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Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Second Nominee for Housing Board Of Adjustments And Appeals Blocked

Mayor James Ireton, Jr. regrets to inform the public that City Council leadership has blocked for the second time, his nominee to replace landlord Richard Insley on the City’s Housing Board of Adjustments and Appeals. Per the City of Salisbury Charter, the mayor is empowered to nominate members to the board. The Council votes on the nomination once recommended by the mayor.

“The City Charter does not give the City Council President the power to stop all government activity and say ‘we aren’t taking nominations’. I have nominated two very competent professionals for this seat. Council leadership is, again, bringing to a halt the administrative side of the city government. My nominee deserves a place on the agenda and an up or down vote. Mrs. Cohen has simply decided unilaterally to not place items on worksession and legislative agendas. Mrs. Cohen has turned down the latest nominee twice in the last two weeks. This is a direct violation of charter powers,” said Mayor Ireton.

Last year, Mayor Ireton nominated Katie Jones to fill this seat. This nomination was considered by the council but ultimately stalled before coming to a vote. Now the mayor has nominated Joey Gilkerson for Insley’s expired seat (exp: April 2010) on the Housing Board of Adjustments and Appeals.

New Posts to fall below.


Anonymous said...

Joey would be great for the city of Salisbury. The mayor has made a great decision in nominating Gilkerson.

-Henry Hall

Anonymous said...

I thought he would be a good fit also. Maybe the Council knows something that I don't about this guy.

-Joey Gilkerson

Anonymous said...

Dear Mayor Liarton,
I was at the work session when the council decided that it would not accept any more nominees to that committee until it had finished revising that section of the city code. What the heck is wrong with you. You advance names knowing that they won't go anywhere and then throw a screaming fit. You are willing to sacrifice anyone to get what you want. Is this how you teach school children to behave?

Anonymous said...

The council rules (printed online) say that thcouncil president sets the agenda. You liked it well enough when Louise always gave you your way.

Anonymous said...

Does anyone know whether Mr. Gilkerson is related to Gillis and Gilkerson. If so, I would say there is a conflict there because of business with the city. DOes the Mayor ever have a quiet polite conversation with council members to see if they would support a candidate before trotting a name out? I voted for Ireton and I will tell anybody who asks that I was fooled by his empty promises. He is the worst mayor Salisbury has ever had.

Anonymous said...

So Council-President-For-Life Terry Cohen has gotten so petty she won't even vote on the mayor's nominees? It's bad enough competent nominees for city positions have been voted down 3-2, but now she won't even allow a vote? What an abuse of power.

Anonymous said...

6:32, Mike Done, go home. You gave up and ran. Now you are back. Just like Liarton. Everyone knows now that you and Jim Liarton are in bed together, figuratively speaking, an marriage of political convenience, so to speak.

Boy, you are childish. Making you a perfect fit with Liarton.

Anonymous said...

Thanks, 6:25. In other words, Ireton is lying that Cohen "turned down" this nominee? Sounds like she is respecting the council's decision instead of powertripping like Louise Smith or Ireton.

Also "in the last two weeks"? Well, duh, it takes time to get things on the agendas doesn't it?

Ireton is just stirring up crap.

Anonymous said...

Ireton is well versed in the Progressive liberal Alinsky tactics--what an absolute immoral ugly waste of human flesh Ireton has turned out to be. Ireton, YOU and Mike Dunn will NEVER get re-elected.

Anonymous said...

Joe, Did you fact check what the mayor is saying? If it's false, you should pull this post just like the DT should not print things that they know are untrue. Are you helping him to spread his lies?

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

6:32, Mike Done, go home. You gave up and ran. Now you are back. Just like Liarton. Everyone knows now that you and Jim Liarton are in bed together, figuratively speaking, an marriage of political convenience, so to speak.

Boy, you are childish. Making you a perfect fit with Liarton.

February 14, 2012 7:07 PM

You took the words right out of my mouth. Jim Ireton you are a F*n lying P.O.S. trash. You make Barrie Tilghman look like the best mayor Salisbury ever had. Why to you just go away like you did last time you were elected. I will bet my bottom dollar this is the last time you will ever get elected to public office. Unless of course you run back the Rehomo Beach!

Anonymous said...

If Louise Smith did it all would be O.K..

Anonymous said...

This is incredible. This is a public forum for discussion of a matter of public policy and all I see is finger pointing and name calling? You should be ashamed of yourselves.

The purpose of a media like this is to give people with opposing views a place to voice opinions that clash a chance to logically express their intent. People wonder why the next generation isn't offering much in the way of competent support for the system. You are their role models for how our government behaves.

Anonymous said...

8:55, you have a rather lofty opinion for what this "public forum" is all about. Your point is well taken, but I, for one, expect nothing close to what you describe from a blog that is driven by gossip and controlled by its owner (which he has a perfect right to do.) If you want a place to present logical opposing opinions, I think you better keep looking.

Anonymous said...

6:29....being involed in the city you or your family does buisness in is not a conflict of interest. Should a teacher sit on the eduction board...a plumber be a city plumbing inspector..if anything Gilkerson would be more qualified for the seat if he was ever inolved in Gillis-Gilkerson. Besides anyone looking into this would quickly realize Joey works for SVN...not GG. Just because someones father may have been a partner at one time for a LOCAL contracting group shouldn't be seen as a conflict. And the person who posted that Joey is a boy/childish ANOYMOUSLY...classy. Joey works for one of the most professional commercial management/brokerage company in the area. What do you do?