Many local teachers disagree with positions taken by state and national levels of their organization, even though their dues are used for these endeavors.
Many local teachers feel those 'misspent' funds could/would/should be spent to improve their local conditions.
Their local elected leaders determined that disaffiliating from the state organization could be beneficial to local members.
This step is controversial. Some members have strong philosophical ties to state and national policies; others fear the change will undermine current conditions.
Local bylaws should govern when and how elected leadership can be changed during term of office. Breaking into the office, etc., etc. may not meet that test. Time will tell.
From the sidelines, it appeared that elected local leadership identified shortcomings in services provided by state unit and tried to get more comprehensive and responsive service. Judged state unit to be 'farming' them and made plans to consider going it alone locally. Shared the concept with the members and the dialogue began.
Not represented by WCEA; just have some teacher friends (none in the thick of it).
have the signatures been verified? If so by whom? Where is the vote from the membership. I also noticed on your "self appointed" board of directors that there is no elementary representation! As an elementary teacher I am very concerned that most of this "self appointed" BOD is from Mardela High School. They have no clue what goes on in an elementary school. What experience do any of you have since I only recognize one name on the entire list. Where have the rest of these folks been? Do they have any clue what has been going on for years between WCEA and MSEA? Have any of you been there to try to help bridge the gap that has form between the state and local associations? As a long standing member of the association I don't like what has been happening in Annapolis. I thought that MSEA was our voice in Annapolis but I am beginning to question that. When the economy went down the drain we agreed to let the state take 2% more from our paychecks so that we could keep the county out of our pensions. Guess what, the county is now involved with our pensions. Where did MSEA stand on that issue. Oh, that's right, they wanted fair share. That is more money for their pockets. Where was MSEA on Common Core? Oh, that's right, they saw the dollar signs coming from the feds. Ask yourself, where was MSEA when the county council cut the BOE 14 million dollars? Oh, they couldn't come down and help us with that but could demand that we increase our membership. Folks, we haven't seen a decent raise in years. The classroom assistants are working for around $5,000 less than Somerset and Worcester counties! The folks who feed all of our students are making about $2 per hour less than surrounding counties. This county can't keep computer techs because they can make more anywhere else. That is just a small example of what has been going on. When they asked for help from MSEA their suggestion was tell the classified to apply for Obamacare because the BOD insurance keeps going up every year.
Since you have put this out to the public did you let them know that MSEA is behind this new board of director?. I guess they are doing everything they can to keep from losing half a million dollars.
This self appointed board of directors can't think for themselves because they don't have any experience. Wait until MSEA turns on you. I hope you don't try to negotiate for fair share, that may just sway the membership into disassociating with MSEA.
I don't feel that this self appointed board of directors has the membership best interest. LET THE MEMEBERSHIP VOTE
Verify the signatures for sure. Ask each and every teacher w/a witness present if they in fact signed the petition. I speak from experience. When the employee union thing came up in OC I was adamant that I was NOT signing it. Well they did get enough signatures and it went to referendum at the next election. A few days before the election I get a call from some lady, reminding me about signing the petition and also reminding me to go and vote. I told her I didn't sign the petition and she insisted that I did. I told her I wanted her to send me a copy of where I signed and she hung up on me.
Wait till you see what O'Malley has done with your pension fund. 200 million this year, 200 million next year. I tell you this - when he leaves office he will have plundered the Teachers Pension Fund. And with the Teachers Pension Shift, he has devoured the School Teachers - Period. I truly do feel for your group. What a shame.
More than 700 WCEA members signed a recall petition and signed a petition naming the new people. That's much more than half of the membership that put their names to paper saying they'd had enough of Kelly Stephenson's dictatorial ways.
She'd ignored votes by the Representative Assembly, which has members from every school. She'd held secret meetings of the Board of Directors, inviting only supporters. She tried to ban opponents of her plans from using the WCBOE e-mail system by getting Dr Frederickson to take them off the e-mail system. So much for open dialogue, huh? Disagree with Kelly Stephenson, get your school e-mail taken away.
