Hi Joe,
I really need some help and I'm hoping you can help. Attached is a photo of my ferociously dangerous killer attack dog and I need to find him a good home with a warm loving family before Monday or the mayor is sending someone over to take him and have him killed.
About six months ago my dog Jake got out of the house and went down the road and barked at one of the neighbors. He gave the guy quite a scare the neighbor who claims to own dogs and knows turned his back and ran for his house something a grade school student is taught not to do. Jake continued to bark and chased him into the house. Jake never bit him but did nip at his heavy winter coat. I was down there in a matter of minutes wrestled Jake down to the ground and since he had slipped out of his collar I picked him up by his legs and carried him home. 911 was called but he dog was home and put up so they decided to let the incident go. This was not sufficient for the neighbor so he called animal control the next day and complained. ACO Stewart came out the next day (now 2 days later) investigated the complaint and determined that there was insufficient evidence to consider the dog dangerous and issued us a ticket for Dog at Large. I paid the ticket and hoped that would be the end of it.
Four months later Jake got out again and headed straight down for the same neighbors house and was barking at the neighbors live chickens in the back yard. My wife immediately followed him down there and retrieved him and put him back in the house.Several minutes later after my wife had put the dog away gathered up our two children and put them in the car (any parent can tell you that's never a quick or easy task) the neighbor appeared at my home swinging a shovel around and screaming obscenities that he was going to kill that damned dog. My wife replied I'm sorry I don't have time to deal with this rite now I have places to be and left. Once again Animal control was called and once again ACO Stewart determined that the Jake was not dangerous and that since he was retrieved so quickly that there was not even enough circumstances to issue a ticket. He explained to the neighbor that this was not even considered and incident and that if anybody was in the wrong it was the neighbor for brandishing a weapon and making violent threats.
This infuriated the neighbor so he started calling my landlord and harassing him. My landlord (Ed Owens) is an older man and very scared of being sued so after 7 months of living there with the dog in peace and harmony the landlord determined he was going to enforce the no pets clause in my lease. I told the landlord I would try to find Jake a good home but I was not willing to take him to the humane society because he didn't deserve to be killed. We have been exhausting ourselves ever since then trying to find a good home I even went out to hallelujah acres to see if Sally would take him until our lease was up and we would take him back when we found a new home. she unfortunately was over full and could not keep him.
The neighbor continued to harass my landlord and apparently he even started calling the mayors office. so my Landlord threatened me with eviction. Again I told the landlord that I have been and will continue to look for a good home for Jake but I am not willing to take him to a shelter that's going to kill him. I feel that it's not fair to Jake he hasn't done anything to deserve to be killed and we as his owners have a moral obligation to what's right and what's best for Jake. The landlord started the eviction proceedings.
Yesterday my wife found a note on the door from animal control that said they were there to take the dog. I called and talked to ACO Stewart and asked why. he replied that his supervisor had called him while he was on his way home and told him to go back and get the dog by orders from the Major. Now mind you that there was only one ticket six months ago for dog at large and he has never bit anyone. I explained to ACO Stewart that we are in fear for Jakes life so much that we don't even let him out of the house unless he is on a leash because the neighbor keeps sneaking over and opening our back yard gates hoping that Jake will run out and get into trouble and he might go to the extreme of throwing poisoned food over the fence to kill Jake.
So here I am after eight months of living in this house and I'm being evicted by my landlord, being harassed at every point by the neighbor and the ACO has given me until Monday to get rid of a member of our family or the Mayor is going to have him killed.
Now I'm not the kind of person who try's to toot his own horn but I am an active member of the community who participates in many charitable events such at Chefs for Habitats, Tastes for tomorrow, The Great Clue caper, Zoobilation, Women supporting Women and many more. I am reaching out to you in hopes that you may know someone out there who can give Jake a good home. Thank you for taking the time to read this very long letter and I hope you can help.
Michael Smith
Executive Chef
Live chickens in the city limits?
