If you did not attend or watch last night's meeting of the Salisbury City Council, let me explain why Greg Bassett's butt must be raw and aching today. In an unemotional and articulate statement - interrupted at one point by Laura Mitchell - Ms. Cohen set the record straight about the outrageous manner in which the Gannett Daily Times has misrepresented if not deliberately distorted her comments in regard to Ireton's plan for downtown.
Because we will try to post an audio or video of her remarks, I won't quote from them. In complete detail, she discussed the erroneous quotations attributed to her as well as the ridiculous and false assertions by Ireton.
As another speaker pointed out in the public comment portion of the meeting, the Daily Times has now abandoned any remaining vestige of journalistic objectivity and become a highly partisan and dangerous “player” in Salisbury politics with this latest blatent editorial effort to smear Ms. Cohen and the other majority members of the Council.
Kudos to Ms. Cohen for giving the Daily Times a well deserved public thrashing.
That was Tim Meagher that spoke out at the meeting and kudos to him. Good grief I never ever thought I'd see him at a city meeting. This is just how bad the local media is, people are biting back and it's about time some new heads commented on this foolishness.
I hope you post the audio or video Joe, I saw it on PAC-14 but would love to hear that spanking all over again.
I will never understand why the Mayor turned on Ms Cohen. Laura Mitchell is the last person I would want to team up with.
LOVE HER. Liked her when I met her and she's only gotten better. She's a thoughful woman with class in politics. Rara avis.
If the mayor's plan is so popular how come there weren't people at the meeting last night voicing their approval of it? There wasn't even one person.
Both the public comment speakers at last nights meeting were great and made very valid points.
These people are representative of the views of most residents. Everyone including those who like the mayor are very suspious of the parking lots surplus angle because everyone feels that angle should be a wait and see if we need the parking before doing anything rash such as selling them off.
As far as the DT's-they are not worth anyone's time anymore. I've not read there since they pulled Debbie Campbell's letter months ago. Bassett and Co has no one to blame but themselves for their falling numbers. The people are alot more intelligent than Bassett could ever hope to be and will not be fooled for very long.
If that hotshot that Gannett has just sent here from NY has any smarts, Bassett's butt will be bounced out of the door at the DT as soon as possible. He hasn't changed since he was in high school, when I first met him in class.
She's got my vote -- including for Mayor!
That man who made the public comment was unreal -- he seemed to be defending Ireton, who is the root cause of the situation.
That's a good question, "where were all the people that signed the petition when they had a chance to speak to the council face to face?"
The so-called MSM is quoted saying that Ireton and Mitchell had over 400 signatures. Not one could come to a council meeting? Now that is what you call a farce Jimmy boy!
Thanks for this post -- and your blog. Salisbury's mainstram media is the worst possible, both newspaper and broadcast.
And congrats to Ms. Cohen for standing up to them.
11:08 AM:
Amen to your first sentence!
The DT's blatant and everyday violations of its own code of ethics in reporting over the past ten years should be sufficient reason in itself. Joe Carmean and Sarah Lake were thrown under the bus (not that they shouldn't have been)but the bus keeps on rolling with the same power-drunk driver at the wheel.
Exactly 11:29. It makes no sense that the person who allowed and condoned the bias, irresponsible one sided reporting to fester hasn't been shown his walking papers. His respect level as a journalist is non existant. His honesty level is highly questionable. He singlehanded allowed and encouraged the inept reporting which caused the reputation of the DT's to spiral downhill.
Anonymous said...
I will never understand why the Mayor turned on Ms Cohen. Laura Mitchell is the last person I would want to team up with.
July 10, 2012 10:42 AM
It's all about towing the Party line. Ireton and Michell, both delegates to the Reelect Obama campaign, look for bigger elected or appointed titles in the wake of a win. This is not what our city business needs or deserves - their petty obstructionist whining and finger pointing will continue to tear us down.
"...but the bus keeps on rolling with the same power-drunk driver at the wheel."
Well put! Mr. Bassett is the place where the buck stops. He should be put off the bus for the years of slanted, damaging "news" printed under his guidance.
Great post title!
Will Greg Bassett have the stones and go before the council with his side of the story? Or, will he use Gannett to defend his tyrannical oliarchy?
Oligarchy (from Greek ὀλιγαρχία (oligarkhía); from ὀλίγος (olígos), meaning "a few", and ἄρχω (archo), meaning "to rule or to command")[1][2][3] is a form of power structure in which power effectively rests with a small number of people. These people could be distinguished by royalty, wealth, family ties, education, corporate, or military control. Such states are often controlled by a few prominent families who pass their influence from one generation to the next.
