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Wednesday, February 02, 2011

An Open Letter to Kris Adams and SAPOA

Disappointment is too weak a term to describe my feelings towards SAPOA president Kris Adams’ recent op-ed to SbyNEWS.  While I applaud SbyNEWS printing the piece, I am deeply saddened to see that SAPOA (and Mrs. Adams) have decided to march down the same electoral path of the last few Salisbury elections.  It is obvious that they have learned nothing.
SAPOA doesn’t like Salisbury mayor Jim Ireton, councilwoman Debbie Campbell, councilwoman Terry Cohen, or council candidate Tim Spies.  Fair enough.  They are all friends of mine and I disagree with them quite frequently; particularly when it comes to Mayor Ireton’s housing regulation package (sorry Jim - “Crime Package”).  That said, it is SAPOA – the party claiming to being persecuted – who is attacking these fine individuals using every despicable tactic in the book.

In 2007, we saw SAPOA members recruit SU students and literally bus (in some cases dubiously) registered voters to the polls at taxpayer expense.  These misinformed folk were told that they would lose their homes if the SAPOA-backed ticket wasn’t elected.

In 2009, SAPOA members resorted to the worst kinds of personal slurs against then-candidate Jim Ireton.  Along with these, city renters were bombarded with literature attacking Ireton and councilwoman Debbie Campbell.  The nastiness of SAPOA’s tactics backfired; as we learned through interviews conducted by WSDL’s Don Rush.

2011 looked as if it might be a different year.  Too much of Ireton’s “Safe Streets” package was so blatantly anti-business that even long time opponents such as myself jumped to SAPOA’s defense.  With Kris Adams as president, SAPOA seemed to have a new face – both literally and figuratively.  SAPOA seemed to be ceasing their laughable self-portrayal as “protectors of the poor, the oppressed, the black, and the brown”.  Instead, Adams talked about SAPOA being what they are – businessmen and women – who are working to attain an adequate return on their sizable investment by providing a needed service.

Well, it seems that you can’t teach an old dog new tricks.  SAPOA has returned to their old ways of deceit, scaremongering, and (as we will see in the next several weeks) attempting to buy elections.

As we noted here a couple of weeks ago, SAPOA is playing the race card.  While this is always offensive, any group that uses this tactic AND has members who have actually threatened persons because they rented a home in THEIR neighborhood to a black family are hypocrites of the highest order.

Now we have an early salvo from Adams.  Expect more as the election progresses.

Adams starts off her op-ed by stating that “Salisbury’s politics play out like the theatre of the absurd”.  On this point we can agree, though not for the reasons she later cites.  In fact, this is one of the few statements Adams makes which have any basis in reality.
Only in Salisbury is it considered normal for the Mayor and Council to make use of slurs and inaccurate broad generalizations about tenants and business people alike.
While Ireton has been known to go a little wild at times, there is no evidence that Campbell or Cohen slur renters and scant evidence that they slur landlords.  Both make a point to note that there are good landlords and bad ones.  Even SAPOA has admitted this in multiple public statements by its members.  Campbell and Cohen are both vigorous supporters of a “tenant bill of rights”.  SAPOA doesn’t even want those words mentioned together in public.
Only in Salisbury can two City Council members share the same website and push the same agenda, and no one, especially the press, is disturbed by the collusion.
What collusion?  There is certainly nothing illegal about this.  Besides, I don’t recall SAPOA complaining when county councilwoman Sheree Sample-Hughes and Salisbury councilwoman Shanie Shields jointly published a newsletter.  Of course not, Shields behaves like the “house slave” for SAPOA.  Wouldn’t want to criticize her.
Only in Salisbury is a "public input" meeting code language for a taxpayer funded bully pulpit to proselytize and to campaign for re-election.
One of my personal favorites.  Who dominated the discussion at these meetings?  SAPOA – its members, family, and friends.
Only in Salisbury do we deny housing to the veterans who served and protected our country because the veteran’s house doesn’t fit the Mayor and Council Members’ myopic definition of what is acceptable.
Another favorite – and another lie.  The owner of this “veterans’ home”, a SAPOA member, built a multi-family home in a single family residential neighborhood.  He “misrepresented” the project on his building permit application AND his application for an occupancy permit.  Bringing this matter up simply adds evidence to the pile that SAPOA has NO respect for the city’s zoning laws, and possibly its other laws as well.
This list goes on, and on, and on ….  While I do agree with Mrs. Adams that there are those in city government (as well as the state and federal governments) who believe that they know more about what a business needs than the businesses’ owners, little else in her attack piece holds up to the light of evidence and reason.  Sadly, this is just the camel’s nose under the tent.  As the election season progresses it’s going to get pretty bumpy.


