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Saturday, March 19, 2011

Franklin Graham: World’s Christians In Grave Danger

The Muslim Brotherhood, with the complicity of the Obama administration, has infiltrated the U.S. government at the highest levels and is influencing American policy that leaves the world’s Christians in grave danger, warns internationally known evangelist Franklin Graham

“The Muslim Brotherhood is very strong and active here in our country,” Graham tells Newsmax. “We have these people advising our military and State Department. We’ve brought in Muslims to tell us how to make policy toward Muslim countries.

“It’s like a farmer asking a fox, ‘How do I protect my hen house?’ “

That same Muslim Brotherhood is fomenting much of the rebellion and the deteriorating social order roiling the Middle East, forcing millions of Christians to flee for their lives, says Graham, son of beloved evangelist Dr. Billy Graham, and founder of The Samaritan’s Purse international charity.

“Under [Egypt’s Hosni] Mubarek and [Jordan’s] King Hussein and other moderate leaders, Christians had been protected,” Graham says. 11 million Christians live in Egypt and I fear for them, because if the Muslim Brotherhood comes to power, you’re going to see a great exodus of Christians. Same thing in Tunisia and Lebanon. I fear for the church because the Muslim Brotherhood is going to be a very terrible thing.”

A new report from the Roman Catholic aid agency Aid to the Church in Need supports Graham’s contention that the persecution of Christians world­wide has worsened exponentially in the past few years.

According to the report, Christians face increased suffering in 22 countries around the world, with Iraq, Egypt, Lebanon, Pakistan, and Nigeria being among the worst countries to be a Christian in today.

The persecution has gotten markedly worse over the past two years according to the organization.

Read more on Newsmax


lmclain said...

So what is the reply from all the Muslim "they're just a peaceful religion" supporters? Muslims burn churches, go on shooting rampages INSIDE Christian churches, slaughter Christian and Jewish children and refuse, by official decree, to allow Christians to even worship. Christians are killed while Muslim governments look the other way. Yet, on the other hand, Christian nations allow Muslim mosques and schools to be built, allow Muslims to stand on the street corner and preach death and destruction to all infidels, and PRAISE their terrorist leaders. I might have missed it, but have their been any reports of Christians doing these things?? Its not politicially correct, but they are the enemy in our midst. They laugh at our simple minded complicity. And smile every time the (supposed) leader of the free world tells everyone how much Muslims have done for the world. How we probably would not even be a nation if it weren't for the accomplishments and contributions of Muslims. Especially Muslim astronauts.

Anonymous said...

We all turn our heads and ignore this , however , I do not. Very shortly we will say enough is enough. The muslims think we will keep turning the other cheek , not!
Last of all , we know obama is a muslim and he does the work of satan. Lock and load people , defend your children!!

Anonymous said...

The Muslims have been invited into our Country with the intention of destroying it. We are being destroyed from within.

Yes the Christians are under attack. Because they (we) are stupid and fail to realize who the Satanists are.

The Christians did not invite the Muslims here. There were no Muslims to invite themselves here. So I ask you - who invited the Muslims? Who wants to destroy both Islam and Christianity?

Think about it.

Anonymous said...

Who controls our media?

Who controls our politicas visa vie MONEY?

Who are the Federal Reserve?

Anonymous said...

Well well well. All I have to say is that the "Christians" have been persecuting EVERYONE else since the beginning. Fair is Fair. You all know the saying. Treat others as you would like to be treated. Not sure many "Christians" really understand what that means.