Throughout history, some oligarchies have been tyrannical, relying on public servitude to exist, although others have been relatively benign. Aristotle pioneered the use of the term as a synonym for rule by the rich,[4] for which the exact term is plutocracy, but oligarchy is not always a rule by wealth, as oligarchs can simply be a privileged group, and do not have to be connected by bloodlines as in a monarchy.
I was there, in support of Bateman ordinance, last night and didn’t know anything about the pending resolution.
I listened, watched, and was very impressed with Ms. Cohen’s words. Ms, Cohen spoke with authority and kept her composure. Very matter of fact, to the point, and sincere!!! I voted for her and would vote for her again (can’t because I moved out of the city, to Wicomico county). Ms. Cohen reaffirmed my belief that some citizen are willing to do the peoples work, do it well, and with class.
If Ms Cohen was to decide to run for mayor, would you still run?
If Terry Cohen chose to run for Mayor at ANY point and time I would be honored to step down.
Stop buying the Daily Times. Stop buying products from their advertisers. Lets show them what we're capable of.
Wow Joe that is a heck of a statement to make, "If Terry Cohen chose to run for Mayor at ANY point and time I would be honored to step down!"
Joe, that just proves you are not in this for personal or political gain, but in this to make us proud of our city again. Thank you
If Terry Cohen hasen't proven herself to ANY of the citizens in Salisbury I don't know what else to say.
I stated in my very first announcement that I did in fact speak to Terry BEFORE I made any announcement of my intent to run. She stated she did not want to run for Mayor.
That being said, IF Terry Cohen were to change her mind I'd be honored to step aside and throw my full support her way.
The difference, Terry Cohen doesn't have the NEED to have her name on every project. Terry would recognize any and all citizens that helped create moves in the right direction, not that every one needs to be recognized, she'd offer to do so.
Terry, as council president, has been over the top fair to this Mayor by allowing him to speak as a citizen and then actually represent himself as the Mayor. She has never gaveled him down and has proven to be the better person each time. I can tell you this. I would NEVER have answered my door to WMDT recently. Terry is just a good natured person who is smarter than the average bear. I'm honored to call Terry my Friend and I'll be the first to admit I learn a lot from Terry.
That being said, don't think for a second we have any sort of blooming friendship. We disagree a LOT! That being said, we have ALWAYS walked away grom each and every disagreement as friends and have never taken anything personally. We agree to disagree and we move on. AARE YOU LISTENING JIMMY?
I can't say I have a similar friendship with Shanie or Laura but I have never held a grudge.
Salisbury is in desperate need of new leadership. While I am confident Terry is not interested in running for Mayor, I hope to be that answer for the citizens. I have put it in writing far too often. I will not point fingers or blame. I will not throw fits. I will not call spiteful press conferences. I will be the professional you elected me to be and we will move forward.
I will not ask for any kind of endorsement from ANY of the Council Members, nor would I ever expect one. Each Council Member is aware, I either EARN your vote or I simply do not get elected.
Reliable sources say that in fact Ms. Cohen is running, no defense Joe she will win hands down regardless. In our minds she is the most respected, tactful and qualified.
anonymous 1:13, I strongly suggest yo call Mrs. Cohen and ask her for yourself. I'm absolutely confident she'll give you an honest answer and NOT a rumor.
"Reliable sources say..."
I don't think so. They might wish it, though, as do many of us.
I can't stop buying the Daily Slime now -- I did that years ago.
I would like to know who those "reliable sources" are because I have talked to Ms. Cohen a number of times and she has said "no."
Somebody is fishing. It explains why Ireton has been beating her up since Day 1.
Mitchell is a bully, too.
There was a Council meeting last night? Huh...Not one word about it in the Daily Times or either TV station. I guess the results didn't fit their agenda.
Mitchell is just a downright nasty person. What a nag
The Times is printed in Wilmington now. Any late night news doesn't get in because deadlines are earlier.
I did tune in to that when I found it streaming on the PAC14 site. Terry had taken off the gloves and was handing the DT their rectums! Professional, to the point, accurate in detail, and hard fisted!
Thank you, MS. Cohen, for fighting for truth, justice, and the American Way!
By the book and with respect is how I have seen Ms Cohen work for some years. If you want to cut corners there will be no excuse to not do the right thing. I respect and can have no higher words of praise for her. In some other terms
I stopped in the rest area near the Va. line recently. They had newspaper vending machines there.
The dumb times was 1.00 and had papers in it.
The Balt. Sun was .50 and empty.
What does that tell you?
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