A.Adams said...

G.A. Harrison,

Unfortunately I have work and class today so I can't sit here to argue with you about all the reasons that is a well, to put it bluntly, "bad" letter, but I'll do what I can with the time I've got. You accused the group SAPOA of "playing the race card" last week. You said that this Adams woman was, well basically a racist who profits off of the poor and disenfranchised, because her opinion of your friends was different than yours. Aside from the hypocrisy there (you know, accusing SAPOA of name-calling and all that when you just wrote in to a public forum to call all of them "slumlords"), you decided not to like her because she filed a case with HUD against the Mayor. If I remember right, you justified calling her and all of the landlords "slumlords" because they did something crazy like stand up for the rights of their clients and while trying to protect their business interests at the same time. Yea, for shame right? Then, to make matters worse for yourself, you admitted that you straight up knew that Safe-Streets was wrong but encouraged the people to support it anyway because you now didn't like Ms. Adams. This week you've written in again to accuse her of the same stuff as last week, saying that you disapprove of her actions while doing most of the things you accuse her of doing. So aside from coming up with some new material G.A., my challenge for you is this- instead of throwing yourself on the sword so enthusiastically for these people in office, why don't you look at the facts clearly, ("there are those in city government...who believe that they know more about what a business needs than the businesses’ owners") and write about something that would actually benefit all of Salisbury, not just the people you hang out with.

Holierthanthou said...


I don't know who you are but i seem to keep bumping into you on blog comments. I like the way you think.


Lets be honest. You're pissed because your puppets are dominating public input meetings, drafting legislation in the janitor's closet and wasting tax dollars on these city sweeps. I'm not sure how these sweeps are reducing crime....i was under the impression that criminal don't typically operate in broad daylight. What is obvious is that Ms. Adams said what nobody else had the balls to say. She once and for all exposed the anti-rental agenda that terry, jim, and deb are so passionate about.

As far as your argument goes, your valid points are few and far between. In fact, the only valid points i see are the one's that you copied, pasted and put quotes around. (Courtesy of Adams' original document).

On a happier note; I am glad to see that you refrained from calling these people slumlords in this article. It is good to see that you are working on yourself and how you treat others.

A.Adams said...


I decided to take a break in between classes to reread your post (turns out Salisbury politics can be kind of interesting after all...) to check whether or not I missed anything in your article and it turns out I did.

You called that woman on the council, Shanie Shields, a "HOUSE SLAVE" for SAPOA!!!

How you ever expect to walk outside with your head held high again is almost as much of a mystery to me as how you can justify calling those SAPOA people a bunch of racists and think that you are not one. SHAME!!!

G. A. Harrison said...

LetsBLogical -

What universe do you live in? Either you did not read the "Race Card" post (or the "Open Letter" post) or you aren't capable of understanding basic written English.

I DID NOT call Kris Adams a "racist". I implied that a member of SAPOA was and have the documentation to back it up.

You claim that I don't like Kris Adams because of her opposition to Ireton. Hardly. I happen to like Kris (which is actually irrelevant) and publicly opposed Ireton's "Crime Package" at the last forum held by Councilwomen Campbell and Cohen.

I haven't done any of the things which you claim I have accused Ms. Adams of. If you had either read or understood the two posts you would have noted that most of my comments about Kris were positive. However, I did state in this post that most of Kris's claims in her op-ed were simply not based in fact.

Yes, I called Shanie Shields the "house slave" for SAPOA. Why? Because she is. Look at her campaign contribution list. Look where she lives. Look at her voting record. If the truth hurts, then I apologize.

lastword said...

If the truth hurts, then I apologize.

12:55 PM

Never apologize for the truth.

Unknown said...


It seems that you have a dislike for SAPOA or Kris Adams and will take any chance to bash them. When did only your "ideas" count?

