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Monday, August 15, 2011


This Tuesday the County Council will consider Rick Pollitt’s plan to pack his office with a “chief of staff” and a “constituent services and communication” officer – each with a potential salary (range) in excess of $100K. The latter position would be a glorification of the present “public information officer” but with a much higher salary. The chief of staff would be a new position.

Pollitt’s main argument for having a chief of staff to assist him is that the other county executives in Maryland – all from much larger counties on the Western Shore – have one. Therefore, in Rick’s world, he should have one too.

The Council will discuss Pollitt’s proposal at a work session, beginning at 9 AM, and may act on it at the legislative meeting, which starts at 10 AM.


Anonymous said...

How much more from the taxpayer? This is totally rediculous!

Anonymous said...

The members on the council are far too smart to accept this. Oh, but wait, Pollitt will place the blame on them by playing politics with him. He probably will also state it is because of personality conflicts like he did before when the council voted down Bennett Middle School. And, some, including the Daily Times will buy into that shi$$!!!!!Hang tight, council members. This is not good for out county. Out with Rick Pollitt.

Anonymous said...

Has Rick ever been to Harford County? It is a much more lucrative county than ours. They pay double if not triple or more what we pay in property taxes. They can afford these positions and the constituents CAN pay for them. We as a county can not. Get over it Rick, grow where you are planted.

~From Harford County

Anonymous said...

What is even worse! He will hire a friend. Or someone not even qualified. HR will have nothing to say about it. So sad.

Anonymous said...

Joe, please, if you can, keep this post on top. The residents of our county need to see the "perks" Pollitt wants for his office. He is just plain lazy and wants others to do his work at our taxdollar's expense. Or maybe, he is in just over his head and can't make the hard decisions. I really want to see him gone before his term is up. Love the council, though.

Anonymous said...

Aren't all the council people Republicans, and isn't Pollitt a Democrat. So let me get this straight, the majority council is going to GIVE the counties most powerful democrat the tools he needs to make fools of them and ensure council returns to Democrat control.

Anonymous said...

Over $600,000, someone already said ridiculous. We don't need all these people to administer this or any other county. We are being taxed into poverty, it has to end somewhere and I fear a complete collapse of our economy is what will happen. We just can't have things going up all the time. My taxes went up 5%, enough is enough!

Anonymous said...

I said this when he proposed it. He was going to give people raises who were wastes of breath as far as county employees go. Pollitt is sh#$ for brains and needs to be removed from office. We need a petition for his immediate removal!

Anonymous said...

i'm a county employee and been working since 1989.many of my co-workers and i have never received a pay raise of more than a $1.00.since we have been employed there.the county has done several pay studies since by the Hendricks Group & the Singer Associates.when both studies were complete,both results were very very similar.findings were as follows just about all county employees are underpaid by as much20% or greater.except for the upper echelon (county admininstraitor,hum. res drtr,dputy drt need i say more Shariffs Dept, Detetion Ctr,Board of Ed,etc etc.
This is very obsurd.the studies were joke.where did it get the majority of employees?the answer is nowhere very wasteful spendind.the BOE & all pub.wrks, roads, rec & parks have the same retirement plans.whats that tell you.let alone most county employees have not seen a pay raise of any kind in as much as 5-6 years.wake up county council do whats correct for your employees the working people not the higher ups.before to long your good employees are going to cost of living raises or anything in many years.but the costs of everything else has been going up more many years.if you are really concerned do whats correct.

Anonymous said...

What is the rest of the restructure? I heard that Public Works was going to be smaller, yet still have a Director and Deputy Director. Sounds like a waste of money to me. One person should be able to oversee the two divisions that are left.

Anonymous said...

Wicomico County residents are on crack cocaine. Why do you need a county executive in the first place

Anonymous said...

Rick is trying to re-write the County Charter. Why is it he is trying to handoff all of his responsibiities to other insubordinates.

We are paying him to do these responsiblities. I believe it is time or Rick to resign. He has lost his grounding. Can't he see that the government is the only entity that is thriving in this economy. And now he was double the size of government yet again.

RESIGN NOW RICK . . .for the sake of Wicomico taxpayers

Anonymous said...

I overheard someone talking the other day about recalling Pollitt? Does the Wicomico Charter allow for that? If so, please post the answer on this blog so they can see it and start the process. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

You've got to be kidding???? IS there anyway to reduce government???

Anonymous said...

