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Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Today's Survey Question

After Prsident Obama's Press Conference this morning referencing his Birth Certificate,
do you now believe he was born in Hawaii?


Anonymous said...

I believed all along that he was born in the US. There are too many people checking this stuff for that to have gotten through.
Now all the Obama haters/birthers should hang their heads in total embarrasment and regret.
They just sealed his re-election!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

No, because I am crazy like the other people here and nothing will ever change my mind, least of all actual evidence! And secretly, it isn't really about his birth certificate, but we birthers won't admit it.

Anonymous said...

still doesn't say his father was a citizen. Isn't that a requirement as well? Both parents have to be citizens of the US. He's not a naturalized citizen then and cannot be president. Am I wrong?

Anonymous said...

Already did. I can't stand the man but the people who constantly bring this birth certiticate thing up are even crazier than out Pres is. Seriously wouldnt have McCain brought this up, or really Hillary Clinton long before McCain.

Anonymous said...

11:42 - Since when does our constitution state that both parents have to be citizens? You are wrong on that one. Wanna try another?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Yes, it was all a liberal plot to make the Republicans look bad.

Alex said...

11:42 you are wrong.

Anonymous said...

NOPE! Why make a big issue not to show it until now?

Anonymous said...

11:42 is apparently not paying attention to the present debate on anchor babies, where perhaps *neither* of the parents are US citizens, yet the babies, by virtue of being born here, are.

Anonymous said...

to 11:50 hilary did bring it up in the campaign. in fact she was the first to bring it up.

still have a question in my mind as to why he's spent so much money trying to hide info of any kind regarding his "background".

remember when bush was running for president the "left" did everything in their power to get him to release anything and everything regarding his background and he did. why is it wrong for the opposition to do the same? hmmmmm

i still believe he is hiding info. look at who he appoints as czars, and who his associates are. "birds of a feather flock together".....

"trust but verify"

Anonymous said...

It took them this long to 'create' one.....

Anonymous said...

I just love the way Obama refused to take any questions today. I guess he hasn't come up with an excuse (or lie) as to why he took so long to grant the certificate request.
It's too the point where I don't believe a word out of his mouth

Joseph Albero said...

If ANY one of those reporters had challenged anything Obama said, they would have been removed from the Press Room for good.

Anonymous said...

The fruit cake liberals have had plenty of time to produce whatever they wanted it to look like. At this point it means nothing! simply a political reelection spoof to take the heat off of him and make those questioning his legitamacy to be where he is. Sure hope he an Oprah don't buy another 4 years og socialistic hell!

Anonymous said...

You could hear reporters asking questions as Omammy was leaving.

And who is the idoit who said the parents don't have to be citizens?

Anonymous said...

I have heard that there may me some conflict that his mother was not even of age to be able to declare his citizenship to the U.S. I wonder if we can see his mummies birth certificate.

Anonymous said...

12:05 - And that's usually how the Republicans work. They create an embarrasing situation for themselves and turn it around to make it look like the Democrats started it all.
But that's right, the Republicans never do any wrong and are not accountable to anyone. I forgot about that. LOL!

Anonymous said...

Although this is a solid, polarizing, survey question which served the purpose of creating a flow of discourse, don't you think there are more important issues to reflect upon? Lets get our heads out of the dirt and talk about pressing issues within our community. The most effective means for change it to take a bottom up approach. Start with yourself, then your family, then your neighborhood, then your city, then your county, then your state, then your federal circuit, then your country. When the Egyptians built the pyramids, they didn't start from the top.

Anonymous said...

2:14, keep voting for the dems so we can all pay more taxes and they can continue to spend spend spend all our money and the money we don't have. How much do we borrow every day from China to fund our daily govt? stupid

Anonymous said... was the Clinton campaign and supporters that first raised the issue THEN the Repubs took it up in earnest.

The big question is why spend so much money defending in court case after court case him NOT producing it if it was a legitimate document all along. That part REALLY doesn't make sense.

Whether you are a Dem or a Repub it really is a critical issue. If an elected Pres. can be proven to not be a citizen then every piece of legislation that he signed would be voided.

Anonymous said...

Obama quote:

"Let me say it as simply as I can: transparency and the rule of law will be the touchstones of this presidency."

I can't believe there are people who are still falling for his BS (sorry Joe, I know you don't like cussing but I don't know what else to call Obama's lies)

Anonymous said...

No,the certificate is a phony just like Obama all this is part of the plan,Obama goal is to destroy America so far He gets an A for job well done Obama HATES America

Anonymous said...

"When a true genius appears, you can know him by this sign: that all the dunces are in a confederacy against him."
-Jonathan Swift

"Don't hate the player, hate the game"

Anonymous said...


No, Obama hates YOU personally! It is all a big conspiracy, directed right at you. But don't tell anyone!

Or . . . you are blinded by your own hatred. If someone hated America, there would be a lot easier ways to show it than running for President and winning. But you already know that.

Anonymous said...

If he was a natural born citizen he would have produced a birth certificate by now. This issue has been going on for over 3 years and the liberal retards believe every word he says. It is campaign season and he know Trump is making him squirm so they had to create a birth certificate. I would bet my life this BC is just as fake as he is.

Anonymous said...

The way they fake documents and cover things up. NOPE!

Anonymous said...

What is the big deal over this man's birth certificate? Maybe we need to start carrying around our birth certificates instead of our social security cards.It goes back to what I have heard all my life about black people. Every thing you do has to be better. You have to jump higher,be smarter,score higher,have more money to do what the average white person does. why is that? I am not saying that Obama is the best we have ever had . What I am saying is his not the worse we ever had or will ever have. Donald Duck Trump need to sit down and shut up. Donald trump dont have to worry about a birth certificate because he was hatched. It is what it is .

Anonymous said...

I don't care what party you support. Do you ever wonder why the politicians won't get things done? Because so many of you idiots on the right and left would rather spend more time on this issue than on actually focusing on the merits of the proposed policies of elected officials.

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah Anon 7:14 it really takes alot of time to produce a birth certificate. I could produce mine quicker than it takes to play a game of basketball. Actually I could produce my orginal birth certificate in 10 seconds.

Anonymous said...

Oh and another thing Anon 7:14 if any time was wasted on this only Obama himself can be blamed. He should have produced it right after Hilary Clinton brought it up, wouldn't you agree?

Anonymous said...

6:11 you are an idiot Obama is using the Presidency as a powerful tool to achieve his goals to destroy America Obama knew as President he would gain the power necessary to achieve his final result.

Anonymous said...

Obama born? Being a chicken farmer here on the Shore, I surely thought he was "hatched", ha! Yes, of course in Hi.

Anonymous said...

It is fake because Obama's dad is listed as African when back then the race was either listed as Black or Negro.