She's told so many lies it's hard to know were to begin. A quick internet search shows the "insurance company representative" she brought in was a union-busting lawyer from Michigan, who isn't even licensed in MD, and the insurance company she supposedly represented had never heard of her. I learned that from one of the pieces of MSEA information given out, thankfully. Seriouslt, google "Larae Munk" and see what you find. She doesn't think public school teachers should even have collective bargaining rights.
The new insurance policy Kelly pushed "that will be in YOUR name!" was a reimbursement policy that would require teachers to pay for all legal defense up front, and didn't cover anything if you got charged while breaking up a fight by a disgruntled parent. You'd have to pay for EVERYTHING out of pocket, with NO help from the "new" WCEA. And she couldn't even show us a complete copy of it. Friends I know asked her, and she said they were "still working on it." We're supposed to leave MSEA now for an insurance policy you're still working on? No way!
She needed to go, and 700 and some members made it happen. Good for them.
You teachers keep voting democrat!!you all get what you deserve...(sorry to ones who didnt) hows that change working for you now..hope you learned a valuable lesson..(no pun intended) never trust a progressive libtarded commie...i.e DEMOCRATS
so msea wins. just make sure the petitions are verified and the member vote goes in favor of msea and its over. if either of these things does not happen you will know it has been fixed
Hey 7:25 you need to get your facts straight. There were 2 petitions that went around to the schools when MSEA went to visit pushing their propaganda. There are not 700+ signatures on each petition. I doubt there are 700 altogether, but they have not been verified, checking the signatures to see if they are members. Some of the signatures you can't read and from one school there are 3 that have the same style of handwriting!!! The petitions didn't follow the bylaws that all members are to follow. MSEA has their own agenda you just can't see it. They will turn on you the same way they turned on the BOD, because they wouldn't adhere to MSEA's agenda. The BOD was only trying to offer its members a choice. The Gary Hammer gang just took over under MSEA direction. You are also mislead on the insurance. The local lawyer's office confirmed that members wouldn't be paying upfront, the insurance would be paying the lawyer. This seems to be a big trust issue and unless you have set foot in the WCEA office as a rep or BOD you have NO clue what you are talking about because you can only go on what other people have told you. It is your responsibility to educate yourself with all of the information that has been put out there. If you think that MSEA is telling the truth, Google University of Hawaii because their faulty disassociated from their state affiliate and see how they were feed the same scare tactics.
R.I.P. WCEA. You are now OWNED by MSEA. You WILL support the liberal agenda of MSEA, you Will support the candidates MSEA tells you to support, and you will send your money to Annapolis for MSEA to use as THEY see fit. And your dues will go up because it was very expensive for MSEA to send all of their paid employees to Wicomico county to fool all of you into thinking that taking control of your own destiny was a bad thing. And don't worry about the membership vote. MSEA doesn't think it is important for you to decide for yourselves how your organization should be run. MSEA will also not allow the petitions to be legally verified as is required by law because they are the law now.
Attention Teachers! At $17k per student in Wi County, that is $340k for a class of 20. You have a failure rate of 45%, so you graduate only 12 students, leaving the rest to rely on public assistance for the long term. You work 8 months of the year and take summertime jobs at the beach, and many of you have other private businesses. Oh, you also have free healthcare, a pension, and tenure. You chose the union, you chose common core, and with all of these benefits, you have complain about your situation? Try a real life in the world!
7:27. Another teacher hater. You truly are ignorant of the facts. Maybe the teachers that taught you should be fired. By the way who told you there was a 45% failure rate? Not true. But if you knew what was going on before you ran your mouth you would know that a lot of teachers in Wicomico county are trying to get away from the big union and bring accountability back to our schools. We are against common core. We want more accountability for our teachers. We want fair and righteous evaluation systems for our teachers. We want the BOE to stop wasting money and make our schools better. Maybe if the citizens would help instead of always complaining we could bring about some changes for the better in our schools.
folks you better wake up! MSEA thinks they have secured their half a million dollars from Wicomico county employees. The BOE is choosing sides with the weaker group. That is to their advantage! The recall call is a 6 step process. They illegally took over the WCEA office. The petitions are only step 1. It needs to be put to a VOTE by the ENTIRE membership not just a hand full of people! Please educated yourselves! Don't let MSEA dictate your future and take your money! As it stands right now, there is no one guarding the "hen house". Are you aware that a business rents an office in the WCEA office and they won't let the business owner have a key to the building! I guess MSEA doesn't have to honor a lease! I didn't know that they were above the law!
