Is this true?http://sbynews.blogspot.com/2014/08/candidate-kirby-travers-disqualified.html If so, would you retire, or would the central committee get to appoint someone?
Travers for Wicomico County Council District 2 The charter language is open to interpretation. My hopes are to be successful in the election and then proceed with a court filing for interpretation. In no way am I proceeding with the intent to have the Central Committee fill the seat.
Direct Facebook link HERE.
Sue for what?
Hasn't there already been "opinion" after "opinion" on this? I'm pretty sure I am correct. Check with the state attorney general's office, something which Kirby if he's a thorough person should have done before filing.
This jumping in before doing his homework doesn't bode well for not only the position he is running for OR his current employment as an employee of a fire marshal's office.
This is not rocket science. If there is a question about your employment and holding an office prudent people check on this ahead of time. This guy is a complete doofus. And if they are playing games that's unethical and the last thing an investigatory agency like the fire marshal's office needs to have is someone unethical in their employment.
9:17 says "doofus" - that sounds about right.
Just another doofus who doesn't know horse hockey about what needs to be done BEFORE throwing his name out there to run for an election - only know what HE will change if he wins.
His changes would amount to diddly squat as he would have to follow rules and regs, There is a BIG different being on the outside looking in, complaining about the system, than on the inside looking out, changing the system.
This is a question for the MD State Ethics Commission and/or the Attorney General and NOT the courts. They decide on a case to case analysis. I imagine if it's denied then it could be taken to court but that is not the first step.
Fire Marshall what a joke!!
hopefully he wont get elected
He should lose both jobs on ethics violations.
Kirby is about as ignorant as Josh Hastings and Laura Mitchell. The only difference is Kirby isn't a Pet of the local Democrat Club.
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