As if we don't have enough Section 8, Affordable Subsidized Housing Units in Salisbury, eh?
Well, here's a list for you. We have PLENTY of units all over the City, yet Ireton wants to slam taxpayers with the Bricks and ALL Downtown Parking Lots and add more than 500 more units Downtown.
You have to ask yourself, why aren't you seeing any of this on WBOC, WMDT or the Daily Times?????? Why is the Chamber of Commerce telling people that the subsidized housing units in Downtown are for Police Officers, Firefighters and Teachers, when that is a complete lie?????
Some people will say ANYTHING to get certain projects through, then it all changes from there. I, Joe Albero, will NEVER pull this kind of crap on the Public. You'll simply get the TRUTH for the first time in many years.
You take a good hard look at the information about and STOP letting the Daily Times spew special agenda information down your throats. Do tell me, how many of YOU live in housing units that only cost $300.00 a month, or so? Yeah, must be nice, eh!
I have spoken to some developers that say they love holding these kind of units because they can always count on a check every month. It may not be a lot of money but it sure does tell you what they CAN afford to get per month, instead of what they DO charge to others.
That being said, we do NOT need more.
UPDATE: According to these documents alone there are 1,296 units in Salisbury. Some units are $90.00 to $250.00 a month.
Kind of reminds me of when developers cry about development fees like it's going to change the price of anything.
Regardless of the costs to develop, they will always charge as much as the market will bare. If a unit costs $150,000 and can sell for $180,000, are they going to cut a deal? No!
If it costs $160,000 because $10,000 in fees get added on, and the market still prices it at $180,000, the developer will absorb the fee and profit a little less.
Could it make or break some marginal development? Sure it could. But those are projects that the market doesn't really need at the time.
We need affordable housing for people that don't qualify for section 8. There is no affordable housing outside the ghetto for people not on welfare.
I should quit my job get a divorce and just have 3 or 4 kids. All my problems are solved.
Jim wants to destroy this town before he is voted out!
Teachers, police and firemen earn 40K, or in close proximity to it, as starting pay. How will those incomes match up to the subsidy eligibility charts?
Dubious that many would even qualify for the subsidy.
Teachers I know 1) generally own homes, 2) may rent as new hires but once settled opt to rent out of the city or in nicer complexes.
Now if they were aiming for folks who are employed by DT in regular jobs (the few remaining) they would be on target for low wages.
Really, really poor idea to housing downtown, except perhaps above viable commercial properties, aka private, unsubsidized development.
Is this what America is becoming. A Nation of people so dependent on the government they don't do anything for themselves anymore? I glad I taught my children different.
I bet they will be busing them to the polls this year and telling them who to vote for as well. We are no longer the majority.
What about jobs Mr Mayor? What exactly is he doing to lure decent paying jobs to Salisbury?
This is where his priorities need to be.
I have pretty much given up on America, anyone have a boat we can just drive into the middle of the ocean to look for our next land to settle on? As long as their is big money our government will line thier pockets.
jobs? the people living in these projects don't want jobs! They just want the government to take care of them while they lay around do drugs and breed!
Up yours Jim Ireton. I'm voting for Joe.
As a Chamber of Commerce member I did hear through Brad Gillis that the affordable housing was for teachers, school teachers and fire fighters. Thank you Joe for straightening that out. There is a special group in the Chamber that is tight with the mayor but to flat out lie to us is shameful. I will spread the word, especially to Brad.
Joe - Where does the City Adm John Pick stand on this? Does he support the strategy for the city being involved in supporting additional Section 8 housing and the mayor's revitalization plan? Does his role in the city give him any duty to participate in this decision making process?
Why give the mayor all of the credit doesn't he have others who have been involved in creating this strategy?
For teachers, fire fighters and policemen-What a crock!
Like anyone is going to believe that nonsense.
anonymous 3:05, first of all, John Pick doesn't work for me, yet. Secondly, call him yourself and ask.
anonymous 3:20, Trust me, the Chamber had quite a few people believing that BS.