The WCEA members were tricked into allowing MSEA to steal their assets. I would be willing to bet they will tell the WCEA members that the illegal petition that has NOT been verified will be used INSTEAD of allowing the membership to vote on their own future. They also illegally fired a WCEA employee for doing her job. She had a contract with WCEA and will likely get unemployment now because she can't work any more. If you all can't see what is wrong with the way MSEA has taken advantage of WCEA members then maybe they should tell you how to live your life!
Did you all notice that MSEA had WCEA members do their dirty work. If a lawsuit comes out of this you can bet MSEA will excuse themselves from it. They don't want to get their hands dirty.
Joe, if you are truly a journalist and are committed to the Eastern Shore you would research this issue and present the truth to the people. I realize you are a busy person but isn't this what "news people" do? They have illegally taken over the local association and are backed by a large wealthy liberal union from Annapolis. This petition they have has been verified by NO ONE. They say they have removed the democratically elected board of directors and replaced them with a group of people that have not been elected, but rather were hand picked by the Annapolis union. This action affects several thousand Eastern Shore citizens. It affects our schools. If you really want to fight liberal politics, this is your chance.
Try disciplining 30 kids at one time without raising your voice, showing anger or placing a hand on any of them. Now try teaching them information they have no ability to learn and no interest in tackling. Then take the blame for their lack of attendance, intelligence and manners. Welcome to teaching!
Anonymous said... Joe, if you are truly a journalist and are committed to the Eastern Shore you would research this issue and present the truth to the people. I realize you are a busy person but isn't this what "news people" do? They have illegally taken over the local association and are backed by a large wealthy liberal union from Annapolis. This petition they have has been verified by NO ONE. They say they have removed the democratically elected board of directors and replaced them with a group of people that have not been elected, but rather were hand picked by the Annapolis union. This action affects several thousand Eastern Shore citizens. It affects our schools. If you really want to fight liberal politics, this is your chance.
April 20, 2014 at 9:42 AM
This is only news to people it affects like you. If you are so interested in it then do your own research. Joe is not here to do your dirty work.
Anonymous Anonymous said... Try disciplining 30 kids at one time without raising your voice, showing anger or placing a hand on any of them. Now try teaching them information they have no ability to learn and no interest in tackling. Then take the blame for their lack of attendance, intelligence and manners. Welcome to teaching!
Anonymous said... 7:27. Another teacher hater. You truly are ignorant of the facts. Maybe the teachers that taught you should be fired. By the way who told you there was a 45% failure rate? Not true. But if you knew what was going on before you ran your mouth you would know that a lot of teachers in Wicomico county are trying to get away from the big union and bring accountability back to our schools. We are against common core. We want more accountability for our teachers. We want fair and righteous evaluation systems for our teachers. We want the BOE to stop wasting money and make our schools better. Maybe if the citizens would help instead of always complaining we could bring about some changes for the better in our schools.
April 18, 2014 at 7:58 AM
why does someone who has a different opinion than you have to be a teacher hater?
you sound like that other jerk who calls people that disagree with him and calls cops out on their abuses a cop hater.
it seems to me you and him are the real haters. and bullies.
"Curiouser and Curiouser" ??
This is an intramural dispute.
Many local teachers disagree with positions taken by state and national levels of their organization, even though their dues are used for these endeavors.
Many local teachers feel those 'misspent' funds could/would/should be spent to improve their local conditions.
Their local elected leaders determined that disaffiliating from the state organization could be beneficial to local members.
This step is controversial. Some members have strong philosophical ties to state and national policies; others fear the change will undermine current conditions.
Local bylaws should govern when and how elected leadership can be changed during term of office. Breaking into the office, etc., etc. may not meet that test. Time will tell.
