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Saturday, April 16, 2011

Why Do You Think 'All My Children' and 'One Life To Life' Got Canceled

In my honest opinion, our Government has forced most people in that age group to work and NOT sit at home watching day time television.

Gone are the days when Dad would go to work and Mom would stay home to raise children. While some may claim this is a victory for equal rights, I say our country has gone down hill ever since. You know how our Government enjoys at least two per household paying taxes instead of one.

However, getting back to the point here, maybe millions of people will now go out and get jobs and get off welfare instead of sitting around the boob tube watching soap operas.

It's unfortunate for those retired people who watch these programs but you'd think a cable company would pick them up and continue these shows. If not, I say, don't let Obama and the First Lady get any ideas to BAIL THEM OUT!

I look forward to your opinion.


Anonymous said...

Their lack of viewership may be that the younger generation just doesn't watch them - too many other choices. The older generation that have watched them for years have seen the same old, tired story lines year after year.

dan said...

First: Big Deal.

Two: That is a bit of a reach, Joe.

Joseph Albero said...

Dan, is it really? I expected such an answer from a liberal, (respectfully).

Anonymous said...

This is GREAT NEWS. Women who aren't working away from the home should be spending their time teaching and spending quality time with their children, not glued to the tv while letting the kids do what ever they want till they drop put of school and end up in jail or on welfare. Also everyone knows but is afraid to say that these women should be cleaning the house, doing laundry and cooking for the family, not glued to some silly, immoral tv program. As for retired people, if they can't find something more productive to do than watching soap operas...well then maybe it's time for them to pull the plug and stop using resources that are draining the nation. Illegals are also draining the social services but at least they are working.

H. James Kempton

Anonymous said...

I agree with Joe that the country has gone down hill a lot since people stopped investing a parent at home with the children. I do stay home with my children and we live an extremely simple life to be able to do so. We are not a welfare family nor are we a mcmansion vacation every year family.
Although I am a SAHM I do not watch soap operas because I don't need "drama" to survive and literally avoid it all costs, even in TV shows! My house could stand to be cleaner but it could also be much worse and even though it may not pass a white glove test I am busy every day! The TV might be on (wasting electric) but I cannot stand the dead silence during the day so it is filling that dead air until it is time to pick the children up!

dan said...

I don't even think I am being too overly-liberal here this time, Joe. I just think that saying the cancellation of any television show is the end-result of a corrupt government is a bit of a reach even for the most conspiratorial of the group (and I am not implying you are of the tin-foil-hat variety.)

They are television shows. Nothing more. On the surface, this seems like a story intended to distract everyone from the bigger picture.

Much ado.

Anonymous said...

Haha these leaps of logic are funny. Mom watches tv, kid eventually drops out of school and ends up in jail. My mom never missed a young and the restless and I ended up quite fine.

Anonymous said...

I really don't think that would be the reason. If you look at it, reality tv is the most popular right now and the I hear that the soaps are being replaced with talk shows which is very similar to reality tv. Besides, there is a Soap Network tv station so they could have just moved everything to there, but the network is cancelling also. I think it just has to do with people liking different things. Just my opinion.

Anonymous said...


That's your opinion and you are most certainly entitled to it.

In Ted Bundy's opinion, he turned out "quite fine."

We are not objective judges of our own life. I leave it to the mass of people I meet everyday to universally proclaim that I am the best of men. And my mother didn't lie around wasting time watching soap operas while ignoring her children and neglecting her womanly duty of household chores so dad could come home from work to a clean house, Clean & ironed clothes, well behaved children, a hot meal and a pleasant, useful wife!

H. James Kempton

Anonymous said...

They are far more than just television shows. They and almost ALL television shows are mind control tools. Their storylines convince us of many ideas held important for the Rich Elites of the World Government.

First of all, thanks to television most of us believe the police need to violate a person's basic rights "in order to protect the rest of us". Two people are more important than one person. That is the premise of a corrupt Democratic Society. Our Country was founded as a Constitutional Republic. The U.S. Constitution used to limit the government's ability to control our lives. It held important INDIVIDUAL FREEDOM.

Secondly, thanks to television programs most of us believe the terrorists are gonna' get us if we don't allow the government to spy on us. We welcome the spying. We welcome the constatnt video surveillance and GPS tracking. We live in an electronic control grid and enjoy it. Only because of television. If you give it up for a while and allow your brain to cool down - you will realize how many social program ideas are found in the television.

It is a powerful mind control tool

Anonymous said...

