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Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Salisbury Maryland All American City, COME ON NOW!

You know, IF the former Mayor and current Mayor actually gave a damn about the City of Salisbury, would it take exposing images like the ones above a hundred times for them to see the real truth about who they are/were?

I took these photos yesterday and quite frankly it broke my heart. So what needs to be done about it. Many have asked me when I publish things like this I should at least attempt to try and provide a solution to the problem.

Well, for starters we supported Jim Ireton as Mayor with the hope he'd see the blight in Salisbury, (outside his attacks on SAPOA) and do somehing about it. After all, what you're seeing is the City's responsibility. Shouldn't the lead by example first?

There are a couple of ways I'd attack this head on. First, I'd start a Downtown property owners association. I'd ask each property owner to pony up $100.00 a month to maintain just the grounds.

Secondly, I'd ask citizens, (at their will) to make donations, (especially every Third Friday) to maintain the Downtown Plaza. I'd work with the Volunteer Firefighters to encourage them to build PRIDE back into our Downtown Main Street area. I'd ask the Police Chief if she'd be willing to bring in low risk prisoners or even work release prisoners to also help maintain the Downtown area.

I'd demand that every property owner or their tennants sweep in front of their buildings on a daily basis. Being so passive by sitting idle waiting for Public Works to do it is just wrong.

I'd take a small portion of the $100.00 a month fee from property owners and reward the property of the month. Treating the Downtown area wth such a care free attitude is one main reason the Downtown is failing.

Why would someone like Starbucks want to come there if this is what they get to see every day! While there are plenty of other corporations I could use as an example, you get the drift.

Sooner than later the Downtown Plaza will lose its biggest cheerleader, Anne Taylor. Quite frankly, she's given up and I can't say as I blame her. Every single year promisses are made, discussions are held and what happens, absolutely nothing.

My answers may not be the best answers out there but at least its a start. If YOU have any ideas, please, I welcome each and every one of them. No matter what though, something needs to be done starting yesterday.


Anonymous said...

That's a shame.

Anonymous said...

That first picture is in front of my apartment. We think the kids from the underage nightclub did it :(

Anonymous said...

Also Joe I'd do anything to help out or volunteer down there even though I only rent.

Anonymous said...


Drive over to the Sub Station on Princeton Ave. and take a picture of that...the grass is taller than what is allowed. Yet the NSCC is writing notice of violations for all othe properties but they can't take care of their own property...

Do as i say not as i do!!!!! That should be the new slogan for Salisbury....

Anonymous said...

Don't the Boy Scouts/Girl Scouts have to do community service to earn a patch/medal? And how about some people who have gone to court and got handed a sentence of community service? And like you suggested, some people already in jail could probably do supervised community service. I thought high school students are supposed to do community service I don't know why downtown looks like it does will all these possibilities.

Anonymous said...

Get those darn lazy butt inmates at WCDC out to clean up this mess. They ain't doing anything except sleeping, eating and Sugar Honey Ice Teaing for free.

Smallsbury_Steak said...

Anon 11:53 am,
We can't blame this on the underage night club; HOWEVER, it is absurd that the City allows a "night club" in the Downtown area. A small bar, pub, restaurant, coffee house, etc is acceptable, but a NIGHT CLUB? Especially and underage night club that shares common space with professional offices in the Gateway Building?? Come on! I can only imagine the mess and destruction that is left for the office tenants to find in the morning. Not to mention, I enjoy going to Market Street on Saturday nights I ALWAYS see 3-4 police cars outside of said night club. That's not the way to revive the's a sure shot way to kill it!

Smallsbury_Steak said...

As far a Joe's solutions:

1. I'd ASK each property owner to pony up $100.00 a month to maintain just the grounds.
-Keyword: "ASK" - Property owners are willing to help, but they don't want to be forced to help. The better the plaza looks, the more business they will do. I'm sure they would be willing to do a HOA.

2. I'd ask citizens, to make donations, to maintain the Downtown Plaza.
-Keyword: "ASK" - People are willing to help and donate what they can, but they don't want to be taxed and fee'd to death. A simple Donation bucket at 3rd Friday would bring good revenues.

3. I'd demand that every property owner or their tennants sweep in front of their buildings on a daily basis.
-Keyword: no "ASK" - If you want to attract business then you should be making your frontage as nice as possible! You shouldn't be asked to do this, you should WANT to do it! Business owners are hurting themselves by not sweeping!

