Leave it to the Daily Times to tout Jim Ireton constantly. A recent article boldly proclaims “Salisbury Mayor Ireton delegate at DNC in Charlotte” as if it were terribly important for us to know that he is there as an Obama delegate. Although most of the report focuses on the O'Malley circus at the DNC, it quotes Ireton praising both Obama and O'Malley – the two persons primarily responsible for the blight in Salisbury, with Ireton and Barrie Tilghman tied for third place. By the way, she was the last Salisbury mayor to attend a Democrat national convention.
Are you beginning to see what's wrong in Salisbury?
Ireton should be here in Salisbuury explaining to taxpayers why our police department has been under funded for so long? If there is a need, and there is a surplus, it's his fault the department remains under funded. True public safety in not on Ireton's political agenda, and this proves it.
Did the Daily Times report on any of the local Delegates that attended the RNC in Tampa? I don't think I saw anything? Can someone correct me if I am wrong please.
Wasn't Barrie Tilghman turned down as a delegation hopeful?
At least they didn't praise that nasty Laura Mitchell woman again.
One day all these liberal's will wake up and say Geez, was I really supporting that Marxist?
DID TAX PAYERS of Salisbury pay for him and Mitchell to attend???
Can't believe the city is now going after the homeless located in Industrial Park on corner of Windsor and Hartford. Sign posted today by City. Don't they have better things to do than kick the homeless while they're down. Yes, you know they're there but the area is no worse off than many other areas around town. Go see for yourself. Find something better to do like bring in jobs or pay the homeless to clean up other problem areas like the state uses inmates. Do something..
Lets think about this folks...Ireton is a memeber of the teachers union, he's gay, and you've seen what's his budgets look like. Is it any wonder that he would be one of Obama's delegates? And O'Malley....he screws around more than slick Willy!
Red-faced mayor pointing a finger and yelling accusations.
Yes, that's Salisbury's own, Little Jimmy Ireton.
Yeah, sure, the taxpayers are paying for his trip. Because he would be able to get away with that SO easy. You people are idiots.
It is the taxpayers money, but it is true that Ireton and Tilghman both forced city employees to be furloughed, take pay cuts, do more work, froze positions and raised their health insurance all the while claiming the city was broke, when actually we've seen surpluses EVERY YEAR!!!
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