"Joe you better keep your blinds closed. When I ride by and they are open I can see you inside and it is easy to get zeroed in on you."
If I've said it once, I've said it a thousand times. You know where I'm at, my door is always open but you better be prepared for the wild west. Just ask JR.
Joe, why do so many hate you, maybe you tell it like it is? Maybe you tell the truth?
It would be hard for someone to miss a head as big as Joe's has gotten over the past year or so. Not that I advocate violence, just saying.
7:22 PM
Almost as big as some people's mouths. Just sayin.
How about live and let live. There are enough problems to deal with today without hating people. Put some of that energy into helping less fortunate people and animals.
This is what it has come to in this country when you tell the truth!
6:52, that's the truth! Just look at the smear campaign the Daily Times has run on Debbie Campbell, Terry Cohen and Tim Spies. The Barrie Ireton Times can't stand just plain folk taking on the big money political machine. Campbell and Spies got bricks and blocks through their windows for their trouble. Joe's been threatened and sued. What a low this area has sunk to!
Yep that is the truth, 8:25. And when they can not offer a contrary argument that's factual or makes sense they attack.
It's jealousy Joe. Not that you deserve the hate and threats to you and your family for posting the truth and your own opinion for that matter. Peace Bro!
These haters are just stone age knuckles draging the ground morons.
Anyone that speaks out and tells it like it is a target in this country thanks to the Obamanite liberals. Keep up the good work Joe you have a lot of people standing behind you watching your back. Just saying hope you know that.
It isn't jelousy or the fact that you tell the truth. It is payback for you threatening me and my family. Know who I am yet?
anonymous 3:22, I have NEVER threatened any one, or their family. If I had, there's be a warrant out for my arrest, Idiot. As for the know who I am yet, yeah, your Mr. Anonymous Pussy.
What is payback, Mr. Pussy? A comment??? A statement you're going to shoot me or find me as an easy target? Have you driven by today and noticed my blinds still open as well as my front door. THAT is why you are being called a pussy.
And there's only one way to battle it-keep telling the truth!
You are a fraud Albero. Time for a pity party for Joe. Look at me, look at me. I'm being threatened. Everyone should feel sorry for me, me, me, me. You're pathetic. You will never see it coming, I promise you that.
Geez- if someone threatened me or my family I would go immediately to a blog also instead of the police 3:22. You sure do make alot of sense-ROFL
Doesn't the FBI investigate death threats? If so, it shouldn't be hard for them to locate the computer that sent it.
I dont always agree but I will defend to the death your right to exist. You provide one hell of a service especially to occupied Maryland. Thanks Joe
Gotta hand it to you,Joe,if it was'nt for you us locals would'nt know anything thats going on and also get a good laugh from the comment boards also-thanks
Unfortunately, there will always be defective human beings that want to 'bully'and degrade decent folks. Usually these fascists hide behind a mask or hood.... cowards who do not want anyone to know who they are and run and hide at the first sign of resistance. There are, however, a few real screwballs out there, so be careful.
Sounds like a threat to me also. What's shocking is this person says they have a family. So then if they follow thru with the threat their family suffers from the stigma of having a lunatic relative.
anonymous 3:54, your right. However, because I've been doing this for as long as I have there's a solid list of screwballs that we keep on file. JT, JR, BT, TM, JB, CJ and a few others. This is nothing new to me. They have threatened me in every way possible but are never man enough to stand toe to toe with me. Those that have stood in front of a man, (me) who never once backed down.
Bullies are like that, so you know. They talk the big talk, (just like Barrie Tilghman) and they get real loud but when you stand right up to them they back down and cry, even years later, right Barrie.
Nevertheless, we provide a service in which any one of you can click on an "X" and be gone instantly. These fools continue to come here to find one misspelled word, a double post and even send in hundreds of comments per day that are racist in the very hope one will get through and then run back to their blogs like 2 year old children and scream, Joe Albero screwed up again.
I got a call today telling me these people, Jonathan Taylor and such, are stalking my building, taking pictures of my truck on a regular basis. They're claiming I've left my Wife and I'm now living Downtown. Well, let me assure all of you of one thing. I would never leave my Wife and I'd never blame my Wife if she left me. However, that is not, nor has it ever been the case. I do not live Downtown but I do have living quarters in my building. Remember, I may run for County Executive one day, unless I get shot, or something else. LOL
These are grown men getting their jollies off of taking pictures of my truck. I thought, you can't be serious, right? Do they realize what stalkin g is and how against the law that is? Oh well, we've named some of the nut jobs above. These are some of the people behind those nasty blogs that live their every waking moment and breath wanting to be Joe Albero.
I guess I'm supposed to hide in a closet in fear for my life. Do these a-holes really take themselves seriously? I hide from no one.
Joe, not sure who oatmeal you pissed in. (figure of speach) but the moron must not anticipate being found out and charges brought forth, not the brightest bulb in the bunch to post such threats. And with the moral slandering you is that not another charge? I appreciate your opinions, facts and shedding a light on issues that are important to the community. When my father was living and moved to Texas from Somerset county R.I.P RMP. I turned him onto your website so he could be in the know and he and I enjoyed talking on sunday's about things we saw posted on here. Keep up the good work Joe and let no weapons form against you, shall they prosper!!!! And I look forward to the coward being brought out to the light and charges brought against thee.
I hope you slip and fall in a bucket of AIDS Albero
anonymous 4:57, awe, JR, still afraid to show your name. Click the big red "X" in the top right hand corner Mr. Obsession and go away.
Robinson is too afraid to show his name because he's been trying to play nice with your advertisers and act like he's the good guy and your the bad guy.
Soooo, he won't see it coming,huh? I bet someone else will though. :)
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