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Monday, August 15, 2011

Stop Coddling The Super-Rich, Warren Buffett Says

Billionaire urges lawmakers to raise taxes on rich to help cut budget deficit

Billionaire Warren Buffett urged U.S. lawmakers to raise taxes on the country's super-rich to help cut the budget deficit, saying such a move will not hurt investments.

"My friends and I have been coddled long enough by a billionaire-friendly Congress. It's time for our government to get serious about shared sacrifice," The 80-year-old "Oracle of Omaha" wrote in an opinion article in The New York Times.

Buffett, one of the world's richest men and chairman of conglomerate Berkshire Hathaway Inc , said his federal tax bill last year was $6,938,744.


lmclain said...

I don't give a rat's ace about "rich people create jobs" crap. Verizon is For a man as rich as Buffett to have a (self-confessed) tax bill of $7,000 is abominable and disgraceful. Who's to blame? CONGRESS! WE elect these miilionaires and what do they do? Protect themselves (and OTHER milliionaires, or multi-billioniares) with tax codes that rip the middle class to pieces (and allow billionaires to pay $7000???!). And we give them CAREERS (!!) in congress. Congress, of course, won't agree to term limits, but "we, the people" can impose them ourselves by ALWAYS voting out the incumbent. Give them ONE term. Congress, in its present form and function, is a ruling elite with NO NO NO concern for the people. They lick the boots of special interests and openly accept bribes and steal everything not tied down. With many of them having criminal records, they couldn't even qualify for jobs that you and I hold. If you still think voting will do any good, the LEAST you could do is vote the current theiving, bribe-taking, imperialistic, lying, self-serving slimeballs out of office.

Anonymous said...

Oh Imclain you're on a roll and I whole heartedly agree with you. They lie their arces off to get elected then get there and it's all about special interests - makes me sick. I just wish they had to walk a mile in the middle class shoes and see how it really is out here. What's sad though is once they are no longer in Congress they still get the retirement they set up for themselves so they are set for life.

Anonymous said...

The rich are NOT "job creaters". The middle-class is the job creation engine because it is our consumer spending that makes the rich get rich in the first place. With that said, the rich have to be taxed more, not because they are somehow evil, but because the nation needs the money. The major entitlements will have to be cut, not because the poor are lazy, but because these programs are driving us straight into financial ruin.

Anonymous said...

9:41, check your math. His billw as almost 7 million dollars. The question is what percentage of his income is that? It's all about fairness; I say let the Bush cuts expire.

lmclain said...

10:25....I don't read that bad. BUT, paying 7 million on his wealth is still outrageous. His investments probably earned that much in less than a week.