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Sunday, April 03, 2011

A Letter To The Editor


It could be déjà vu all over again in the City Council this week.

Recall what happened four years ago, when a little known come-here/from here was the top vote getter, and the nightmare that resulted under the Smith-Comegys-Shields regime. Louweasel campaigned as being independent of the other candidates, but managed to obtain the “third vote” of many who supported other candidates with more definite positions and platforms, whichever side they were on. She portrayed herself as having special skills in fiscal and financial matters gained in her career as an former auditor in some governmental system in Florida. In fact, little was known about her or her career. But it was one of those elections, not unlike the current one, in which “civility” and “getting along” dominated the candidates’ forums and debate and someone who sounded good could do well despite the electorate’s lack of pertinent information about that candidate.

Fast forward to the present and consider Laura Mitchell, who claims to have “significant” experience in municipal financial matters, but has not said what it consists of or how and where she got it. Then there’s her claim to be an almost CPA – does that sound a more than a bit like being “an auditor.” Sure there are differences between her and Smith, such as age, marital status and residential situation, but the similarity is striking, And look at those yard signs and the ones next to them. The message: “everyone likes Laura.”

But does anyone really know her?


Anonymous said...

Are you going to offer any endorsements?

Joseph Albero said...


Anonymous said...

This is stupid. If you don't know her, then why don't you talk to her? I have and she has my vote. Just like Tim Spies and Terry Cohen have my vote. Because I talked to them and I agree with them on the issues.

Anonymous said...

Maybe T>C> will be the top vote geter.

Anonymous said...

Hey 10:19:

It's up to the candidate to tell us who they are and their position on issues. She has not done so, but simply says she has civility and experience without being specific.

ranger3325 said...

anon 10:19 what exactly are those issues

Anonymous said...

This is a scary election. I talked to this lady. She's nice, but I got no sense of where she stands on anything. Louise Smith was "nice" too.

The only two people I "know" are Cohen and Spies, more her than him. But he's been around working for people.

I guess I'll vote those two and I'm not sure about #3. Maybe I'll skip #3. I don't know. I just can't get Louweaseled again.

The media was really useless again. All the paper and forum stuff was general fluff. Wish I could catch the Camden forum on Pac14 tomorrow. Heard it was better than the others, but I have to work.

Anonymous said...

If I haven't heard of any of these people doing community involved functions before now, forget about it, they won't get my vote.

Tim Spies and Terry Cohen have been involved in community service years before they decided to run for council.

Anonymous said...

Hey 10:49,

Laura Mitchell HAS said who she is at the forums and put it in writing on her website and facebook page, where, by the way, she has posted her resume. She gives the specifics on her views and offers specific solutions. She also states that if you have questions for her to call her and lists her phone number on the front page of her website. Obviously, most people don't take the time to do research on the candidates before making baseless accusations.

Anonymous said...

Not sure about Laura. Boda has been involved in mentoring. He is up front on where he stands. He is more pro-landlord and pro-business. Against the Fireboat, Bricks, Linens of the week according to his website). He does not like Barrie Tilghman, I have heard him say that if Carolyn Hall had been Mayor our City would be in better shape. Boda did contribute to her Campaign and I saw him putting some signs up for her. I heard that one of the reasons Citizens for a Better Salisbury fell apart was because Boda did not want Stu Leer involved and that Leer and Boda were at odds. Not sure if that is true, just what I heard my landlord say.

Not sure about Laura though some Landlords have contributed to her campaign. She needs to be more forthcoming.

Anonymous said...


That's all well and good but what has she really done for the community before now? Where is a list of acomplishments?

Anonymous said...

You know what is scary?? I just saw a Laura Mitchell sign side by side in the same yard as Boda and Dryden. That is enough proof for me she is on the side of the slum lords!!!!

Anonymous said...

well if you want the typical left wing liberal loonie go ahead and vote for her.yeah she seems like a nice person up front but she has a lot of bad secrets.

Anonymous said...

The lion, scarecrow, tinman, and dorothy.

Anonymous said...

Obama was a nice guy, too, and he said who he was at forums and put it in writing on his website, Facebook and other places. He, too, gave specifics on his views and offered specific solutions.

Are you going to fall for this stuff twice?

Anonymous said...

I can't wait until Tuesday is over and the election final. I iwll vote for Spies and Cohen because I saw both in action loang before they ran for office. Spies headed the Weed and Seed group and is a seasoned military veteran and has both police and fire experience - not to mention a MENSA member. Cohn graduated from an Ivy league school in just 3 years (with honors) and was very involved in policy and volunteerism before winning her seat the first time. She has kept her campaign promises, unlike Louise Smith. Smart and honest are a nice combination and can take Slaisbury in a good direction. I don't want more of what Smith, Comegys, Dunn, Cathcart, and Tilghman gvae us when we voted for a "clean sweep" and again when we trusted Louise. She was just telling the voters what she knew they wanted to hear in order to get elected. It turned out to be a pack of lies. I don't trust people who haven't been out there working already. As for the Bricks, the fire boat, Linens of the is easy to say what you would have done when you take no actual position and have no accountability. I am sure that if she wanted to Laura could have talked her buddy Jim Ireton into a veto of Linens of the week. Didn't happen, did it?

Anonymous said...

1:37, what kind of convoluted thinking that is! Just because you saw a Mitchell sign alongside of Buda and Dryden signs isn't proof positive that she is "on the side of the slum lords." I also have a Mitchell sign between a Cohen and a Spies sign, so what is that proof of? I have talked with Ms. Mitchell, and I have a good feeling about her. Yeah, I could be eating those words in six months if she is elected because I've been fooled several times by city politicians, but I am hoping that Ms. Mitchell is "the real deal." I KNOW that Cohen and Spies are. Whatever your feelings, be sure to vote on Tuesday.

Anonymous said...

joe,please give us your endorcements so we'll know who to vote for.

Anonymous said...

I don't live in Salisbury but if I did I think I would be voting for someone that you know where they stand. NOT just what they say. They will say anything to get voted in. Vote for someone that has proven they don't have a hidden agenda. Just my 2 cents.

Anonymous said...

12:23, my thoughts exactly, if you have not been out there working for causes you believe in, then you do not have my vote. Not falling for candidates that pop out of no where. Terry and Tim have my votes, and I would like to vote for Buda, he has also been out there - but he needs to campaign as an independent and move away from any perception of special interest with the landlords.