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Wednesday, January 25, 2012

How Thick Should A Politicians Skin Be?

I hope Stevie Prettyman can forgive me for what I am about to say in this Post but yesterday brought to light some interesting information I feel is important to express.

Like the Daily Times, WBOC, WMDT, Salisbury News and or other Blogs or not, not every one is going to agree with politicians. Because of our First Amendment Right, every one of us deserves the opportunity to express information and opinion.

Yesterday Stevie went after some of the Blogs, the Grapevide and the Daily Times for expressing harsh, inaccurate information. I really wished she would have stated WHAT Blogs, because I know for a fact mine was not one of them. Nevertheless, if a politician wants to call out the Daily Times by name, why not certain Blogs/Bloggers? I personally do not appreciate her statement because when anyone on the Eastern Shore thinks of a Blog, they think of Salisbury News. Therefore her statement was not fair. Now, I'm not complaining. I'd just like an even playing field. If we get that respect, great. If not, we'll just move on.

So who will have thicker skin for next year. Well, Mike Lewis, Matt Maciarello and quite a few department heads who, because of Bennett Middle School will NOT see ANY increases for their budgets. Each one of you should know this as well. There will be a 7 cent tax increase coming up. HOWEVER, there will also be a 7 cent tax increase for the next 3 years on top of that. So what does this mean? It means, Mike Lewis, Matt Maciarello and others won't see jack for several years to come.

While people like Tony Sarbanes goes out and makes false statements about certain politicians in the hope of pressuring them into changing their mind, (all for the BOE cause) why not call these individuals out as well? Are they not as bad as some of those "Blogs" mentioned yesterday? Maybe one of those Blogs should hire Tony Sarbanes because obviously he carries a LOT more influence than any of those hate Blogs anyway. Heck, who am I kidding, he may be working for them already.

I do NOT believe the majority of the citizens in Wicomico County have ANY idea what they just did to other departments. I know, shift the title from the Board of Education to the Sheriff's Department or the States Attorneys Office, "The Laughing Stock Of Maryland" right Rick, right Stevie? You can't rob Peter to pay Paul, or haven't you learned that yet.

Rick Pollitt has already asked each department for level funding for the 2013 Budget. With a tax increase for the next 3+ years maxed out at 7 cents per year, level budget funding will be an absolute must for at least 3 years, I wonder, will the Sheriff's Department start asking for vehicle donations by the taxpayers because their cars have 400,000 miles on them by then? Will Rick Pollitt be crossing his fingers in the hope and prayer that the Sheriff's Department stops a tractor trailer full of coke and cash so they can afford to just keep up?

And God Forbid something happen to another child in Wicomico County, just how will Maciarello afford to take such cases to trial? Plea, Plea, Plea. Are these examples a reality, God, I hope not. However, are they strong possibilities, you better believe they are.

Your local and national liberals WANT you to spend, spend, spend. They WANT to convince you the local revenue cap is no good. Spend to the max until the Sheriff's Department can't afford this or that. Spend until Maciarello can't afford to try cases. THEN come back to your public and say, DO YOU SEE WHY THE REVENUE CAP IS NO GOOD!!!!!

In the mean time, you just continue buying the BS the Daily Times feeds you and some of those hateful Bloggers who are driven by former politicians, some of which now want to get back into the political ring.

Am I disappointed in Stevie Prettyman, absolutely, yes. Am I turning on Stevie Prettyman, absolutely not. With any hope we will continue to agree to disagree on matters. Stevie is not as black and white as other department heads who refuse to let people play in their sandbox unless you always play by their made up rules.

New Posts to fall below.


Anonymous said...

If Pollitt has asked for level funding from the departments, it would seem to me that is a step in the right direction. If you truly think Maciarello will not procecute heinous crimes and plea out instead, you (imo) could not be more wrong. I think there are lots of folks in the public eye that need skin thicker than a rhinocerous - especially when the blogs take aim at them. The comments that come in are more than most people can handle. Why anyone wants to run for office is beyond me. I can tell you is it surely not for the money.

JoeAlbero said...