From the sidelines, it appeared that elected local leadership identified shortcomings in services provided by state unit and tried to get more comprehensive and responsive service. Judged state unit to be 'farming' them and made plans to consider going it alone locally. Shared the concept with the members and the dialogue began.
Not represented by WCEA; just have some teacher friends (none in the thick of it).
have the signatures been verified? If so by whom? Where is the vote from the membership. I also noticed on your "self appointed" board of directors that there is no elementary representation! As an elementary teacher I am very concerned that most of this "self appointed" BOD is from Mardela High School. They have no clue what goes on in an elementary school. What experience do any of you have since I only recognize one name on the entire list. Where have the rest of these folks been? Do they have any clue what has been going on for years between WCEA and MSEA? Have any of you been there to try to help bridge the gap that has form between the state and local associations? As a long standing member of the association I don't like what has been happening in Annapolis. I thought that MSEA was our voice in Annapolis but I am beginning to question that. When the economy went down the drain we agreed to let the state take 2% more from our paychecks so that we could keep the county out of our pensions. Guess what, the county is now involved with our pensions. Where did MSEA stand on that issue. Oh, that's right, they wanted fair share. That is more money for their pockets. Where was MSEA on Common Core? Oh, that's right, they saw the dollar signs coming from the feds. Ask yourself, where was MSEA when the county council cut the BOE 14 million dollars? Oh, they couldn't come down and help us with that but could demand that we increase our membership.
Folks, we haven't seen a decent raise in years. The classroom assistants are working for around $5,000 less than Somerset and Worcester counties! The folks who feed all of our students are making about $2 per hour less than surrounding counties. This county can't keep computer techs because they can make more anywhere else. That is just a small example of what has been going on. When they asked for help from MSEA their suggestion was tell the classified to apply for Obamacare because the BOD insurance keeps going up every year.
Since you have put this out to the public did you let them know that MSEA is behind this new board of director?. I guess they are doing everything they can to keep from losing half a million dollars.
This self appointed board of directors can't think for themselves because they don't have any experience. Wait until MSEA turns on you. I hope you don't try to negotiate for fair share, that may just sway the membership into disassociating with MSEA.
I don't feel that this self appointed board of directors has the membership best interest. LET THE MEMEBERSHIP VOTE
Is there an original article somewhere about this? Who has been replaced?
Verify the signatures for sure. Ask each and every teacher w/a witness present if they in fact signed the petition. I speak from experience. When the employee union thing came up in OC I was adamant that I was NOT signing it. Well they did get enough signatures and it went to referendum at the next election. A few days before the election I get a call from some lady, reminding me about signing the petition and also reminding me to go and vote. I told her I didn't sign the petition and she insisted that I did. I told her I wanted her to send me a copy of where I signed and she hung up on me.
More propaganda from the state association here? Dismantling sounds like a good idea?
Wait till you see what O'Malley has done with your pension fund. 200 million this year, 200 million next year. I tell you this - when he leaves office he will have plundered the Teachers Pension Fund. And with the Teachers Pension Shift, he has devoured the School Teachers - Period. I truly do feel for your group. What a shame.
WHEN WILL YOU ALL SUPPORT SCHOOL VOUCHERS SYSTEMS...appointed BOE is a bloated criminal system
More than 700 WCEA members signed a recall petition and signed a petition naming the new people. That's much more than half of the membership that put their names to paper saying they'd had enough of Kelly Stephenson's dictatorial ways.
She'd ignored votes by the Representative Assembly, which has members from every school. She'd held secret meetings of the Board of Directors, inviting only supporters. She tried to ban opponents of her plans from using the WCBOE e-mail system by getting Dr Frederickson to take them off the e-mail system. So much for open dialogue, huh? Disagree with Kelly Stephenson, get your school e-mail taken away.
She's told so many lies it's hard to know were to begin. A quick internet search shows the "insurance company representative" she brought in was a union-busting lawyer from Michigan, who isn't even licensed in MD, and the insurance company she supposedly represented had never heard of her. I learned that from one of the pieces of MSEA information given out, thankfully. Seriouslt, google "Larae Munk" and see what you find. She doesn't think public school teachers should even have collective bargaining rights.
