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Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Former SEIU Official Strategizes To Sabatoge US Economy

How do you spell SABATOGE?  Please click on the link below to see the shocking tape of a former SEIU official, Stephen Lerner, spelling out plans for an early  May campaign to destabilize the economy, return banks to the brink of insolvency, and crash the stock market.  This needs to be  forwarded  to everyone you know.  These are dangerous people.

Ellen Sauerbrey 

An excerpt:
..."There are actually extraordinary things we could do right now to start to destabilize the folks that are in power and start to rebuild a movement.

For example, 10% of homeowners are underwater right their home they are paying more for it then its worth 10% of those people are in strategic default, meaning they are refusing to pay but they are staying in their home that's totally spontaneous they figured out it takes a year to kick me out of my home because foreclosure is backed up

If you could double that number you would  you could put banks at the edge of insolvency again."...

Read more:


Anonymous said...

How do I spell SABATOGE?

Funny. It's spelled SABOTAGE.

Anonymous said...

Glen Beck brike this story yesterday, so according to liberals I guess it must be more lies. The only problem with that is that he has it all on audio tape. What is your excuse now libs?

This tape just goes to show the liberal agenda really is.