There lots of people at home all day. They are called the jobless. They have no money, hence the sponsors are selling their products to broke people.

Anonymous said...

Np more people are not going to get off their butt and get a job. Its not like they cancelled playing re-runs of Good Times.

Anonymous said...

the soap opera was a post war madison ave. freudian pitch not just to sell goods like soap but to also indoctrinate and re-enforce the new middle class consumer credit culture of acquisition and compliance it was brilliant and it worked a lot of stuff got made and bought in that dream stuper and whole class was created and the story lines followed and reinforced collapsing social mores and dysfunction and disatisfactions with the very mirrored image they'd created and we'd become

Anonymous said...

no one will get off of their butts as long as court shows with inept judges are on the air... and "who's da daddy" lie detectors are in use on talk shows. besides, most of those people have 50 inch lcd tvs from rent-a-center and direct tv/dish network to deliver entertainment while they wait for the next check to deposit to their In"dependence" cards.

Anonymous said...

Because Women are finally living their life now instead of a fantasy. Y & R is my fav. Nick is eye candy.

FruitlandGenericCitizen said...

Joe, women are working because CORPORATE AMERICA stopped paying wages that allowed for a one-career family. Federal taxes didn't do that. In fact, tax rates now are much lower than they were in the 1950s under Pres, Eisenhower, when the richest Americans paid almost a 90% income tax. Can't blame the feds for this one - it's corporate greed.

Anonymous said...

I'd love to see he last episode of All My Children be all about Erica Cane being carried into a spaceship and being abducted by aliens.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Kempton, glad you consider a wife to be something that is "useful."

I call that a maid.

My wife is a SAHM and I do housework too because it's my house too.

She is not a housewife. She is married to me!

She didn't watch the soaps and she won't be watching their talk show replacements. I can't believe people of my generation are so hooked on that garbage.

The TV shows are all about what they can sell to whom, Joe. That's all. Most TV is trash.

Anonymous said...

Most honest people are out working because it takes everyone in the household bringing home a paycheck to survive. The welfare people are too busy buying groceries with their Independence Card or baby food with the WIC vouchers to be bothered watching the soaps. Besides they need to text all their freeloading friends with their free phones! The retired people have gone back to work in order to keep up with their expenses, so there is no one to watch daytime TV. Also, if you saw one, you've seen them all.

Anonymous said...

I resent the implication that all people who watch the "stories" or soap operas are lazy non-working bums.I work nights so I am home during the day to watch them,although I only watch one show in particular.

Anonymous said...

You seem like a nice, even minded fellow. My Bible tells me woman was created as a helpmate for man and should submit to & obey her husband. If you choose to call that a maid, that's your business. I call such a woman a good & useful wife.
Ephesians 5:22-24 (American Standard Version)
"22 Wives, be in subjection unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord.
23 For the husband is the head of the wife, and Christ also is the head of the church, being himself the saviour of the body.
 24 But as the church is subject to Christ, so let the wives also be to their husbands in everything."

Talk of equal rights and responsibilities between man & woman is typical of shallow thinkers who are easily swayed by the Satan of political correctness. I encourage you to accept the mantle of head of home and head of your wife, "as Christ is head of the church." Men ought not be tittie whipped as the Divine plan is for man to love, care for and instruct his wife, and woman is to love, serve and obey her husband. That is the only way woman is truly happy, to serve and obey her husband. I urge you to relieve your wife's stress and give her the joy of doing all the housework as nature and nature's God intended. Relieve her mental strain by telling her what is right and which thoughts are acceptable to you as head of the wife and the home. She will thank and praise you for it!

H. James Kempton

Anonymous said...

That door swings both ways...

Whoso findeth a wife findeth a good thing, and obtaineth favour of the Lord.
--Proverbs 18:22

Let every man have his own wife, and let every woman have her own husband. Let the husband render unto the wife due benevolence: and likewise also the wife unto the husband. The wife hath not power of her own body, but the husband; and likewise also the husband hath not power of his own body, but the wife.
--I Corinthians 7:2-4

Anonymous said...

Yes, 8:28, you are correct.
But the Bible leaves no doubt that man and woman's roles are different & that woman is subject to the man in ALL things.

And "Whoso findeth a wife findeth a good thing, and obtaineth favour of the Lord."
--Proverbs 18:22 Is exactly right! It's one of life's greatest blessings to find a good, obedient wife in a world full of unholy women's libbers, drunks, drug addicts and prostitutes.

H. James Kempton