The new insurance policy Kelly pushed "that will be in YOUR name!" was a reimbursement policy that would require teachers to pay for all legal defense up front, and didn't cover anything if you got charged while breaking up a fight by a disgruntled parent. You'd have to pay for EVERYTHING out of pocket, with NO help from the "new" WCEA. And she couldn't even show us a complete copy of it. Friends I know asked her, and she said they were "still working on it." We're supposed to leave MSEA now for an insurance policy you're still working on? No way!
She needed to go, and 700 and some members made it happen. Good for them.
You teachers keep voting democrat!!you all get what you deserve...(sorry to ones who didnt) hows that change working for you now..hope you learned a valuable lesson..(no pun intended) never trust a progressive libtarded commie...i.e DEMOCRATS
so msea wins. just make sure the petitions are verified and the member vote goes in favor of msea and its over. if either of these things does not happen you will know it has been fixed
Hey 7:25 you need to get your facts straight. There were 2 petitions that went around to the schools when MSEA went to visit pushing their propaganda. There are not 700+ signatures on each petition. I doubt there are 700 altogether, but they have not been verified, checking the signatures to see if they are members. Some of the signatures you can't read and from one school there are 3 that have the same style of handwriting!!! The petitions didn't follow the bylaws that all members are to follow. MSEA has their own agenda you just can't see it. They will turn on you the same way they turned on the BOD, because they wouldn't adhere to MSEA's agenda. The BOD was only trying to offer its members a choice. The Gary Hammer gang just took over under MSEA direction.
You are also mislead on the insurance. The local lawyer's office confirmed that members wouldn't be paying upfront, the insurance would be paying the lawyer. This seems to be a big trust issue and unless you have set foot in the WCEA office as a rep or BOD you have NO clue what you are talking about because you can only go on what other people have told you. It is your responsibility to educate yourself with all of the information that has been put out there. If you think that MSEA is telling the truth, Google University of Hawaii because their faulty disassociated from their state affiliate and see how they were feed the same scare tactics.
"Folks, we haven't seen a decent raise in years."
Hey BOZO April 17, 2014 at 12:15 PM who the Hell has seen a decent raise in years. Be glad you have a F*n job.
R.I.P. WCEA. You are now OWNED by MSEA. You WILL support the liberal agenda of MSEA, you Will support the candidates MSEA tells you to support, and you will send your money to Annapolis for MSEA to use as THEY see fit. And your dues will go up because it was very expensive for MSEA to send all of their paid employees to Wicomico county to fool all of you into thinking that taking control of your own destiny was a bad thing. And don't worry about the membership vote. MSEA doesn't think it is important for you to decide for yourselves how your organization should be run. MSEA will also not allow the petitions to be legally verified as is required by law because they are the law now.
Attention Teachers! At $17k per student in Wi County, that is $340k for a class of 20. You have a failure rate of 45%, so you graduate only 12 students, leaving the rest to rely on public assistance for the long term. You work 8 months of the year and take summertime jobs at the beach, and many of you have other private businesses. Oh, you also have free healthcare, a pension, and tenure. You chose the union, you chose common core, and with all of these benefits, you have complain about your situation? Try a real life in the world!
7:27. Another teacher hater. You truly are ignorant of the facts. Maybe the teachers that taught you should be fired. By the way who told you there was a 45% failure rate? Not true. But if you knew what was going on before you ran your mouth you would know that a lot of teachers in Wicomico county are trying to get away from the big union and bring accountability back to our schools. We are against common core. We want more accountability for our teachers. We want fair and righteous evaluation systems for our teachers. We want the BOE to stop wasting money and make our schools better. Maybe if the citizens would help instead of always complaining we could bring about some changes for the better in our schools.
folks you better wake up! MSEA thinks they have secured their half a million dollars from Wicomico county employees. The BOE is choosing sides with the weaker group. That is to their advantage! The recall call is a 6 step process. They illegally took over the WCEA office. The petitions are only step 1. It needs to be put to a VOTE by the ENTIRE membership not just a hand full of people! Please educated yourselves! Don't let MSEA dictate your future and take your money! As it stands right now, there is no one guarding the "hen house". Are you aware that a business rents an office in the WCEA office and they won't let the business owner have a key to the building! I guess MSEA doesn't have to honor a lease! I didn't know that they were above the law!
