Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "OK Mayor Ireton, Let's Talk About Your Priorities":
Anonymous said... 1:07 makes an excellent point. The voters are being denied transparency when the mayor refused to answer the council's questions.
September 9, 2012 5:25 PMIreton's Wiki Bio talks about his transparency platform. Typical Democrat lies.
James (Jim) P. Ireton, Jr. is an American politician, who was elected the mayor of Salisbury, Maryland in a municipal election on April 7, 2009.
Ireton assumed office on April 20, 2009. He is the city's first openly gay mayor.
[1]Ireton was elected with 58% of the vote, while his opponent Gary Comegys earned 41% of the vote. There were 2,647 votes cast in the election, 21% of the registered voters in Salisbury, MD.
Ireton ran on a platform of transparency in government, reducing crime, cleaning up the Wicomico River, and revitalizing Salisbury neighborhoods.
[2]Ireton's office has three goals which guide their work: improving neighborhood integrity, crime reduction, and improving the health of the Wicomico River.
Is Ireton really gay! I always wondered but never really knew.
What is the purpose of this post? You are nothing but a homophobe. Do you really think this kind of crap will play to the public? The real public not your 6 moron followers. It won't, you will see. Once the real public get a load of your uneducated twisted past you are done. You aren't fooling anyone. You are sick.
His mental condition is enough for me to never vote for him again.
anonymous 5:41, GOOD.
I guess we'll both have some explaining to do then, won't we.
So let me see, I'm the sick one, eh? Let's see, I'm married. I have children. I have Grandchildren. I own several properties/homes. I have no debt. Yeah, I guess your right. In a LIBERALS eyes I must be one sick puppy having to actually EARN my way of life.
I disagree with Obama, I must be a racist too, right? Is that all you leaches have?
You omitted the most significant thing about Ireton:
He's an Obamanista!
I'll add, 2,647 people voted in the last election.
Be very scared because Jim Ireton will lose this election bigger than anyone ever has in the past.
You can get WBOC, WMDT and the Daily Times behind Ireton and he'll still lose by a massive amount.
Game Over Chuck.
I won't vote for a gay. Their moral character is corrupt and disagrees with mine. Period. This is not a "homophobic" comment, either. People who choose this lifestyle are choosing basically suicide by disease or just plain axtinction by lack of a means to reproduce. To allow them to adopt and indoctrinate a child into the same beliefs is a sin against God.They have no right to make a decision for me or represent me in any fashion. It's really that simple. I am a hetersexual male who married and produced another generation; not that there's anything heroic about that either. I've done it responsibly and worked for and paid for it all my life. This attitude cannot be represented to anyone in the worls by a gay. S.I.M.P.L.E.
jimbo looks like a kid in the candy store.. what a discrace of man!
I really believe you will win, it is a shame you had to stoop to this level. You can see by the comments above just what negative, hateful stuff you brought out.
I must have missed the part that rose to the inflammatory accusation of homophobe on the part of 5:41.
Notice the aggravated, vicious and militant tone of 5:41 defending deviant behavior, poor policy decisions, and fraudulent claims of success in the face of dismal failure.
Kind of mirror's the Obama party platform huh? Polish a turd long enough for the MSM to spin it and sell it to the public.
LOL! Yup, 5:41 attended seminars in Charlotte!
A picture of health , HIV positive at its best.
anonymous 6:27, To be very frank, do you really think the MAJORITY of citizens support your statement?
I did not make the comments, for starters. Secondly, telling the TRUTH is stooping to such a level.
Here we have a Mayor who traveled to Annapolis to support gay marriage. He'sopenly expressed in a gay magazine he's the first openly gay Mayor of Salisbury.
Just because we have openly exposed such information does NOT make us the bad guy.
IF Jim Ireton is proud to be gay, LET HIM SAY AND DO SO PUBLICLY. I will proudly introduce my Wife, Children and Grandchildren. Do YOU have a problem with that, or does that make me SICK too?
