The death of Trayvon Martin was a tragedy. Not just for his family, or for any one community, but for America. I know this case has elicited strong passions. And in the wake of the verdict, I know those passions may be running even higher. But we are a nation of laws, and a jury has spoken. I now ask every American to respect the call for calm reflection from two parents who lost their young son. And as we do, we should ask ourselves if we're doing all we can to widen the circle of compassion and understanding in our own communities. We should ask ourselves if we're doing all we can to stem the tide of gun violence that claims too many lives across this country on a daily basis. We should ask ourselves, as individuals and as a society, how we can prevent future tragedies like this. As citizens, that's a job for all of us. That's the way to honor Trayvon Martin.

DelMarVa's Premier Source for News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest Contact Publisher Joe Albero at or 410-430-5349
Sunday, July 21, 2013
President Obama Issues Statement on Zimmerman Ruling
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You should of stayed out of this. No need for you to start more issues. You already stirred the boiling cauldron to much no need to stir it anymore!
Let me give you my answer to that, Mr. Obama.
Yes, this was a tragedy for both involved. A cock-strong 17 yo making a bad decision when dealing with a legal person.
There needs to be a presence of such legal persons, as afforded to us by our God given 2nd Amendment rights. That way, when more cock-strong individuals decide to attempt thuggery on the righteous supporters of our nation's laws, their numbers will continue to be reduced.
This creates a self solving problem. When the thugs become aware that regular citizens are allowed their 2nd Amendment rights to carry and defend, the assaults will recede. Crime goes down.
There is history of this in many present day American cities. Look it up.
Well spoken
BO has a bigger handful with black on black violence. Travon Martin is one kid, how many more have died by the hands of their own race since this event. BO won't fess up to the very thing he should be addressing, and that is black on black violence that is worse than racism in this country.
...and im going to use his death to push my liberal anti gun agenda.
He didn't say anything about the 12 black people killed in Chicago this weekend. That's because they were killed by other black people.
Excuse me? Clearly Obama using this "sad" even to further his political agenda with regard to gun control. How about simply mentor your abandoned kids? I was a m ember of the Armed Forces who were assigned to riot control when King was killed. It was real ugly but people used the event as an excuse to legitimize how they reacted which was breaking the law and destroying other people's property (including that of themselves and neighbors). Killing someone wrongly breaks the law. Destruction of private property breaks the law. Civil distrust because you don't agree with a court's decision breaks the law.If you don't like the law, vote and work to change it. Unfortunately, challenging the basic process hurts everyone. Remember OJ? If you still have anger, take it out with the Sanford authorities and replace their elected officials but violence is never an option and it's not something a parent wants to instill their children because they could become the next "victim". This is a teaching moment. Take advantage of it.
"Honor Trayvon Martin"???????????????????
Honor a street thug?
I think not. Our Prez iz an idiot.
You see the political spin on this statement. He used the term "gun violence". There was no gun violence here. It's called gun protection. When a police officer uses his gun to stop a killer, is that gun violence?
Tragedy is sitting in white house.
This is NOT "gun violence"
This was thuggery violence.
Stopped dead in its tracks with a legally owned gun (pun intended).
This IS gun protection, pure and simple.
The statement "stem gun violence" was a political statement. There was no gun violence in this case. Obama and the liberal Democrats love to spin words, like changing the talking points on other issues. I suggest Mr. Obama walk the streets of West Chicago tonight with no bodyguards, who, by the way, carry guns. Give me a break!
Street thug is what both of them are. One is still living in DC. 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue
Whatever happened to innocent until proven guilty? Obama man should have stayed out of it. Addressing the rising black on black crime in gerneral would have made much more of an impact.
Hey, Obama, take a guess what "I" think about your opinion. I'll give you a hint. I respect it about as much as I respect those jackass actors and actresses who try to tell us how America should be run.
Allow me to give YOU a piece of MY advice. Try staying HOME in America and stop pissing away hundreds of millions of dollars for vacations while those people who helped you afford those trips at OUR expense while we sweat our tails off for some BS artist pisses away our money.
Leave our GUNS alone and bring our Troops HOME. Until then you can kiss my _ _ _.
The Court of Public Opinion has spoken.
4:21-You are so right. The real problem is that the government does not want the problem solved, therefore will never do what should be done. They need racial strife and criminals running rampant so idiots can look to government for comfort and protection. The problems will continue to get worse because that is what they need maintain their power.
Thank you Joe. Enough is enough with this idiot Obama and his cult followers. This Democratic movement has been a cult the the beginning. I hope things do not explode in this Country because of Obama's racial actions. It's nothing that white people want or wish for. But, when the push get's to shove, there will be some real serious problems. By the way, I'm black.
NO standing president should be speaking on any criminal trial--ever. It isn't his place to do so, it's prejudicial and inappropriate no matter his personal views. He has to be aware of his position and shut his MOUTH.
Anonymous said...
"Honor Trayvon Martin"???????????????????
Honor a street thug?
I think not. Our Prez iz an idiot.
July 14, 2013 at 5:42 PM
OUR Prez? You are sadly mistaken my friend!!
In other words, "Turn in your guns!"
I'd like to hear his remarks regarding a young black boy who rescued an 8 yo from abduction. He followed him for 15 min. on his bike after witnessing the "grab". (This was in Pennsylvania.) He deserves a lot of credit!
He's not my president that's for sure. I have standards and high expectations and he doesn't come anywhere meeting them. I would throw up if I had to breath the same air as him. He is below me.
If some are satisfied with his incompetence then that is their prerogative. As for myself I strived high and have a wonderful stress free life due to that.
Seriously, who care what he has to say? He's a loser- quintessential "ghetto" only difference is his suit. His advice, opinion is worthless.
You don't honor a dead person. Only alive people are honored. Dead people are memorialized. What a loser. Doesn't even know basic etiquette and protocol.
Will Obama complete his second four year term? Will he be impeached or does he already have too much dictatorial powers? Will he be killed like John F Kennedy? Will Obama serve more than two terms. He has the power now to do what he wants? Will we have another revolutionary war between the traditional constitutional citizens and the new dictator puppets and followers of the new world order? It is time to make your personal decision. Which side will you join?
Al Sharpton will kick Obama's ass if he doesn't get the DOJ involved.Eric Holder will hold him while Sharpton hits him.He better do what he's told!!
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