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Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Military Indoctrinated On Gays Kissing, Behavior

Four branches of the military have begun sending training material to 2.2 million active and reserve troops as a prelude to opening the ranks to gays, with instructions on, for example, what to do if an officer sees two male Marines kissing in a shopping mall.

The briefings first target commanders, who will have to enforce the new law and deal with disputes, and then the entire force. The slides, vignettes and talking points by the Air Force, Army, Navy and Marine Corps are similar.

The Marine Corps, which a Pentagon survey found holds deep opposition to lifting the ban, plans to publicly release its training material April 1. A Marine source provided copies to The Washington Times.



Anonymous said...

"..instructions on, for example, what to do if an officer sees two male Marines kissing in a shopping mall..."

Imagine having to teach that course.

Maybe it's a multiple-choice question:

A) Pull out a .45 and shoot them

B) Go over and give them both a big hug

C) Walk away and act like that happens all the time

I'm afraid I'd get that one wrong...

I think the US is in big trouble with this policy.
I know enough Marines to know this ain't gonna work.

Anonymous said...

1:23 is on the money. Our Commandant is one of the few that publicly stated it is a bad idea. I'll start with option A and go from there.....

Anonymous said...

I can see the new recruiting posters now....bring a totally new meaning to "The Marines need a few good men" motta. Having served as a Navy Hospital Corpsmen with the Marines I can tell you how thats gonna fly!

Anonymous said...

Homosexuals make many people uncomfortable..many because it's against their religious beliefs. Others just because it's not natural. I have no major problems with someone being gay, but trying to make people accept it is not going to happen. It's never going to be natural so why expect people to act as though it is? It's like expecting everyone to ignore the pink elephant in the room and not stare and make comments.

Anonymous said...

excellent point 249pm

Anonymous said...

what if the officer sees 2 female marines kissing?

Anonymous said...

Get a camera?

Anonymous said...

What if a homosexuals sees a man and woman kissing? 2:57...get a camera?

Anonymous said...

2:49, I'm glad that you have no problems with someone being gay, since one's sexual orientation is not a choice To say that you have no problems with someone being gay is like saying that you don't have any problems with someone being black, having green eyes, or being 5ft.6 inches tall. It is what it is.

Likewise, how can being gay be against one's religious beliefs, any more than being black or white or 6 1/2 feet tall be against one's religious beliefs? Whatever you are sexually is how you were created. Maybe you mean that engaging in homesexual behavior is against your religious beliefs. There's quite a difference between orientation and behavior or lifestyle.

Homosexuals have as much right to serve their country as does anyone else. If an enlisted person has a problem with gays in the military, he or she might as well get over it. Actually, there have always been gays in the military; they've just not come out. Gays are not going to "come on to" someone who is not giving them some sort of sign that they invite the advance. There is more trouble in the Armed Forces with heterosexual misbehavior than with homossexual.

Anonymous said...'s sexual orientation is not a choice..

That has been proven to be false. There is no 'homosexuality gene'.
Only lustful urges.

Regardless, homosexuality is morally wrong, perverse (against nature), and anti-social (that is-- bad for the society at large).

It does not fit in the military.
Much of western society has been browbeaten into 'accepting' homosexuality, but I'd guess many who say it's OK just say that to avoid more browbeating and name-calling.

I'm sure 4:45 would disagree with me, but no matter how many times you say it's OK, the truth is-- it's not.

This is NOT a condemnation of the person-- as they say, "love the sinner, hate the sin."

I know a number of homosexuals, many are very nice, but what they do is DEAD WRONG.

Trying to FORCE military people, who cannot just walk away, to accept it is also DEAD WRONG.

And you can be absolutely sure that many of them will greatly resent it.

Anonymous said...

Being gay is not a choice.

My drinking a fifth of bourbon each night is likewise, not my choice. I must drink it.

My driving home after drinking the bourbon is . . . well a choice.

Kissing my boyfriend in a shopping mall is likewise a choice.

Moral of the story: If youa re afflicted with homosexualism, then try your best to keep it "under cover" or in a closet - like every other self respecting homosexual has done since the dawn of time.

Bottom line: it is a behavioral disorder - just like alcoholism.

Anonymous said...

im glad i have less than one year left to serve i was going to re-enlist and finish my 20 years.with the way things are headed in this country and now this i think ill take my discharge and move on.

Anonymous said...

Homosexuality is a perversion, a learned behavior and will never be accepted as normal.

Anonymous said... have a funny way of looking at things. Being gay is nothing like someones skin, height, gender,etc. You must have read that in some liberal article written by some liberal phd. Don't know what planet you are from but here on earth a man was created for a woman and vice versa. Just kind of works that way biologically. If gays were created gay then are they disformed? Like genders don't created life and that's what LIFE is all about. NOT natural so why act as though is normal. And two dudes or girls kissing in public would offend most Christians. What your saying is that if your not engaged in homosexuality then viewing it shouldnt be against your religious views or offend you? Do rapists, child molesters, thieves,..offend and or violate someones religious views? Has nothing to do with "homo phobia" and much more to do with morals. Many find homesexuality immoral and against their beliefs..beliefs and morals our what make us. Maybe you should step into a church.

