt scooped up and trashed...
Pollitt and company are completely tone deaf. They just don't get it. Nicely done Bob. Don't let the b@stards get you down!
Let's hope there's a change in leadership in the GOB after this election cycle....
Get out and Vote!
Most residents don't know it but during snow County employee's have to take a snow plow and clean out Mr. Pollitt's driveway at his house and clean off the windows on his county car for him!! Just in case he has to go out!! Yea right, he's going to stay home and keep warm!!
This is a very important post. The whispering circle has beeb going full tilt on this. I have heard several people say that because Culver spends more than other council members that they will either not vote for a county exec or will not vote for Culver. Please, everyone. Talk to your friends and neighbors and put this conversation into context. Culver is the County's representative, he should be reimbursed for what would be called required travel in the typical workplace. Pollitt and the BOE are totally out of control with their spending. Culver is the victim of their trickery with words.
Those who go nowhere to serve no one need no travel reimbursement. Those who always use a county car need no travel reimbursement. You don't buy sunscreen for folks who never go outdoors.
Did Pollitt use County personnel to generate this smear attempt? If so that's another ethics violation.
The message is clear here:
Vote For Meaningful Change On Nov. 4th.
Ru fn kidding me.
This doesn't change my mind, I'm still voting for Bob Culver!! Rick got one of his lackeys to try and stop the very change this area needs.
I like Bob and he is a great Council Rep for the County. I appreciate Bob coming forward and explaining his expenses. This is what should happen when the spending of tax paper money is questioned.
I wonder if one who has less approval from readers of SBYNEWS than Bob had been the County representative in Annapolis, turning in the same expenses as Bob, would have received comments as favorability.
ginn how are you able to type bold in comments? Sometime I would like to highlight or type in bold, but do not know how when typing on a blog?
8:55 I agree there is a whispering campaign. "They" are using anything they can to discredit Bob. Why? Because "they" know he is a honest, truthful person that stands by his principles, i.e. sometimes being the only "no" vote or one of two "no" votes, because he is standing up for the people he represents and he is tired of seeing them screwed. All "they" do is lie, bait and switch and abuse the system for their own gain. By the way, we haven't seen any other people offer to explain their expenditures. VOTE CULVER
Never none Bob Culver to be dishonest. He has always been above Board with his actions.
Some IDIOT wants to complain and slander with this worthless allegations?
I want to complain about the County having to buy lunch because they decided to work thru their lunch.
I want to complain about the usage of County credit cards for personal usage. This on the State level is criminal. This is in my humble opinion is embezzlement. They are taking County money unauthorized and paying it back at their convenience. There should have been charges filed but nobody will explain why not. Lets complain about relevant matters instead of petty things.
Either someone retrieved the info from County finance office or employee who doesn't know all the facts submitted it to someone for public print. Someone is getting nervous!
Use the HTML tags shown just below the comment box. b is for bold, i is for italics and a is for anchor or links, but this one is complicated to use and Joe may not want us to be posting links that way. It would post a word that is clickable to take you to another webpage.
The tags that are shown below the box are 'opening' tags and are what you would type in front of your word or phrase, to open the special text, so to speak, (leave no space between the tag and the first letter of your first word/s). Finish typing your word or phrase then 'close' by putting that same tag at the end except you will build it a little differently. You put a / (forward slash) in front of the tag letter (b,i or a) and after the < .
Only leave spaces between the words in your phrase, not between your tag and the first or last letter in the word or phrase.
Hope I've helped.
Public Information.. This is important. It speaks volumes of his character, do as I say not as I do.
I don't have a problem at all nor should anyone else with these expenses.
What they show is that Bob Culver is a very driven representative for the citizens of Wicomico county.
He shows motivation which should be commended.
It's easy for representatives to just show up at meetings and vote, but a real true representative goes outside the bubble of their comfort zone and brings back with them, a perspective and knowledge they wouldn't have, if they didn't take this opportunity to see what is going on at the state level.
I'm very impressed with Bob Culver and his dedication to those he serves. Too many elected officials can't be bothered to go the extra mile like he does.
I voted for him.
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