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Tuesday, January 10, 2012

The Farce Of Government 'Growth'

Growth is a priority in eurozone, say leaders ... France and Germany have said boosting economic growth across Europe was a priority in efforts to stem the debt crisis showing signs of spreading across the 17 euro currency countries. After a Berlin meeting with French President Sarkozy, German Chancellor Angela Merkel urged Greece and its private creditors to agree to the restructuring of the country's national debt if it is to receive its next batch of bailout cash. In October the eurozone agreed a second handout for Greece that involves the country's private creditors accepting a 50% reduction in the value of their holdings of Greek debt. She added that both she and Mr Sarkozy want Greece to receive the money. "We want for Greece to remain in the eurozone," she said. – UK Telegraph

Dominant Social Theme: Nothing else can act as an engine of job growth more effectively than big government.

Free-Market Analysis: Thank goodness Germany's Angela Merkel and France's Nicolas Sarkozy have agreed to save the Western world by creating more jobs. Unemployment is anathema to them and now they have vowed to provide people in Europe with the work they need. They also want Greece to stay in the Eurozone.

OK, sarcasm off. This is surely a power elite dominant social theme, that government can "create" jobs. Actually, what government can create is sinecures. And it can only offer a benign business environment once it has taken steps to ruin what is already in place.

The marketplace creates jobs that actually add value. And if government can claim to create jobs it is only by reducing taxes, regulation or price inflation in such a way as to allow the private market itself to operate more efficiently.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The people that think big gov't is the answer should go live in Greece for a year and see how great it is there...NOT!