How dare anyone say the Mayor's priorities aren't transparent? "
A picture is worth a thousand words." It seems some people's abominations, (I mean priorities), are absolutely transparent!
This post makes no sense. It's a bunch of unrelated words strung together. This is just an excuse to post a picture of Ireton with a bunch of men. You're a bigot.
The one dude has a speedo on, right in Jimbo's face.
Great post Joe. It proves that Jim Ireton is gay, but more than anything it proves he ran on a platform of transparency. It proves he LIED just to get elected. Thank you for proving this to the public. Jim Ireton I want my vote back!
Anonymous said...
What is the purpose of this post? You are nothing but a homophobe. Do you really think this kind of crap will play to the public? The real public not your 6 moron followers. It won't, you will see. Once the real public get a load of your uneducated twisted past you are done. You aren't fooling anyone. You are sick.
September 10, 2012 5:41 PM
Rut Roh! Joe hit a soft spot!
Homophobia at its best. What difference does it make who he sleeps with? Keep up the good work Joe, I will see you at the debates.
Ha ha. Axtinction. Hetersexual. What an educated bunch. LMAO.
Joe, I just can't wait until you are out by yourself and not hiding behind someone. When we do cross paths someone could get hurt. I'll bet you will look really good with a black eye, a broken nose and a split lip.
PU$$Y said...
Joe, I just can't wait until you are out by yourself and not hiding behind someone. When we do cross paths someone could get hurt. I'll bet you will look really good with a black eye, a broken nose and a split lip.
September 10, 2012 9:46 PM
I have a feeling you are the one doing the hiding.
Hey Folks, WTH.... Your looking a picture (not photoshopped) and then bashing Joe? Sorry, whatever you see in the picture, just might be true. Upset you?, well....truth hurts. What did Jimmy say he went to the DNC for, oh something like "support same sex marrage, labor, and Obama, nuf said!
Looks like Ireton finally found some friends. As for you Joe, you hit some nerves because they know you will beat Ireton without even trying. Go for it!!
I don't care who the mayor is I know he is crappy at his job and has cost me and other tax payers way more money than he should have. He rose to his highest level of failure so far but I believe he wants to go higher in politics. Sexuality is not an issue he has completely failed at what he said was his direction and continued to show he is a useless politician.
I have the feeling Joe would kick the crap out of whomever sent that message.
God Forbid anyone mention Jim's sexuality. His own party challenges God himself. Why, because he's not accepted.
What is this the chubby gut club? They all seem so soft and flabby.
Never liked Ireton much, all the way back to his original teaching days. Posts like these only demonstrate the truth about all politicians. When it comes down to it, all the same, rather than moving forward let's waste a couple years pointing out everybody else's "flaws" and create a hate parade. It really is ugly.
Who else is on the ballot?
Jim Ireton didn't run on a platform of transparency, so there's a lie right there.
If he did, there's another lie since he wouldn't answer a question about the surplus that all of us had a right to know.
S my daughter had him as a teacher a few years back..saw this picture (she doesn't know the controversy surrounding him as mayor), and said.."Wow Mom..Mr. Ireton looks like he is actually having fun! He never smiled much before."
I now wonder if ireton had mitchell to suggest to have God removed from our city council meetings? We all know that Jimmy has both, God and mommy issues.
Looks to me like they are having a gay old time.
By now he's left his friends behind.
Anonymous said...
I don't care who the mayor is I know he is crappy at his job and has cost me and other tax payers way more money than he should have. He rose to his highest level of failure so far but I believe he wants to go higher in politics. Sexuality is not an issue he has completely failed at what he said was his direction and continued to show he is a useless politician.
September 10, 2012 10:21 PM
Oh you are so wrong. Sexuality is a major issue.
Anonymous said...
I now wonder if ireton had mitchell to suggest to have God removed from our city council meetings? We all know that Jimmy has both, God and mommy issues.
September 11, 2012 11:29 AM
That is a very good point!
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