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Thursday, May 19, 2011

Romney Gets Bump as Trump, Huckabee Exit Race

So who benefits from the recent departures of Mike Huckabee and Donald Trump? Mitt Romney, by a fair margin, according to one just-released poll.

Just as telling, though, is that four out of 10 Republicans said they were still dissatisfied with the GOP field. And none of the current crop of candidates, according to a Suffolk University poll of likely voters, could beat President Barack Obama if the election were held now.

The poll, one of the first to be released since Messrs. Huckabee and Trump said they wouldn’t run, found that a plurality of their supporters—29%–said they would now back Mr. Romney, the former Massachusetts governor. The pollsters called back those who had supported the other two in the first round of calls.



Anonymous said...

I pray for a suitable man to replace obama. This country will not take another 4 years with a mad man running the country.

Anonymous said...

Rhino! His socialized medical plan in Massachusetts was the platform of Obamacare. Oh and by the way is costing that state like a 100 times more than projected and you can't get a doctors appointment for 6 months. And he still defends it.