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Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Fear Of Terror Makes People Stupid


Anonymous said...

Tell that to those on 9-11...

lmclain said...

The POLICE are more likely (by far) to kill you than a terrorist? Say it ain't so! Okay. It IS so. This whole "terrorism" thing is total crap. The government will strip search you at the airport (and soon at bus and train stations) for a bottle of shampoo. X-Ray your car and your house for "weapons and bombs". Break into your house without warrant while you're on vacation (and search it top to bottom). Set up roadblocks to see IF --- IF --- you are a criminal. But you can walk across the Mexican (or Canadian) border with an atomic weapon (may have already been done, according to the government) or 20 men with automatic rifles and 200lbs of cocaine. We fight the "terrorists", but don't have the heart to kill them (they have more rights than you and I). A Muslim can stand on the street corner in New York city and scream at the top of his lungs, preaching the death of America and you better not say anything (he has "rights"), but a grade school kid posts a facebook comment about "obama better watch out for suicide bombers" and the SECRET SERVICE is at his school the NEXT DAY. We are being CONDITIONED. Complain about it? THAT could be a problem. For you.