State Police say the estranged husband of 51-year-old Robin Pope called authorities over the weekend to say his wife had come to the home the two shared on Kent Island Friday night to pick up some things. They separated in December according to authorities.
Wayne Pope told police that he left the home when Robin Pope showed up and then returned on Saturday morning and she was not there.
He told police that her car was still in the driveway and her stuff was still in her vehicle.
Husband/x boyfriend.
Husbands are always the fall guy.
She shows up to get some of her things and he just leaves? Then he doesn't return to where HE lives till the next morning? I don't think so.
This case reminds me of the Parkside school teacher who was killed by her husband and he left her car at Walmart Parking lot.Seems strange to me I think he had something to do with it I could be wrong too!
1:17-Good point.These cases do appear to be similar.
Don't get involved with a woman without a contract to protect your self.
Like 1:16 wrote, no way in the world any husband allows his estranged wife into the house and leaves while she is removing items. Way it went down, guarantee it. She showed up to get some items. Discussion initiated by the husband turns into a fight. Wife is seriously injured or murdered at the house. The reason the husband left was to take the wife's body for a dumping. Turns out dog was simply left outside and, because of cold weather and the cancer it had, died.
Duh,,,,,He is the primary suspect. Question is, is he stupid enough to have done it, and confess to it.
Kinda sounds like husband is covering up something...or shes on drugs bad and took off or got involved with wrong peps ...however some of these guys are extremly controlling selfess losers and no way he was going to allow her to take anything out of the house he now occupied..she left? Or kicked out? Or left for safety reason?
Now they are saying the dog did not die from trauma. She had some kind of tumors. I wonder if Mrs Pope wasn't at the home because the dog was in bad shape and maybe the story the husband is telling isn't quite true about coming to get some of her things. I guess it could all be a coincidence that the dog dies in the same time frame that Mrs Pope disappears.
What stranger would go up to a dog that size unless they knew him and beat it to death.
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