I'm so sorry, if you ask me, you should be able to keep the dog and the neighbor should have to get rid of the chickens.
Jim is a poodle kind of guy, he just doesn't understand.
Two things I picked up out of this article.
1) There are way more rentals in Salisbury than the mayor's office will lead you to believe.
2) Chickens in the back yard? Farm animals aren't allowed to be in the city.
I was told years ago no chickens in city limits. Most dogs would bark at chickens or anything that moves. They are curious. When people turn and run from an animal they think you want to play. If that dog wanted to bite that man he would have. I think that neighbor needs to get a life. He sure dont have one now.
Sounds like you need to keep your dog on a leash, in the house, or fenced in like everyone else. You sir, and nobody else, are at fault for this. Stop blaming everyone else for your lack of responsibility. This is exactly what is wrong with the world today.
Sounds to me that everyone is at fault here. Why was a dog being kept in a rental with a no pet clause? Why did the dog get out twice and go to the same residence barking? Why did the neighbor bring a shovel? A shovel? The mayor might be a dud but I'm sure he was tired of getting hasseled over a loose dog. Let's hope for Jake's sake he gets a better place to live.
Are there not laws regarding the keeping of wild fowl, chickens, running loose in the city limits? I wish I was in a position to take Jake his behavior sounds like he has wisdom beyond most humans when it comes to who he chases! Get a lawyer and fight the landlord for random enforcement od the lease as it pertains to pets and for the mayor who needs to go to the humane society on "KILL DAY" and experience the joy that comes from killing a families pet! In addition keep your dog on a leash or inside the fence with locks on the gates.
Just because the picture shows the dog sleeping with the little girl does not mean that it should go loose barking at neighbors scaring the crap out of them. Take responsibility and maybe Jake would not be in danger. A shovel, really! If the dog stepped foot (or paw) on my property barking at me I would be inclined to shoot and ask questions later. But you probably aren't allowed to protect yourself in the Bury.
So know the Mayor has the authority to take you Dog and have him put down. I ask what is wrong with this picture. I am not sure why these animals are getting a bad rap. Any dog that is trained to kill or attack is a hazard and it does not matter what the breed is.
Hoping someone can help you with this.
The neighbor needs charges thrown at him for battery....battery is words and threats with a shovel...treaspassing on property you are renting, and this in front of children. AND you said he has CHICKENS in his yard, is the allowed, are his chickens vaccinated, are you allowed to have chickens in a neighborbood....
It is difficult to feel sorry for your situation. First you are in volation of your lease. Second, if your dog was on a leash and not "slipping out" numberous times your neighbors would not be upset with you. Don't blame your neighbors or the mayor look in the mirror.
I have several comments that go for and against you so be patient. First of all the MAYOR is not a legal authority and has no right to order the seizure of your property. I would tell him and the animal control officer to kiss it and get a warrant from a JUDGE.
The next comment comes from an avid animal lover and dog owner. I agree with your neighbor, that if your dog had chased me to my house and on my property your dog would have been hurt the first time and the second time I would have shot him dead, so this is not your neighbors fault or issue. Your issue is between you and your landlord, animal control and the mayor.
Laslty none of the dozens of my dogs have ever gotten loose due being properly restrained, and more importantly proper training. If you are unable to provide proper training and restraints you should not be a pet owner. Hopefully someone will step up and adopt your dog as he deserves to live.
Please post your DBag neighbors name. He will most likely stop after the bad publicity.
Years ago before Pit Bulls got the bad rap we had a large German Sheppard, she was great with all kids that played in our back yard. She never bit anyone, she never got loose, you see it was our responsibility to keep our dog on our property, in city limits. Just saying your dog your responsibility, you knew the first time your dog got loose you needed to take action that it NEVER happened again!
When I lived on Harford Rd in the north end of town,my next door neighbor had what we called a zoo in his back yard.To my knowledge he was never cited for it or ordered to get rid of the animals.He had a 5 foot chain link fence aroud his entire property.He was very responsible with his animals.In the 5 years that I lived there none ever got out.As for the dog,I would love to have it if I did'nt already have 2.