If another Thomas Leggs case comes in, don't you try and tell me with level funding the County will have enough money. Try again.

Anonymous said...

All I can say is, GET USED TO IT...

Its done, were done, this country it done...

Ive said it more than enough times now but I will state it yet again...

I told everyone whom reads this blog that this would happen and would happen fast... And it did... I told you once the school was to be built you would see fees, taxes, and other things go up in price... And it will...

I also told you that we have some very sick people whom live in or around this community whom run this local govt...

I told you there was a reason behind why they want this new school... And now you will find out the hard way since its evident that most people living in the sby area are complete and udder morons...

I promise you this, The people whom I hear talking around sby about how could "we the people" allow this to happen or why didn't we do something to stop it, or you were for this raise in taxes I.E were for the school to be built and for it to be built on the assumption that a new school would equal a better, smarter school other than letting the fact prevail I.E test scores and kids passing or graduating, I will slap you so hard in the face my hand will fall off...

Anonymous said...

Really? Money is not a motivation to run for office? Open you eyes. Martha Stewart was sent to prison for insider trading. Congress is immune from prosecution for insider trading. Don't think for a minute that there aren't a bunch of people who won't profit handsomely by having this school built.

I have a suggestion. If air conditioning is brought to all the schools, let's keep them staffed with teachers for the full 12 months they are being paid. Each school can then educate more people.

Anonymous said...

It's funny I just read on the Daily Crimes that Sussex County has a $3.5 dollar surplus and taxpayers will receive tax credits in the amount of $1.0 million. Hey Slick Ricky why don't you go over and learn how they did this..

Anonymous said...

Gotta say it again No money no school. Not one of my schools were air conditioned and we survived. No money no school. The has to come from somewhere. That would be tases. No more taxes.

Anonymous said...

Well I quess the illegals will be happy, they can get back to work. Call the college they know how to get in touch with that work force. What a giant bucket of sh!t.

Anonymous said...

I guess we are very close to survival of the fittest.
I can't afford anymore increases in anything.
40-60% of the U.S. is on fixed income.
I guess this will take effect soon:
1. if I need food I will steal it or or take it from my neighbor.
2. I I need clothing , I will steal it or take it from my neighbor.
3. If I need anything and you have it ,I will get it , I have what it takes to survive.
Also , by the way Joe , Stevie was talking about you too.

JoeAlbero said...

anonymous 11:26, you are absolutely right, Stevie WAS talking about Salisbury News. She was absolutely correct that Salisbury News had more accurate information than the MSM. However, we never once let up a nasty comment about Stevie Prettyman to that point. Once Stevie became the center of attent, (after yesterday's meeting) there are people out there who are clearly upset with her decision and they should be allowed to express such.

Anonymous said...

Sorry Joe but Stevie needs to go.
She just gave the go ahead for all those years of tax increase.

Anonymous said...

Rick Pollitt is no Dave Baker

Anonymous said...

Clearly they all make plenty of money or don't live in the county so they don't care. What about all of us struggling everyday to pay taxes/eat/keep roofs over our heads etc. Guess we don't matter?! None of these people will get my vote in the future!

Anonymous said...

Joe is there nothing that can be done about the go ahead for this atrocity?
It just seems so wrong it makes me sick. it's like we are living in a communist country. We just have to bend over and take it.

Anonymous said...

IMO, Tony Sarbanes is the reason we ended up with a revenue cap. His council didn't do what they were supposed to, then he slapped us with a huge tax hike.

Anonymous said...

Delmar Del. Please annex Delmar MD into Delaware. Delmar MD should succeed from Maryland and be incorporated into Delaware. I;m tired of Maryland. Please help us.

Anonymous said...

I wonder where the pressure came from to force the change of vote.Something smells rotten to me.

Anonymous said...

Stevie is a millionair. 7 cents dont mean much to her,she spends time on the island where it is warm and cozy. The tax payers on the other hand musst muster up the 7 cents. Take a look at the other ones who support the new school..Sarbanes, slick rick, and many others who have money and can afford the 7 cents and ALL that comes with it.

