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Saturday, April 21, 2012

Barack Obama's Re-Election Bid Is Already In Deep Trouble

Newt Gingrich may not have got the memo but the battle for the Republican nomination is over. Some in the Romney campaign were hoping for a February end but others were fearing it would go on until June and a small number of Republicans even predicted a convention fight in August.

All in all, April is not a bad result for Mitt Romney - long enough to test him, short enough to allow him to focus solely on the general for the final six months.

Despite the very recent and ugly and negative primaries, Romney's struggle with conservatives and the relative difficulty he had in overcoming a lacklustre field, Republicans - who tend to fall in line more readily than Democrats - are already uniting behind him.



Anonymous said...

If your a self respecting human being, do not vote for Yobama.

Anonymous said...

Like Ted said"If obama is elected , this time next year I will either be dead or in jail".

Anonymous said...

if your a self respecting (non racist)human being dont use racist terms to describe our Pres.
Well 9:03 go ahead and end it because they dont put you in jail for being an idiot...idiot.

Anonymous said...

@10:35 and if you are not a total moron you will relaize this country is at a point where it can probably never recover. Obama has continuously create dnew "bills" and "laws" to limit the power us as citizens have yet yo you turn a blind eye to it because he is our "first black president". Obama has done not one single ounce of good for this country and you can not dipute that. "Oh he caputred Bin Laden" no that would be the Navy Seals, Obama didn't jump out of that helicopter and he didn't do recon missions to find this guy. He sat on his behind and issued a strike and now he is the one who "took out Bin Laden". Is that the best you have?

Anonymous said...

He has all the polls rigged in his favor; thanks to the union help, and Obama contracted out to a company in SPAIN to count the American Votes.

We are doomed!

Anonymous said...

Only in America would Obama still be in contention for re-election.Only in America could Bush be elected for a 2nd term,but he was.That mentality scares me & makes me realize that Obama has a chance.I'm not at all racist,but I can see the damage done over the last 3.5 years.If Obama presents shiny beads and trinkets just before the election he'll most certainly win.