How many pit bulls have you seen in the K-9 section of police enforcement. I will tell you , having been in K-9 for over 35 years. The answer is none.
They have tried them , they turn on the trainers. Very unpredictable.
@8:55 guess you missed the report a few months back of two escaped dogs who were shot in the head by a neighbor... that guy who shot them got a ton of back lash. Now I know you must be a tough guy because you can type in tough words under an anonymous screen name so lets all just calm down here. The dog did not bite anyone so ho wis it that he deserves to be put down? I would agree you need to keep a better eye on him but he has not harmed anyone as far as the story states so there is no basis to have him put down I woul djust move out of the rental and find another one, screw your landlord he will have to find someone else to pay his bills.
Sorry, you are an irresponsible pet owner. You need to control your dog. Also, how can you blame a person for running from a scary dog that is charging at them. If I lived in your neighborhood and I had to watch my back every time I went outside I would be ticked! No wonder the man needs to carry a shovel. He is afraid!
I'm thinking that maybe if this writer's wife had shown some diplomacy instead of saying she didn't have time to "deal with this rite now" things may have turned out differently.
Sometimes irate neighbors just need to vent and want their side of the story known and the old saying you get more honey than vinegar applies.
In situtations like this you need to see the other side of the story since you are clearly in the wrong and try appeasement of the neighbor, apologizing and promising to take extra measures to have the dog secured at all times.
Giving a snod remark like this wife did will only ever exacerbate any problem.
Michael Smith, shame on you. First of all you broke your lease. Being a landlord it is people like you that sign an agreement and then you do as you please. In your own words " the landlord determined he was going to enforce the no pets clause in my lease." This is one reason landlords get a bad rap. Next you admit you dog was nipping at his heavy winter coat. Well I guess he is lucky he had on a Heavy Winter Coat or it could of been a whole lot worse. I love dogs but if a dog is going to chase me and nip at me or my family I will take actions to protect my family or myself, in other words there would not of been a second time. Last of all you mention you participate in many charitable events such at Chefs for Habitats, Tastes for tomorrow, The Great Clue caper, Zoobilation, Women supporting Women and many more, Yes this should make you exempt from the law. You say your dog got out 2 times, funny how it went down to the same neighbor both times, I believe it has been out more than 2 times. This is your side of the story, there are two more sides to hear. Your dog may put you in a law suit that may cost you a lot if he continues nipping at people. If you have a neighbor breaking the law, chickens in city limits, you have the right to report them.
Didnt he say the neighbor comes over and opens the gate so the dog can get out...but he is so afraid of the dog. Put a lock on the gate so the neighbor cant get it open. I am more scared of some humans than I am of a dog. Just make sure the next home rented there is a good fence.
I also wonder where in the charter gives the Mayor the authority to take someones personal property and KILL it. Dont think so.
Renters could save themselves alot of added stress and aggravation if they wait until they are home owners to obtain pets. Keep in mind that if you do happen to find a pet friendly rental, anything could happen (sale, landlord death) and you may find yourself with the added burden and almost impossible task of finding another pet friendly rental or another home for the pet.
JAKE! Oh my goodness, my brothers name is jake. He too would run off around the neighborhood making trouble. HIS WIFE , TIRED OF HIS STUFF TRIED TO HAVE HIM PUT DOWN SEVERAL TIMES. Finally old age got the best of him. I always thought having him neutered would have helped.
Anonymous said...
When I lived on Harford Rd in the north end of town,my next door neighbor had what we called a zoo in his back yard.To my knowledge he was never cited for it or ordered to get rid of the animals.He had a 5 foot chain link fence aroud his entire property.He was very responsible with his animals.In the 5 years that I lived there none ever got out.As for the dog,I would love to have it if I did'nt already have 2.
May 5, 2012 10:49 AM
Was that Bert Wagners house?
This is Michael Smith I would like to clearify a few points here.
