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Thursday, December 08, 2011

Merry Christmas: No More Insider Trading On Capitol Hill?

The other day, a couple of kids up in Kingston, New York, called 911 looking for Santa Claus. Law enforcement arrived to tell them that what they had done was naughty, not nice, but in deference to the holiday, no pepper spray was involved.

Meanwhile, on Maryland's Eastern Shore, a guy dressed up like Frosty the Snowman - that jolly, happy soul - tried to thumpety-thump-thump a cop with the head of his costume. He's also accused of kicking a police dog - bad, Frosty, bad!

Then, of course, there are those cheery photos from Scottsdale, Arizona, of people - including kids - posing with Santa at a local gun club, hoisting their choice of machine guns, pistols, semi-automatic AR-15s and grenade launchers. It's O.K., the club says, they're not loaded, but you better not pout or cry ... punk.

Welcome to Christmas in these United States, Anno Domini 2011.


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