Since the group from the Daily Times claims they were involved in an alleged phone spoof, I have a way in which this whole thing can be settled.
For the good of the community, how about we get the alleged SPOOFER to call Bryan Russo tomorrow at noon and imitate Mayor Jim Ireton for the entire world to evaluate. He can do his impersonation of Jimmy for 7 minutes and 30 seconds and THAT should satisfy everyone concerned.
Of course we'd have to make sure Jimmy was some place public at the same time. Now, isn't that an easy resolution. Put your money where your mouth is. IF this kid can convince the public he can imitate Jimmy, case closed.
I know who I spoke to on the phone that evening. Now let them prove me wrong. Of course it will never happen because the kid never made the call. Come on kid, call Bryan Russo and fool him and every one else. Do it for the good of the community.
Awesome idea.
It will never happen; makes too much sense.
Yes make him reenact the phone call, subject matter and repeat the convo... it shouldnt be hard if it was him and he was doing it as a "spoof". But we all know this is just a bunch of bs to cover up the truth!!
You sad paranoid little man.
Now that makes a lot of sense. I for one would like to hear it myself. In fact if I don't hear it I'm just going to continue to believe Joe is telling the truth and Ireton is lying. Too many of us have seen Ireton drinking in public and I can't see how his friends would pull such a stunt. Beside the fact that Ireton could have easily called Joe back the next day and didn't.
It will never happen.
Why did they press charges against him Joe?
I want to know where this guy works?
I can see EXACTLY how his friends could pull this stunt.
You are talking about a few socialists determined to have sway with the public.
These are not decent people.
Geez, they support Jim's lifestyle.
Joe, you need help. Seriously, get some psychological counseling immediately. You appear to be on the verge of a nervous breakdown at best, a psychotic break at worst. Seek help.
anonymous 4:09, I'm sure you meant to say why DIDN'T they press charges.
I'm sure deals were cut to make an embarassing situation go away. Why didn't they arrest someone after lying to a police officer?
Keep in mind, the actual call is not criminal in the state of Maryland. HOWEVER, what makes it even more interesting is, the call came from Delaware and I was in Delaware when the call came in, HMMMMMMMMMM? Why did the Salisbury Police handle it in the first place?
All too often in years past the SPD refused to get involved because I was a Delaware resident back then. Did the call originate in Salisbury?????
By the time we're done with depositions there's going to be a TON of explaining to do, especially in law enforcement.
Funny, they aparently pressed charges on ME by claiming I made a FALSE POLICE REPORT. I didn't call the Police, someone else did. They did a wellness check on a personal matter, NOT an official matter.
Too many mulligans in my opinion.
You are correct Joe I did mean "didn't press charges". Thank you for answering the question as stated.
Something is rotten here, just rotten.
Interesting comment Joe. Maybe if the police chief did an actual investigation she would have determined both calls were in Delaware and she would have known she and others were out of their jurisdiction. Very interesting indeed.
Anonymous said...
Joe, you need help. Seriously, get some psychological counseling immediately. You appear to be on the verge of a nervous breakdown at best, a psychotic break at worst. Seek help.
June 28, 2012 4:14 PM
And you anonymous 4:14pm are taking the time sent in comments? You my friend have the problem IMHO!
Ms.Lake doesn't look very happy.
Interesting how a comment went up that was rejected and the IP Address goes back to Josh. That's a federal offense Josh. Man, you are making this easy for us.
That IS her happy look.
Who is Josh?
Sarah, I will not publish your comments.
I think Josh is that delusional guy in PA.
This is getting very interesting. Keep pushing Joe. Man I can't wait to see how this turns out.
At her request, of course! I was there for that phone call last Saturday evening! You go, Joe!
lol..this is too funny! 1 man out smarting a whole team of DUMMYS. i've never been a albero fan..but i am starting to respect the ole boy. lol
why does the girl sitting beside that little kid look so sour?
Can I get a breakdown of what happened, Joe? I keep trying to piece it all together from the blog, but at this point, it's overwhelming. Would love a linear statement of what transpired. I've read your blog for years and always appreciate what you do, but I'm not entirely following things here.
I agree, let's keep it simple, stupid! Call up and prove you did this, and you can do it! Simple as it gets! I'm waiting......
What's your take on Chief Duncan in this saga? She could be as basd as Webster was IMHO.
Joe, listen up! Please DIE! Of aids, cancer, heart attack, hit by truck, I don't care, just DIE! YOU are one sarcastic S.O.B. That is your whole problem.
7:35 if you feel that way, why do you come to this site? You have a right to not like him and if you do so, then stay away. Do you have a need to come here? You person are not well. map
"why does the girl sitting beside that little kid look so sour?"
She saw her photo on Facebook?
What the heck. It's a slow evening...
Happiness Is A Warm Gun
I can't wait until tomorrow and truth will come out.
Look people.. Here is the bottom line to this entire case. Joe thought he got a call from the Mayor. (Whether or not it was really the Mayor does not matter.) They were supposed to meet the next day and he didn't show. He called someone, explained the call and informed them that he didn't show.
This person called the SPD to do a "WELFARE CHECK" on him. Any call that comes into a police dept is classified a "Complaint"
Joe never called the police. only went there and confirmed the call was from the Mayor based on the "compliant" from a different person.
They used Joe as a pawn to get to his records. CLEARLY HE WAS NOT A COMPLAINTANT in the matter! Therefore, there was NO reason to obtain his records.
This is the Government you voted for. Deal With it......
Her parents had to tie a pork chop around her neck to get the dog to play with her! Her nick name is Pound Cake
Joe that is some cleaver idea you have there! Yeah, let's hear this boy Jimmy Ireton impersonator go for 7 1/2 minutes without giving it all away.
Of course this will never happen Joe, because once again you are too smart for the multitude of morons in Jimmy's corner.
11:31, before you start throwing out the snarky comments,(yeah, your mother raised a real gentleman/lady)why don't you educate yourself? A cleaver might be what Joe is using to handle this issue, but it hardly is an adjective to describe this "idea."
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