Anonymous said...

In the very near future it will be IMPOSSIBLE for a single person to have a residence on their own due to the excessive taxes in Wicomico County and the State of Maryland. O'Governor wants 15 cents additional gasoline tax, and an additional 1% sales tax. Unfortunately, most of the members of the Wicomico County Council are living the life style of the rich and famous and do not have a clue what it is like to have to do without something. Yes, I will move to Delaware for better representation - at a lower cost.

Anonymous said...

It was asked if there is a way to reverse this, it is not a done deal. The county voted to ask MD for the money but they are asking for quite bit more than original so likely MD will say no. Smart move on Stevie's part, she is shown as supporting schools but knows it likely won't happen.

Anonymous said...

It's not just the increases, it's what we won't be able to fund; like police. Then the end run at the revenue cap because of excessive spending. Thye should have rennovated the school and added space with an addition, if needed. This is like Salisbur's fire palace and new shiny equipment that prevents the city from paying firefighters, Paramedica, EMTs, police fair pay; and then layoffs to boot.

Anonymous said...

Ok, dammit....I've had enough.
As a city and a county taxpayor, when is the city going to pursue an offset of county taxes for the city residents?
As a senior of retirement age who never had children, who paid taxes the last 40 + years,when can I stop paying to educate everone elses children?
People with more children pay less in taxes. Shouldn't they pay more at least in education taxes?

My school was not air conditioned. I did just fine.

I have already resigned myself, that retirement will not come for me as long as I am able to work. That's ok, because I have been working since I was 16 and still going to school. I know how to work. I know how to study, and I know how to sacrifice. Traits, unfortunately, the generation in the workforce now and the upcoming kids have a warped perception about. (In general) Some of the kids and their parents that are 'privileged', need to learn some humility, and learn what it means not to have the best of everthing, just because - and especially on other peoples dime in a sinking economy.

I will likely not receive anywhere near the social security I have put in and trusted would be there come retirement, nor will my attempts to fund my own retirement sustain me, as like many, I lost much in the last years. I don't have many years to make it up. How much more can the government bleed from me? I have never asked nor taken one red cent from the government. I always fell through the cracks when it came to being able to "qualify" for any scholarship, business loan, etx.

With all the taxes, food, utility increases coming down the pike I am just plain, flat out barely hanging on.

Screwed. Tired. Mad.

Anonymous said...

I heard that of the 7 cent increase, only 2 cents is needed for the school. If that's the case, where is the other 5 cents going?

Anonymous said...

hey county council & rick pollitt you folks got alot of nerve going on with this matter(with the b o e).i'm a employee with the county , myself and others throughout various departments are wondering what in the hell are you guys thinking and doing.we employees show up to work everyday do our jobs.some go beyond the call of duty.etc,etc. we all would like to know when we will get a pay raise? it's going on five or six years since any pay increase cost of living not squat.everything around us has gone up taxes(property),the cost of grocerys gasoline heating oil clothing shall i say more.some great county we all work your eyes and smell the coffee and take care of your employees.thanks your overworked and underpaid employees.

Anonymous said...

if the county picks up half of the teachers retirement then they should be furlowed also it is only fair

maurice said...

im about to say screw it and commit a crime.that way i can get arrested ,put in prison,then get free food,clothng ,medicaland shelter.when i get out if the economy isnt any better,ill do it back to

Anonymous said...

To all Commenters

We can see that the educational system in the State & County are totally out of control.

There is no accountability. The taxpayers are subserviant to the lawless teachers union - and they have taken over our Treasury.

How much more of this crap can the ordinary citizen take?

Anonymous said...

Pollitt you are worthless! it would be a miracle if you would just reseign.guys like you and the county coucil are just worthless sperm deposits.thats all wrong cancer is what we meant cancer cancer!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

This is just plain wrong on soooo many levels!

Anonymous said...

this is no different than obama and the demos shoving "health care" down our throats.

for those of you in district 2; please remember to vote against prettyman. all of us need to try to get all of these tax and spenders out of office. they don't care about the average citizen and their critical thinking skills are dulled.