4. I'd take a small portion of the $100.00 a month fee from property owners and reward the property of the month
-Incentives are a PLUS!

Only thing I would add though is to develop a diverse board for the Property Owners' Association. A trendy architect for design review, financial adviser, modern urban planner, several property owners, a City Council representative, a Chamber of Commerce representative, tenant representatives, a lawyer, historic officer, etc. A board member to cover all aspects of the area, but have a vested interest in reviving the Downtown Area. All board members should live, work or own property downtown.

Problem is, the City has a death grip on the area and won't let it try to govern itself.

Anonymous said...

Anon 12:45 Maybe you shouldn't drink and drive. It sure sounds like it your comment!

Anonymous said...

Property owners shouldn't pay to maintain city streets.
The City has underfunded downtown maintenance for years. Now they say, it's because of the recession. Before the recession they said there were other priorities.
Truth is downtown property owners pay taxes but they can't vote. So the City grabs the money and spends it on pet projects. So they can buy votes.

Smallsbury_Steak said...

Anon 1:05 PM,

For one, I am not are.

Two, I never said anything about drinking and driving. People go to the bar all the time, does that make them all drunk drivers? My friends and I go out and always have a sober driver. Quit making assumptions that don't exist and start contributing valuable input to topic at hand.

Anonymous said...

Don't you know: Salisbury is doing more with less according to Mayor Jim-beau!

PS -- help is on the way.

Anonymous said...

Downtown property owners pay more than enough taxes to maintain dowtown streets. But the money goes to "neighborhoods" where the votes are.

Don't pay more. Get a fair deal for all we've been paying.

Anonymous said...

The peoplle who own businesses downtown need to have a owners association. If there are decisions to be made they whould take care of it. I own a business here in the city. I pick up the trash on the street, in the gutter and on property, I dont wait for the street sweeper, a boy scout or someone from eci to come do it for me. Take pride in your own property. As far as Urban Salisbury tell me what we have done for the city.???They have a nice flyer. They are a waste of our tax dollars.

Anonymous said...

what happened to the Downtown BUsiness Owners Association that existed many years ago..and filled the coffers of the city to provide manintenance. They were the ones who originally paid for the existing brickwork and "monument".
The city confiscated the double-bricks from the old railroad station for the plaza,and arranged for the labor but the downtown association paid for it....i

Anonymous said...

Get rid of all that brick work downtown and return downtown to what it used to be - a road running thru it! Then business owners downtown can take a broom and sweep their sidewalks and it's all taken care of.

Anonymous said...

There used to be a Downtown Association.

Nothing is stopping the property owners, renters, business managers, etc. from forming one.

I've lost all sympathy for downtown property owners and businesses. I go to eat there. The place doesn't open 'til 4. I go to shop there. Open half the week or closes at 3. I walk by there and can see pieces of the building are shot. I go in there, I can smell mold. I go check out a place to rent and they want an arm and a leg. No wonder the places are empty. For what they wanted, I can get a real store!

Blame it all on the government if you want, but the only business downtown that shows any business like behavior is Kuhn's. The rest, what a joke.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Smallsbury_Steak said...

Anon 1:05 PM,

For one, I am not are.

Two, I never said anything about drinking and driving. People go to the bar all the time, does that make them all drunk drivers? My friends and I go out and always have a sober driver. Quit making assumptions that don't exist and start contributing valuable input to topic at hand.

1:15 PM

UH!!! How can you say you are not anonymous?

Anonymous said...

This is city property and we have a mayor who is to busy running business away and hurting and fining the local business in this tough economy. Then there is the fines given to the hard working tax payers trying to make end meet. I am surprised you did not comment on those 7 public works employee's pathing about 300 sq ft of asphalt infront of your office Joe last Wednesday. It was three working and four watching. This city needs to keep fining and harassing taxpayers to pay for the mayors pet projects and a lawyer at his beck and call to fight local business and taxpayers rather then work with them.

Anonymous said...

just raze the whole downtown altogether
people have nostalgic notions but they deserve Wal-Mart

Jack K Richards said...

Pictures like this is just an example of the steadily decaying of a once wonderful city....All American City my a--! C'mon let's do some rejuvenating and clean up Salisbury

Jack K Richards said...

Oops...should have read "are just an example" sorry