There's been a major accident on the overpass on Naylor Mill Road. Looks like a fatality. Naylor Mill Rd., Business Rt. 50 & Log Cabin Roads will be closed down for quite some time.
UPDATE: Salisbury News has been told there could be two fatalities in this accident.
I saw that crash. It looked very bad. I really wish the people in charge of making the plans for these roads would actually take into the consideration of what the driver views are. It is really hard to see oncoming vehicles when turning from the off ramp of 50 bypass. The scene did not look good but I will still pray hard for them.
I use this every work day it very hard see everything poorly designed ,but what the hey that's what you get when state people are involved they are not the brightest people that's why they work for the state
This was build on Bubba Comagees watch!
agreed with 130pm
this is a horribly designed intersection.
It truly is a poorly designed intersection. When passing over RT50 I slow down to about 20mph because side traffic can't see you. This is a place where you practice defensive driving.Whomever has the right of way makes no difference. Dead is dead!
I hate this intersection more than any other in this county. It is a death trap.
Hey 1:30... Did you hear or watch the news story about the Royal Farms intersection? The person (or persons) in charge of making these decisions said that they were going to wait for more accidents to happen to determine if traffic signals are really necessary there!! Can you believe it?? I live near these intersections and came up on todays crash just after in happened and I am disgusted with their thoughts on when and where signals are needed!
Even the best designed intersections still rely on human judgement,,,
How come the local news is not on this. This is a major thouroghfare from RT 50 to RT 13.
You can't see if you don't look. RIP
2:09 you are correct that was said ,the state of Maryland doe hire the brightest people around ,start with the leader.
I travel down Naylor mill road almost everyday as I live just off of North West road. People that exit off of the bypass usually never stop and look for traffic approaching or if they do it is only a slight tap of the brakes. I can count at least four times in the last month that I have had to hit my brakes due to someone running that stop sign. What also does not help is that traffic traveling down Naylor mill road is usually breaking the speed limit by as much as 10MPH over. How about the county placing one of those speed cameras in the area? Then at the very least they could catch the accident on a still photo.
Naylor Mill still shut down at the bypass -both directions- at 4PM.
Most of the intersections designed in the last 20 years, especially around the bypass, have been killers: exit onto 13 south of the mall; the cluster of access points on 50; then they've come up with the brilliant idea that it's safer to go one more crossover and do a U-Turn than it is to just cross and turn (try getting back to Naylor Mill today with the overpass closed). Hard to believe our tax dollars are used for such stupidity.
4:29 Its not hard to believe our tax dollars are wasted when you have an incompetent Governor like we have.
well guess what they knew this before they built the bypass that it was not safe....perhaps they were just testing the waters to see if they needed to do some amending? Just saying!
its a said day for both families however, we should be preventing not waiting for these things to happen.
This intersection could be improved if the trees were cut down on the inside of the turn to gain some visibility to approaching traffic....I've considered cutting them down myself after having several close calls there.
Even the best designed intersections still rely on human judgement,,,
July 6, 2012 2:09 PM
Correct. But the sad fact is, no one either has or uses good judgement.
If people can't or won't drive safely and courteously, they will be thinned from the herd.
It sounds crass I know but, it is what it is.
It's sad if anyone had to die but, at least one person made a bad judgement call.
The vehicles nor the intersection made the collision happen. It was human error by at least one person, maybe more.
EVERY 'accident' is preventable. Including this one.
Really?! How about our sympathies to the family members who have lost loved ones today?! Instead of all this complaining about the roads!!!!
Also: There are no bad roads - bad drivers who are talking on phone, texting and driving too fast and not wanting to stop at stop signs and etc. So put the blame, where it lies on yourself- NOT the roads!!!!!
It took years to build that Royal Farms there but the idiots at SHA did nothing to plan for it!Its going to be the same thing at Dykes road and S. Division when the new college apartments are built!
Have they released the names of the deceased yet? Feel sorry for the families involved.
You are talking about cops right?
And people are agnist speed cameras, to bad we can't put them on the bypass!.
Fact: The bypass around Salisbury was not built for the convienance of Salisbury it was built so tourists could get to Ocean City faster. Same as the Cambridge and Vienna Bridges.
Really?! How about our sympathies to the family members who have lost loved ones today?! Instead of all this complaining about the roads!!!!
My sympathies for people whom I do not know is, to put it nicely, low.
If anyone is on a BLOG looking for sympathy for someone who got killed in a collision, they are wasting everyone's time.
The way people drive, and I suspect these people are no better, they are almost deserving of such.
People need to drive like their life depended on it because, as this article points out, your life DOES depend on it.
Let this event be a warning to the rest of us. Careless and reckless driving leads to death.
You can be the best driver on the planet but the guy next to you is not.
Drive accordingly.
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