The mayor, chamber and others in favor of this plan need to show us where this plan has worked in a city with similiar demographics as Salisbury. Salisbury and more importanly the tax payers do not need another experiment such as the WWTP.
Even if someone built section 8 housing downtown,who in their right mind would build anything other than a Royal Farms or something of the sort.
The Daily Times should be talking to Palmer Gillis and the other downtown merchants and see what their opinion is of the mayor's idea.
Palmer and the guy that opened the deli, and next, Luna restaurant, those are the people investing in the plaza and their opinion should be sought out by the media. They are the ones putting up the money without even being asked what else needs to be done to increase business and jobs.
Everyone else is just a bunch of talk, at least there are a few actually doing more than holding press conferences about nothing.
12:25, You bring up an excellect point, and I'd like to address it, if I may.
Anonymous said...
We need affordable housing for people that don't qualify for section 8. There is no affordable housing outside the ghetto for people not on welfare.
August 13, 2012 12:25 PM
Thank you for being so blunt about this, and I wish to be equally blunt in my response to your statement.
Your income taxes (or a portion of) that are withheld out of your paycheck each week pay to make up the difference between what the landlord needs from each apartment, say $1,000 a month, from what each rent payer pays, say $250 a month. So, by you working, a lot of your taxes taken from you at the end of the week pay to cover the other $750 that the section 8 renter is not paying. Does your money cover the whole $750? Oh, of course not! There are people whose "job" it is now all day long to "process" these taxes and payments. Let's just call them "skimmers". They have to skim about $200 off the top to pay their bills. After all, this keeps them busy all day every day and keeps them from working a productive job, so they've got to make ends meet, too.
So it will not only take a lot of your co-workers' income taxes to pay 3/4 of the section 8 peoples' rent and the skimmers, but many other workers across town as well. In fact, it will take about ten to twelve job holders to support each section 8 renter,
This reduces your income to a point that brings you to your question of the day. "I make so little I need section 8 housing, but I don't want to live in a ghetto!" PLEASE THINK ABOUT THIS FOR A MOMENT, AND LET IT SINK IN.
Now you want a NICE apartment away from that, that is better that theirs, that you will not own and neither will any of your neighbors, for less than market value, (the landlord still needs his thousand, and will go to the government to get it if you cannot pay, so fill out this form along with your lease)that you did not work hard for because most of its value is given to you, and it's all because some ba$tards across town take money out of your check every week that they don't deserve. NOT ONLY THAT, now all your neighbors are doing the same thing to your paycheck because they are in section 8, too! DAMN!
NOW, your workload is tripled, your pay is cut in half, ALL BECAUSE OF THOSE ROTTEN BA$TARDS ACROSS TOWN, and worse yet, your own neighbors!
What are you going to do next. Hmmmmm. I know, F__K the rest of them, You'll just quit working, make a bunch of babies, and get $ for each one every week like everybody else is doing!
Congratulations, You have just done yout part to become a slave to the Government, who will tell you what little pittance you deserve, because there are so few working, there is not enough to so around and you have to give your share to the "children".
So, how's life treating you now? No car, no freedom, if you had a bike it would get stolen by a neighbor or the 'hood across town where you didn't want to live in the first place. Everybody quit working, so the factory moved to another state or country, so there are no jobs even if you wanted to reverse the path you wished so badly for. There is nothing to strive for anymore. Your only hope of breaking free is to go into an illicit retail market, but the cops patrol your hood 24-7, and you'll just get caught someday, over and over again.
Future America. Keep on wishing for that "affordable housing away from a ghetto". You may just "get it" some day.
Joe Lunchbox,
Anytown, USA
Anonymous said...
As a Chamber of Commerce member I did hear through Brad Gillis that the affordable housing was for teachers, school teachers and fire fighters. Thank you Joe for straightening that out. There is a special group in the Chamber that is tight with the mayor but to flat out lie to us is shameful. I will spread the word, especially to Brad.
August 13, 2012 2:46 PM
I can assure you police officers, firefighters and teachers don't want to live in the Ghetto, also known as the City of Salisbury. This is nothing more than a bait and switch tactic.
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