First of all I did not break my lease we had permission from the landlord to have the dog prior to moving in to the home. He was fine with it until he started getting harassed from the neighbor. I never would have taken the rental in the first place if the landlord would not allow it.
Second we have a fenced in back yard which is where the dog is let out to relieve himself. other then that he is in the house with us or on a leash when we walk him. I can not put a lock on the gate because it is my lanlords fence and he needs access to the yard because he maintains the yard and will not allow it. This is the gate that the neighbor keeps opening trying to let the dog out.
3rd for all of you who say that the neighbor should have put a bullet in Jakes head. this is the neighbor who came down to my house swinging a shovel around and threatened to kill. Should I have put a bullet in his head?
4th my wife was not being snide she was late for a doctors appointment, and how sweet is she supposed to be when the guy is swinging a shovel around and screeming obsenities. she should have called the police but as I said she was late for a doctors appointment.
Yes I mentioned that I participate in allot of charities to support the community but I mentioned it not to imply that I should be exempt from the law. when I got a ticket I didnt fight it I paid it as the law states I was in the wrong. I mearly mentioned it because I care about this community and have tried to support it, and in my time of need I was hoping that same community that i have supported would be willing to show me some support in my situation.
I will not be responding to anymore posts because I think we have gotton off track. The point of sending the letter to Joe who was kind enough to post it was that Mayor Jim Ireton has no leagle rite to order Jakes Death as he has not done anything to warrent it, and to ask for help in finding a good home for my family dog. fortunatley it appears that we may have found him a good home until more suitable housing can be arranged.
Sincerely Michael Smith
10:56. You must have retired along time ago. There are quite a few police departments using pit bulls around the country. For someone that should be informed about dogs I don't think you know what you are talking about. Pit bulls rarely turn on anyone. They were bred to fight but they were also bred to be very human friendly. They are no worse then any other breed of dog. First it was oh Dobies will turn on you then German Shepherds then Rotties now Pits. Which is it. Any dog can bite. Afraid or not running from a dog is the worst thing you can ever do. If this dog has not bitten I would get a lawyer very quickly and fight to keep him from being killed
12::49. There are many many pet friendly rentals now. Apts with there own dog parks houses advertised for rent as pet friendly. You don't have to own a home to be a good pet owner. If Salisbury ACO Srewart didn't find a problem there probably is not one. Some neighbors go out of their way to cause problems. Probably has pit phobia as so many people do. It's just a dog like all the rest are. .
"4th my wife was not being snide she was late for a doctors appointment, and how sweet is she supposed to be when the guy is swinging a shovel around and screeming obsenities. she should have called the police but as I said she was late for a doctors appointment"
As a owner of 4 pets, if any of my animals were to get loose and regardless of the neighbors demeanor I would fall on my sword and beg forgiveness of the neighbor, shovel or no shovel, obsenities or not and the doctor's appointment would have to wait unless I was dying!
You are full of excuses. Maybe you need not think about owning a companion animal ever again.
2:21 I wonder why so many people have pit phobia's?
Michael, I know you said you would not be responding anymore, but do you think at this stage it's too late to maybe ask both the neighbor and your landlord for a meeting between them, your family and the dog?
I know for a fact if people can put their emotions aside and discuss these things in a civil manner, seeing both sides of the issue and coming together on a common ground alot of problems could be resolved. Maybe it's worth a try? Who knows, maybe if the neigbor gets to know your dog, he will actually come to like him.
Does anyone remember the guy in Ocean Pines who had the pig farm in town?
Pit bulls have a bad reputation, so that's not going to help your cause. I'm a dog lover, but I'm weary of pit bulls because I've heard too many unfortunate stories. Hope Jake finds a good home.
This thread has indeed gotten off track, however I'd like to point out that no matter what breed you own, as an owner you have a responsibility to train the dog, not put the dog in a situation where it can be set loose, i.e. an unlocked yard, and socialize the dog so that if heaven forbid they do get loose, they are not a threat to the community. If the dog is known to have any type of behavior problems, it is up to you to make certain the dog is always safely in your care and under control.