Tricky Dick your a joke!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.you just look out for yourself and you buddies.thats a god damn same(hate usiing gods name).there are other words to describe you like self centered, ignorant a dough boy who would be a great rep for Pilsbury Bisquits.several years back u just about caused the Town of Fruitland to go Belly Up.U know thats y they sent u packing your look u are doing the same for Wicomico's time for a petition to rid this county of a's called Rick Pollitt!!!!!!!!!!!! the only cure is to resign.this countys biggest mistake was going to an executive form of government. The Residents have spoken!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I believe two of these top five positions could be eliminated, the County Executive and Director of Administration are all that's needed for a County the size of Wicomico. The Dep. Director of Administration,Chief of Staff and Constituents Services and Communication are a waste of taxpayers money Surely ,this is a power grab at its best.

Anonymous said...

I hope Rick is reading these comments. When the council votes it down(which I hope they do) we need to show our support for them and try and get rid of Rick. He will pull this county down just like he did in Fruitland. He wants to be a one-man show. Now, if he doesn't get want he wants for his office he will blame the council for his downfall. He always has an excuse and notice it is never his fault. I remember speaking with him during our fight with land issue over the clusters. He had the nerve to tell me he didn't understand any of it and would rely on recommendations by those involved. What a joke.

Anonymous said...

so we cant afford to better our schools or anything else in this county for that matter but we can afford to pay for these new positions? what am i missing here?

Anonymous said...

1:27, are you serious? Our "smart" residents were the ones that voted for the executive form of government in the first place (thanks to VOICE) AND.............voted Pollitt in TWICE. Yeah, the residents have spoken. I would be willing to bet that you voted for the executive form.

Anonymous said...

Wow. With today's economy... Where do I apply? 145G's nice.

Anonymous said...

If anyone on the County Council reads this blog, please, please do the right thing for the citizens of this County and do not vote for more top heavy positions. we don't even need Rick Pollitt, let alone a bunch of his cronies.

Anonymous said...

Citizens should watch the news where a town in Alabama went bankrupt cutting all the workers pensions while still paying the mayor,council and planning experts full pay and benefits.The same could happen here.

Anonymous said...

voice didn't bring rick in. they are all about limited government. joe, please don't allow the bad language to be used in the "comments". 1:27 it's certainly ok to be frustrated but not ok to use this language. we really don't need to bring God into this unless we are willing to pray and ask His guidance. it's not His fault we don't have people with wisdom in leadership positions. we get who we deserve. if you voted for rick please don't do it again.

Anonymous said...

6:31 I recently read about that. Interesting, I thought the same as you. State can do the same thing too. Nothing is written in Stone anymore !

Anonymous said...

tricky dicky got to go!

Anonymous said...

1:27 is not in any responsible positions, I hope. The way he/she writes, spells, grammar etc.
Why do people show their ignorance?

Anonymous said...

Joe, question for today tomorrow: How many of you would sign a petition to remove Rick Pollitt from government? Everyone! Get the word out to get on the blog to give their vote. Joe, allow one vote per person to see what a real number might be. You can give the results for total numbers including the duplicates. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

7:17, You must not remember or do your research. VOICE started the petition drive to not only implement the 2% ptrc, but also for the Executive form of government. So yes, they did bring Rick in. Nearly the same percentage of the population that voted for the ptrc, also voted for the executive form of govt.

Anonymous said...

Come on County Council, do what is right for Wicomico County!! DO NOT ALLOW THIS TO GO THRU!!!! Rick is just getting more expensive help to do the job he should be doing. Go to any department and ask the employees when was the last time Rick visited them to see and "learn" what they do and what their department "needs" No one ever sees Rick and it's not because he's so busy! I know some of the Council know more about the departmets than Rick does!! Take for example the Roads Division, for the last few years with the cuts in HUR funding from the state the department and roads have been devastated, the department has lost many employees but is being told to do more with less, let's see how long schools are closed this winter when roads aren't plowed during snow because there is not enough employees to man the plows. Do you think Rick cares!! Wake up he wants the roads to get bad to make an example of the tax cap. No help at the roads but add more help to the executive dept. Wake Up Wicomico County, lets do away with the Executive form of govt. Things were much better and transparent with the Council form of govt. Rick and his dept. hide way to much from everyone!! Wake Up Everyone Please!! Joe like some one else suggested please place a post where residents of the county can vote what type of govt. they want for Wicomico County. We need smaller less expensive govt.!!

Anonymous said...

How can one not feel for people like 12:21, who works for the county and has made no more that $1 an hour on the few occasions when there's a pay raise. They are the ones who put in their blood and sweat for this county; in turn, they are "rewarded" with a pittance. Where does Mr. Pollitt get off proposing to hire these WAY over-paid pencil-pushers for his office? Whatever in the world is a Director of Constituents' Service and Communication? Instead of letting the Public Info. officer leave, we keep him and give him a fancier-sounding title and a big raise. As several have pointed out, this is Wicomico, not Baltimore or Harford County. Mr. Pollitt is going to have to be brought down to reality by the Council. If they give him what he is asking for, they will have betrayed those who put them into office.

