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Monday, October 10, 2011

Today's Survey Question 10-10-11

Would pot candy tempt kids to try the real stuff?


Anonymous said...

did the parents need the candy to try it? yeah, thought not.

Cathy said...

its funny that this story ran today because yesterday my son was given candy cigarettes and i'm appalled that they still make these!

i don't know that candy shaped like cigarettes or weed will tempt kids to try the real stuff but it definitely trivializes the bad stuff.


Anonymous said...

Are you serious!?!

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry , If you were my mom i'd run away from home.

Anonymous said...

we all know cathy is a bit touched anyway. shes a liberal

Anonymous said...

Sure glad Cathy was not my mom.No candy cigarettes and ok with dressing like a girl. Kid is sure to be a target for bullies in the future.

Cathy said...

i'm a bad mom for being supportive of my child?

so it would be better to discourage him from being who he chooses to be?

that's whats wrong with the world today. people are expected to conform to social "norms" because "that's how its been done for "x" number of years." that's insane. i'm raising a free-thinker who doesn't look down on others because they are different.

maybe of more people raised their children this way the world would be a more accepting place and you wouldn't have as much of an issue with bullying.

Anonymous said...

Cathy if more poeple raised their kids that way mankind would be extinct. A child is like a piece of clay. You mold it and structure it to be a good human being knowing right from wrong. Obviously your are liberal not believing in absolute truth is the real problem with the world today.