This issue is not a pit bull issue at all, it is an irresponsible owner/irate neighbor issue. Let's not make this about the breed, but more about the lack of owner responsibility.
I remember the Ocean Pines Pig Farm!
Sounds to me like the guy has tried to do what he can. Maybe your one of the jerks opening his gate hoping the dog will get out. Hmm, could be a good ole buddy of the mayor?
I think that there are two sides to every story. I am unaware of chickens on Middle Blvd., however I do know of situations on both Middle Blvd. and North Blvd. where dogs have gotten away from the yards or control of their owners and have harmed children. I am a dog lover and would hate to see a dog put down, but I would hate to see a child injured or killed even more. You live in a residential neighborhood, perhaps in too close proximity to others for your dog to prosper. Better to find your pet a home with plenty of open space and no opportunities for aggression so that everyone is safe, including your pat. Joe, as much as I don't care for the Mayor, I think that the title of this article is a low blow.
Too many children in that neighborhood to have a dog with any history of biting... r, nipping as you call it. I love dogs, but no biting allowed. If you want to keep your dog move to the country in a situation where it doesn't put others, or even if the chickens are true, the livestock of others at risk. If your neighbors are breaking the law by keeping chickens, report them. However, this is no excuse for your lack of responsibility as a pet owner.
Mr. SMith,
Don't fool yourself. If your dog his "nipped" the neighbor's coat, it could bite someone...including your child. The dig is not at fault. It is instinctual. However, even mild tendancies of aggression can turn into something much more serious. All of the good deeds in the world don't make it okay to have your dog off-leash or to create a situation where your neighbors don't feel safe.
For Heaven's sake. Call a rescue group and tell them that you MUST palce the dog and call it a day. Be a responsible pet owner and neighbor, please.
You have no one to blame but yourself. There are no bad dogs, but bad dog owners. I have two dogs and I fenced in my back yard so that they could run. When they are not fenced in, I walk them with a leash.
I do this so that I can stay out of conflict with my neighbors and for the protection of my dogs. Yours neighbors should not have to put up with this, especially in the city! I hope someone can come and adopt your dog. If you can't be responsible for him, you should not have one.
I hate this, it sounds like the neighbor is being a total jerk, also to all of you people blaming the owner.. accidents happen, it only happened twice. I am sure all of you people calling the person an irresponsible pet owner are very "perfect" people.. Come on no one is perfect... sounds like the neighbor probably just is causing a bigger issue with this than should be caused. Looks to be a pit or pit mix... so right there tells you alot.. if it were a poodle.. what do you think he would do??? Probably nothing. It sounds like you have tried to rectify the problem but he just wants to be in Control of the situation. And I think with you renting he feels he has a stronger hold over you. Can you board your dog until you move?? You should file charges on him for threatening your family... and coming to your house with a shovel... Tell the Mayor, make as much fuss over this as your neighbor has made over your dog.. Call the cops if he is within so many feet of your house.. tell them you feel threatened...stalked.. And of course it probably wouldn't help... the neighbor is evil and it seems careless cruel people get by with alot more than a family who wants to protect their pet..
Good luck hope you find a safe place for your dog.
Looks like Ireton is overstepping his lawful authority -- again!
I'd like to see one of you allow this in your neighborhood and say it's ok! Are you crazy? This is ridiculous. What's even more ridiculous is how many times it's been reported and now someone is talking about taking the dog, it should have been done weeks ago. No one anywhere should have to be afraid of someones uncontrollable dog especially when they can't control them either. Mike Smith needs to grow up and get rid of the dog before he has more on his hands than a dog getting loose fine. It's a good thing it didn't happen to my family, there wouldn't have been a second time around for it to try and terrorize anyone else.
Seriously? You admit your dog was "nipping" at eh neighbor? All that means is he missed taking a chunk out of him by an inch or so. It is your responsibility as a pet owner.
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