A Correctional Officer of 20 plus years of County service was fired this week. He was in charge of one of the Road Crews. He transported an inmate under his charge to the Inmates's family residence to get something to eat. The Inmate went through the front door and ran out the back door. Now the Officer is under investigation for aiding and abetting an escape.
The Officer broke the trust bestowed on him by Director K, and the citizens of Wicomico County and should pay the consequences for his stupidity. He acted above the law and those whom act above the Law are now sitting behind bars.
Is there any more info on the guy who escaped? I swear this place never wants you to know anything that is going on. I saw the State Helicopter out Thursday looking around.
Guaranteed it wasn't the first time he did it
was this posted on any other news venue? Can't believe this has gotten very little press
When was this? There is a criminal on the loose in Salisbury and no media release with even pictures to help capture the excapee? You know there has to be a mug shot out there to identify him!
This literally sounds like he let the guy escape basically on purpose. He brought him to his house and let him do what he wanted? Is this guy not in jail or what? It is also sickening for a convict to escape and we the public are not informed through any media outlet in the area besides this blog, but I guess there is a reason behind that we don't want ECI to look like it is a 3 ring circus, although that is exactly what it seems like.
Eci? What are you reading? Wow some people.
As long as K is there inmates will keep escaping.There are others that havent been reported to the county Admin.This is old news this guy was gone for days, The entire county Gov. kept it under wraps like everything else. There has been more escapes and inmate deaths under K ' s watch than any other warden at WCDC. The reason is K and Kimball are so focused on harrassing staff that staff no longer know what their job is, The citizens need to start demanding anwsers a.s.a.p. Wicomico county Gov is corrupt from the inside out.
The inmate is not on the loose. Do you all still think that inmate labor out in the public is a good idea?
Lets leave ECI out of this. Please READ the article before opening mouth and inserting foot.
This is what happens when people start believing the liberal crap that they are being spoon fed. Treat inmates like inmates, not friends.
Yes, it is a good idea. The only better idea would be that they were a ball & chain OR be chained together. This County needs it's grass cut and weeded, it's disgusting. Let's get those lazy bums to do something other than rip off the citizens
....and the officer is????
....and the officer is????
May 5 11:07 ECI in not in Wicomico County.....
Man, all the inamate did was get high in his house and just forget which door he came in...give a brotha a break...
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