SAPOA is playing the race card!!! Really, thats what you call journalism. The oldest trick in the book is to call someone a racist when you have no point. I believe your the one who refers to Shanie Shields as a "house slave". I believe the HUD case is a complaint, not a lawsuit. If the HUD complaint has merit is SAPOA still playing the race card? Did the City do a study? NO...they don't care about renters!!!!!

I know you will say "the City wants to add a Tenants Bill of Rights" and this shows how much they care. Did you read the memo for the work session from the Office of the Mayor? When the City made note to the "Tenant Bill of Rights" it said "Most importantly, it will inform tenants of the maximum number of unrelated individuals allowed to occupy a particular rental unit". WoW...that reads we are here for you!!!!!!

Holierthanthou said...


I think that letsblogical is living in a universe much closer to reality while it is you living in a fantasy land.

I tend to remember the post that this kid is talking about...(i see if i can find the link)...and while you may not've come right out and said it (as i'm sure that you were careful enough not to) it was IMPLIED.

Referring to anybody as a house slave is demeaning and tactless. Congrats. I overlooked this earlier. Shields is voting in favor of the folks who elected her. If homeowners are unhappy then hell....BUS EM TO THE POLLS. That is where they can make their voice heard.


I implore you to post the 12:34 comment because it seems to me that that is a comment worth posting. Of course if any measly part of salisbury is paying attention, perhaps it is not necessary.

A.Adams said...


I'm taking my lunch to help you understand yourself so I really hope you are paying attention. First of all, I not only read the "Race Card," post, I printed it out and am focusing on it as an example of cyber-bullying in one of my classes. If you think that your support of Ms. Adams comes shining through all of the grammatically incorrect slander in that piece, then perhaps you should take a moment to reread it. Your own "basic written English" doesn't come off as fair or balanced in any shape or form, I don't know why you think it would- you have spent many paragraphs in the last two weeks condemning SAPOA (or as you referred to them in the "Race Card" piece, "the slumlords guild") of botching last years polls, spreading misinformation, threatening a black family (although you didn't feel the need to put a name on that little jab), "scaremongering," and attempting to "buy elections." Now I suppose putting Ms. Adams' name at the top of this list of offences is slightly different than saying she is singlehandedly responsible for all of them, but between your labeling her as "a hypocrite" and accusing her of trying to buy the next election, I guess that subtlety was lost on me. I may be a lowly business major at SU and I don't know much about the history of Salisbury, but as of now, from what I can tell, you are ignoring the facts in favor of your friends, (remember when you wrote that Safe-Streets, "strips property owners of their property rights and renters of their basic liberties," and then 3 paragraphs later recommended that, "citizens who were in the middle of this issue may (and probably should) tilt toward Ireton"). And this is just a wild guess, I've never met this Adams lady and I don't know the people in SAPOA, but I'd be willing to bet that you and she (or the members of SAPOA) haven't been out for drinks lately...or ever. You may like her just fine, but after this and last weeks letter, I'd be pretty surprised if she likes you. I hardly know you and I already don't like you (sorry, you lost me at "house slave"), but thats just me.

listingstarboard said...

Only in Salisbury does one of the most ruthless landlords preside over the Zoning Appeals Board that grants waivers to the 4-2 law.Does SAPOA allow Salisbury Area Property owners of one single family home in their exclusive club? I f I wanted to join as a homeowner (of one home-the one I live in) am I welcomed?The answer is NO. SAPOA only represents landlords--the very name is dishonest. It should be called Salisbury Area Rental Property Association. SAPOA has mastered the Alinsky tactics of accusing others of what they themselves are guilty of. Impressive also is their use of apparently paid trolls to squelch any logical truthful argument. The very notion that the landlords are truly concerned about the poor minorities is beyond absurd. And while we are at it what does G.N.I stand for?

lastword said...

3:26 PM

You are not alone in your thinking.

A.Adams said...

So what you are saying listingstarboard, is that anybody who has a dissenting opinion in this town is a "paid troll"? Is public dialogue really so rare in Salisbury, that you think anybody who stands up for business rights and wants lower crime rates is bought by SAPOA? Well, I haven't been bought by anybody, but if you think there's a chance I could be, then by all means send me their number because I'm taking time away from studies to throw my thoughts in the ring and I might as well get paid for it!