Anonymous said...

8:43, no I didn't read the theory that gayness is not a choice in some liberal magazine. As a matter of fact, I am quite conservative. I am also educated enough to know that, contrary to what a couple of you have written, one's sexual orientation is NOT a choice. Why would any man choose to love another man romantically? I am assuming that you are heterosexual. You did not choose to be attracted to the opposite sex; it just worked out that way that you were born a heterosexual. Of course, nature has designed males and females to unite sexually so that procreation may take place.

The original posting had to do with educating the military on homosexuality so that gays may be assimilated into the Armed Forces in the most effective way possible. Until the middle of the last century, blacks could not serve alongside whites simply because they were "different." So it now is that gays finally have the right to serve their country.

I am not supporting the homosexual lifestyle, but I am supporting the right of homosexuals to serve just as heterosexuals do.

By the way, I "step into a church" at least four times a week. I am a very devoted Christian but also support tolerance. Maybe you should, too. (And you might want to work on your writing skills).

Anonymous said...

Here's the problem:
Being gay, as far as I understand it, is being sexually attracted to the same sex.
That said, would not the situation in the barracks - and especially in the group showers in the barracks - be somewhat uncomfortable to some straights?
To take this a step further: If this is no reason to disallow gays from being in close quarters (such as the showers) with the same sex, then why wouldn't male marines be allowed to live in - and shower - with the female marines, as long as they "behaved themselves".
Seems to be a bit of a double standard here...

D. D. Crabb said...

Interesting, 9:39 that you say God makes someone homosexual, when the Bible calls homosexuality an abomination.
I don't know what "church" you step into, but you'd better find one that believes what the Bible says.
"Tolerance" is an affront to the Christ Whom you purport to serve.
If He calls it sin, you'd best do the same.

Anonymous said...

...I am also educated enough to know that, contrary to what a couple of you have written, one's sexual orientation is NOT a choice..

I think maybe you're educated a bit beyond your intellect.

Anonymous said...

So, 10:52, I assume that you believe that one's sexual orientation IS a choice. Now why would a guy CHOOSE to be involved with another guy romantically? Sexual attraction is voluntary. You cannot will yourself to be attracted to, and aroused by, another person. No male really wants to be attracted in that way to another male. Assuming that you are heterosexual, I would ask you if you chose to be attracted to your wife/girlfriend or if it just happened. Sexual orientation is not a choice. If you think so, you have a lot of reading to do. Better yet, use your common sense. Ask yourself the question I posed above: Given a choice, why would a man choose another man rather than a woman?

Anonymous said...

I am also educated enough to know that, contrary to what a couple of you have written, one's sexual orientation is NOT a choice..

I think maybe you're educated a bit beyond your intellect.

10:52 PM

You are just hilarious.

Anonymous said...

it is just silly
they have always been in there
hetero homo whatever a soldier is a soldier they should just leave it a that
its worked so far

Anonymous said...

getting cancer isnt a choice either. diseases arent fun.

Anonymous said...

So the commenters in this thread would rather shoot and kill gay men? Real CHRISTIAN of you, you hypocrites.

Anonymous said...

12:41 PM

The evil has to perish some way. Do some studying. You know nothing about Christians.

Anonymous said...

4:13, YOU know nothing about Christians. Your day will come, and when you stand before your maker, he will tell you "depart from me ye cursed into everlasting fire. You did not know me."

There is nothing Christlike about wishing to commit murder. You are part of the problem.

Anonymous said...

Well where to start..12:41, don't think the person meant he was really going shoot gays. 11:09 and 9:39, by your logic you would say that molesters don't choose to molest children. They can't help that they are attracted to 7 year olds? Regardless does it make it right? Men chose to be with other men because they are sick individuals, perverts. And again, what church is it that you go to? You may want to put down some of those liberal mags and read the bible. Everyones knows your not conservative. I didn't do spell check...feel free to make any spelling corrections in case Joe is going to award a spelling award at the end of the year. Oh and when you write "I am" instead of I'm and "did not" instead of didn't you sound arrogant.

Anonymous said...

"..So the commenters in this thread would rather shoot and kill gay men? Real CHRISTIAN of you, you hypocrites..."

Which commenters said they were Christians and would kill gay men?

It's the voices in your head.

Anonymous said...

Be clear I don't find gays evil..that said Christians have fended off evil for a long time. Sometimes with force. When Moses parted the red sea what do you think happened to the Egyptians on their chariots? Did Moses murder the Egyptians? Or just kill them? the bible...if you've read it, read it again. Coming from a graduate of St Francis and a church going individual, you need more understanding of Christianity. That is if your Christian...otherwise doesn't matter I guess.