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Monday, October 10, 2011

A Princess for a Day: Should You Let Your Son Don A Dress For Halloween?

You're shopping for Halloween costumes with your 4-year-old son when he announces he wants the white taffeta princess costume with the tiara. Do you grab it with a smirk thinking of how he'll look back on this when he's 30? Or, do you ignore him and pay for the blue and red spider man costume you planned for all along? On the one hand, it could mean years of therapy if you let him pretend to be a girl for a day. On the other, it's all about make-believe, so shouldn't kids be what they want to be?


Anonymous said...

ONLY if he says that it is just for jokes!!

Cathy said...

if my son wanted to be a princess, i would let him. who cares?

for his 4th birthday i asked him what kind of cake he wanted and he said my little pony. i went thru all his favorite characters (handy manny, mickey mouse, etc) and he was adament about a pony cake. so a pony cake he got. we did "boy" it up with the colors & style. it was blue/orange/yellow and his tail & stuff was like flames. it wasn't a big deal because we didn't make it a big deal.

people over-react over the dumbest stuff!

Anonymous said...

I'm with 10:43. Years ago a few friends and myself got dressed up to go out with the kids trick or treating. We couldn't figure out what to with one of the fellas, and donned him in my homecoming dress. Joe, every door that we went to laughed and said it took a real man to dress up in a dress and our group of kids got twice the candy, just because he wore that dress. It's the one day of the year you can be whoever you want, and if a kid wants to prank some people by dressing up in a dress, so be it, he will get rewarded with candy.