The WCEA members were tricked into allowing MSEA to steal their assets. I would be willing to bet they will tell the WCEA members that the illegal petition that has NOT been verified will be used INSTEAD of allowing the membership to vote on their own future. They also illegally fired a WCEA employee for doing her job. She had a contract with WCEA and will likely get unemployment now because she can't work any more. If you all can't see what is wrong with the way MSEA has taken advantage of WCEA members then maybe they should tell you how to live your life!
Did you all notice that MSEA had WCEA members do their dirty work. If a lawsuit comes out of this you can bet MSEA will excuse themselves from it. They don't want to get their hands dirty.
Joe, if you are truly a journalist and are committed to the Eastern Shore you would research this issue and present the truth to the people. I realize you are a busy person but isn't this what "news people" do? They have illegally taken over the local association and are backed by a large wealthy liberal union from Annapolis. This petition they have has been verified by NO ONE. They say they have removed the democratically elected board of directors and replaced them with a group of people that have not been elected, but rather were hand picked by the Annapolis union. This action affects several thousand Eastern Shore citizens. It affects our schools. If you really want to fight liberal politics, this is your chance.
Try disciplining 30 kids at one time without raising your voice, showing anger or placing a hand on any of them. Now try teaching them information they have no ability to learn and no interest in tackling. Then take the blame for their lack of attendance, intelligence and manners. Welcome to teaching!
Anonymous said...
Joe, if you are truly a journalist and are committed to the Eastern Shore you would research this issue and present the truth to the people. I realize you are a busy person but isn't this what "news people" do? They have illegally taken over the local association and are backed by a large wealthy liberal union from Annapolis. This petition they have has been verified by NO ONE. They say they have removed the democratically elected board of directors and replaced them with a group of people that have not been elected, but rather were hand picked by the Annapolis union. This action affects several thousand Eastern Shore citizens. It affects our schools. If you really want to fight liberal politics, this is your chance.
April 20, 2014 at 9:42 AM
This is only news to people it affects like you. If you are so interested in it then do your own research. Joe is not here to do your dirty work.
Hey BOZO April 17, 2014 at 12:15 PM who the Hell has seen a decent raise in years. Be glad you have a F*n job.
April 17, 2014 at 11:44 PM
that's right, you tell them. now that some action has been taken, keep it going and shake up other agencies.
This is only news to people it affects like you. If you are so interested in it then do your own research. Joe is not here to do your dirty work.
April 20, 2014 at 6:16 PM
dont fall off that horse. I doubt Joe needs you or anyone else to speak for him. especially not someone as rude and mean as you.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Try disciplining 30 kids at one time without raising your voice, showing anger or placing a hand on any of them. Now try teaching them information they have no ability to learn and no interest in tackling. Then take the blame for their lack of attendance, intelligence and manners. Welcome to teaching!
April 20, 2014 at 4:08 PM
did you have a point?
Anonymous said...
7:27. Another teacher hater. You truly are ignorant of the facts. Maybe the teachers that taught you should be fired. By the way who told you there was a 45% failure rate? Not true. But if you knew what was going on before you ran your mouth you would know that a lot of teachers in Wicomico county are trying to get away from the big union and bring accountability back to our schools. We are against common core. We want more accountability for our teachers. We want fair and righteous evaluation systems for our teachers. We want the BOE to stop wasting money and make our schools better. Maybe if the citizens would help instead of always complaining we could bring about some changes for the better in our schools.
April 18, 2014 at 7:58 AM
why does someone who has a different opinion than you have to be a teacher hater?
you sound like that other jerk who calls people that disagree with him and calls cops out on their abuses a cop hater.
it seems to me you and him are the real haters. and bullies.
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