Seriously though, has it been that long since somebody has had the guts to speak up for anybody but the Mayor in Salisbury? You think that just because I'm not on the Mayors personal cheer-leading squad that my opinion can't possibly be real or valid? Let me tell you something- I've been reading the comments on Sbynews for a while and for a long time the comment section was just used as a way for an anonymous group to gang up on anybody who supported Mr. Comegys, Ms. Smith, or Ms. Shields and now, Ms. Adams. The other day I read what Ms. Adams had to say and I agreed with her because she stood up for herself and her business; she said what she thought and she had the guts to put her name on it. She may not have been right about everything but at least she had the gumption to speak up in this town. So I say good for her- from what I can tell, Salisbury could use more people with a spine and I intend to be one of them. So get used to me.

listingstarboard said...

FYI LBL--for years and years when Barrie Tilghman was mayor any "dissent" that is any challenge to one of her absurd and economically irresponsible "deals" that she pushed through courtesy of Dunn, Cathcart, Comegys and Shields was shut down. The fight against SAPOA and the "Rentrification" of Salisbury has been waging for over a decade. From you constant referral to being in "class" I assume you may be too young to remember just how contentious and prolonged this battle has been. CTWebster, Joseph Scott--they fought for the single family home neighborhoods as Campbell and Cohen do now. If anyone has suffered censorship and stifling of free speech it has been the minority representatives of Campbell and Cohen. Me thinks you may be from the Kris Adams camp.

lastword said...

8:35 PM

Me thinks you hit two nails on the head.

PO'd in SBY said...

These SAPOA supporters have the audacity to call someone a racist after the statement made in an open letter penned by Kris Adams? Wow, talk about cajones!

Let me refresh your memory:

despite the lessons taught to us by World War II in which an entire race of people was vilified and systematically exterminated by their fellow ordinary citizens, only in Salisbury is that same cruel blame tactic used and embraced by the Mayor and certain Council members, namely Terry Cohen and Debbie Campbell.

G. A. Harrison said...

LetsBLogical claims that I don't provide enough specific information. I guess that's fair. So ...

As the election progresses I had already planned on pointing out instances of under the table money being spent by SAPOA members and their stalking horses. Don't worry, we'll ample evidence of the offending acts.

As for the claim that I wasn't specific enough regarding my claim that a landlord threatened a realtor who rented to a black family in the landlord's neighborhood, I will be happy to reprint the original article along with the supporting documentation (the landlord did a great job of getting almost everything expunged, but the police officers application for an arrest warrant managed to survive). I'll try to get it up this weekend.

A.Adams said...


I'm not from anybody's camp, I just happen to disagree with you. Do I think because you disagree with me that you are a "paid troll" working with an agenda? No. I think you are voicing your opinion as you have every right to do, so back off. You are right in saying I don't know who Cathcart is and I wasn't in Salisbury when Tilghman was here. But from what it sounds like, they increased the rental industry years ago and you are still unhappy about it. While you are entitled to that opinion, I still don't think it has anything to do with crime. And I don't know if you've been watching the council meetings recently but Ms. Cambell seems to make an extended inquiry about every single thing on the agenda, and Ms. Cohen takes 20 minutes every time she speaks to explain her own opinion; if they are a "minority" then they are one which gets an awful lot of floor time. And they are also a "minority" who get private invitations to the Mayors office as "A" was kind enough to reveal for us yesterday.
I wouldn't be too worried about their voices being heard, they're on top of it. Instead, be worried about the crime rates because that is what is currently ruining Salisbury.

lastword said...

What was your first clue?

SrSister said...

Good discusion, however,a waste of time.

Crime, taxes, land values,
roads, Crime, neighdborhood blight, Crime, downtown revitalization, police and fire protection, Crime, zoning, water quality,landfill, wastewater treatment plant, The Bricks,Crime,Wicomico River, etc.

The council and Mayor have alot to deal with, people like Ms.Adams waste time, money and media for political purposes,and do not offer suggestions or constuctive help for our city. Incredible

Unknown said...


Make sure you know your facts. SAPOA has asked for numerous meetings with the Mayor and he has REFUSED!!! SAPOA has asked the NSCC if the would like there help with landlords that are a drain on Salisbury. Again, the answer was NO!!! So if they can't talk with the Mayor and the City doesn't want there help there only way to respond is thru the media.

The goal for the Mayor, Debbie, and Terry is to make it look as if SAPOA doesn't want to help. That way they can once again make the election issues around housing. Once again they want to divide the city!!!!!!!!

Those are the facts!!!!!!