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Wednesday, June 22, 2011

BREAKING NEWS: Fed Downgrades U.S. Economic Outlook

Federal Reserve revises economic forecast down to show weaker jobs outlook and economic growth in 2011.


Anonymous said...

is anyone surprised at this????

Anonymous said...

Glenn Beck has been predicting this for months.
I'm certainly not surprised.

lmclain said...

It's Bush's fault. So is the lack of rainfall and the fire that killed 11 people in Korea yeaterday. Obama recently made a baby stop crying just by touching him. The sun came out today because obama made that happen too. Bush made the floods. Obama rescues the helpless and feed the masses. No matter what the economy does, if its GOOD, the obama did it. If not, it's STILL Bush's fault. It took our country 230 years to get here--- you think obama can fix it in less than 3???? ("Fix it" was a joke....)

Anonymous said...

Im Clain
Do you really still believe in the American Political System? I mean really? The 2 party system?

I personally don't believe there is any difference at all between the 2 parties. Both are totally controlled by the Banking Elite.