Anonymous said...

A government out of control. Gander Mountain sells everything you need to to get this government back into shape.
County council , are you this stupid? Or are you being paid off?
He wants to talk about it , tell him it's a waste of time and money.
This is very simple people , just say "NO".

Anonymous said...

sometimes these comments are made by people who can't type very well so please don't condemn them for their spelling..some comments are made by people who doesn't know correct grammar please don't condemn them because you are more educated then they are....make your comment about their comment not about them .....
My comment is about spending also but not in the sense of pay....have you all been into the government bldg since the ac was fixed it is set on 68 degrees employees are running heaters to say warm along with wearing sweater and gloves .....that is wasteful spending set the AC on 72
that is a big building if they county thought the employees could handle 90 degree temps i think they could handle 72 degrees

Anonymous said...

How can Rick cry the county does not not have any money for raises. Then create jobs not needed that would add $585,103 to the tax payer, plus benefits.This man has lost touch with real life and needs to find a job in another state that can afford him. He needs to go.I recently had the chance to work at the Bennett Middle School, wow they really do need a new school, the place is worn out. Put the $585,000 toward that.

Anonymous said...

As a county employee we always had to have a "pay study" done to determine our salary, it always ended up being way below private sector salaries, yes I know we got good benefits and I did not complain, the reason for my comment is where did Rick get these salary ranges?? Did he just pick them out of the air?? If this does go thru (I sure hope not!!) someone else besides Rick should determine the salary ranges, and don't forget we'll have to furnish these new employees with "County" cars to drive back and forth, I'm sure they will have to have heated seats like Ricks also!!

Anonymous said...

The way this affects our County you should see the same thing Joe has posted here on the front page of the Daily Times but you don't even see a small article on it any where in the paper, is the Daily Times in with Rick on keeping this information from most of the public??

Anonymous said...

in 2000 we didn't have a county executive or a chief of staff and now we need both?

That's $650,000 of bureaucracy Rick has added to his executive empire. No wonder the only thing on his mind is raising taxes.

Anonymous said...

8:38 There is an article on today's front page and it appears Rick sent an email. Is he trying to stir the pot? I think he will be surprised to see the lack of support for his deal. We have been waiting 4 years and he hasn't done a darn thing yet. Sad state of affair.

Anonymous said...

For the first time in years the council has shown some common sense.Lets hope they stay on track and not let little Rickys crybaby tantrums get him anywhere except out the door! Hang in there council and put him in his place.

Anonymous said...

How about: County Exec., one secretary, and Director of Administration? 3 positions
Get an intern or two for extra help. Save big bucks.

lmclain said...

How many people have to pay taxes in this county just to meet the payroll figures that were posted for these positions alone? Stop spending money!! Private employers have cut their workforce and have one person doing the work of two or three employees. Often without any pay increase. Our public leaders cannot keep their heads out of the trough. Are they THAT stupid or are they THAT imperialistic? I'm going with both. With STUPID leading the way.

Anonymous said...

I was late getting my paper today but I see Rick's request did make the front page, I also noticed the Daily Times did not post the salaries proposed for Ricks grand plan. I agree with 9:40's post - Three people should be able to run this department. PLEASE COUNTY COUNCIL DON'T LET THIS PLAN GO THRU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Save our county, Rick may say it won't cost anymore but wait till next year when he submits his budget!!

Anonymous said...

C'mon Rick, get real. You know the county doesn't need this position. Sounds to us like you're asking for a position to fill Ted's former job. Trust me on this one, give it a try without the new position(s). The county will function just fine. Don't feel like you have to spend the money just because it's there. Show us how good you are at saving our money.Then you'll have 42 good comments on this blog next time.

Anonymous said...

OK. Which cheerleading squad will Ricky call in this time to support his dumb ideas? How many "committees" has he stacked with his supporters to call in for times just like this? Will it be the neighborhood congress or the fitness council or his Blue Ribbon committee? How many more can we name and what has either one of them accomplished. NOTHING!

Anonymous said...

They need to dispurse some of that money to the line workers.

Anonymous said...

I agree with 12:32. Why have a deputy Director, too many chiefs and not enough indians. That is garbage.

Anonymous said...

But Mommy! ALL THE OTHER COUNTIES HAVE ONE!!! Council! You need to vote this DOWN!!!

Anonymous said...

Did you get my post regarding Sharon Morris and the LG tagged
vehicle she was driving at 7:45 this morning?

Anonymous said...

Looks like if you work for Rick you get a county vehicle to commute
to work in. What a waste of
taxpayer money!