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Thursday, January 13, 2011

Pruden: Only A President Can Cool This Lynch Mob

This could be Barack Obama's finest moment. He wouldn't have to invite anyone in for a beer. He wouldn't have to find a foreign potentate to bow to with abject apologies for the manifold sins of the America of liberal and "progressive" imagination.

All he has to do is act like a president.

He could tell the lynch mob to put down their rope and call off the hanging of Sarah Palin. He could employ his famous gifts of rhetoric to tell the hysteria-mongers in his party to get over their disappointment that the Tucson gunman is not the rabid rightwinger of left-wing wishes and dreams. He's more likely to be the "left-wing pothead" his acquaintances in Tucson say he is.

Mr. Obama could even concede that he contributed to "a climate of hate" when he went a little over the top in instructing a Philadelphia fundraiser two years ago how to deal with Republicans: "If they bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun." He could say that this was meant in jest as something Rooster Cogburn might say, expressed in the heat of a boisterous campaign rally and hardly meant to encourage anyone to actually take his Bowie knife down from the shelf and find a plump Republican to slice and dice.

There's even a precedent for such a gesture. When a woman at a Republican town-hall meeting in 2008 asserted that Mr. Obama was a closet Arab and probably a Muslim to boot, John McCain swiftly and sharply disagreed: "No, ma'am, he's not. He's a decent family man, citizen, that I just happen to disagree with."

But the president probably won't do that. He just can't. Partisan lines are too vividly drawn. The news of massacre in Arizona had hardly spread beyond Cochise County before pundits and pols in the East started pumping out poison - prefaced, of course, with oily expressions of sympathy and condolences for Rep. Gabrielle Giffords and the other victims of the loon identified as Jared Loughner. The condolences were usually accompanied by ritual assurances that the pundits and pols were praying for the souls of the dead and the wounded bodies of the dying. The churches and synagogues of Washington and New York were surely jammed with penitents elbowing each other aside to get in to pray. Or maybe not. Soon it was back to rejoin the lynch mob.

There were few warnings by pundits and pols that the public should not "jump to conclusions" about who Jared Loughner might be. Every right-thinking person knew he was a sleeper agent programmed by George W. to be activated with a code word from Sarah Palin. There was no mystery about who this suspect was, not like the shooter at Fort Hood in 2009 who shouted "Allahu Akbar!" as he killed 13 people. We were warned by a roster of media and government glitteries not to "jump to conclusions."

The warning became a mantra. "We cannot jump to conclusions," said Gen. Wesley Clark. "We have to make sure we do not jump to any conclusions whatsoever," cried CNN commentator Jane Velez-Mitchell. "We can't jump to conclusions," said Army Gen. George Casey. When Rep. Peter Hoekstra, the ranking Republican on the House intelligence committee, suggested to CNN that the Fort Hood massacre was an act of terrorism, John Roberts, the interviewer, quickly shut him up. "President Obama has asked people to be very cautious and to not jump to conclusions."

But this time everyone, having lunched on Mexican jumping beans, set off on a panic of conclusion-jumping. Politicians, weary of answering criticism and complaint and now worried about their own safety, see an opportunity to put a sock in the mouths of unhappy constituents. The sheriff in Tucson blames talk radio for the massacre. Rep. Steny H. Hoyer, the No. 2 man in the Democratic minority, thinks the peasants are getting too much information. "Far too many broadcasts now and so many outlets have the intent of inciting, and inciting people to opposition, to anger."

More from Mr. Pruden here


Anonymous said...

I'm certain the fact that the president

#1 clearly said conservatives were NOT the cause of the shooting

#2 we shouldn't seek political gain from this situation

#3 supported having a fact-based substantive debate on future preventive measures

#4 all while celebrating the lives lost and the surviors
will bring out tons of partisan cooks on both sides who will either makeup other reasons to trash the pres. or be mad that he wasn't on the attack.

Anonymous said...

Only Obama would turn a funeral memorial into a political rally.

Anonymous said...

11:15 really? Where did the man pontificate about his plans for the country? Where did he overtly or covertly say "vote for me"? He did exactly what he was supposed to do; honor the memory of the lost and the survivors and try to end some of the partisan poison that is spoiling our political process. You sir, must have had some of this poison in your daily Rush Kool Aide.

Anonymous said...

Obama's point seems to be lost on the liberal leftists who continue the attack.
I guess what he means is what Pelosi, et al have been saying for a long time.. that conservatives should just sit down and shut up.
Nearly ALL the calls to 'tone down the rhetoric' are coming from the left.
Yet it is they who continue to spew hatred and threats, and call for the opposition to be muzzled.

Anonymous said...

The people at the rally were mainly students from the University. If there was a pep-rally vibe, blame them. However, they and others in attendance needed some moments of hope, enthusiasm and lightness - to show strength and unity - and diffuse the crushing sadness and shock.

In my opinion, Palin is a loose cannon who has brought on the attacks by her own words and deeds.
Having her in any position of true power is a scary thought. McCain probably would have won if he hadn't selected such a person as his running mate. Her 15 minutes of fame should have been over a long time ago.

Anonymous said...

I had to turn it off. I thought it was suppose to be a memorial. It looked more like a pep rally.

Anonymous said...

12:51 You mentioned the attacks are brought on my her words and deeds. Don't forget obammie was the one who said, referring to the GOP, if they bring a knife to the fight, we will bring a gun! I guess since you're a democrate, it doesn't count.

Anonymous said...

Boehner was invited, by the President, but decided to attend a fund raiser in DC instead. Republican priorities.

Anonymous said...

just think back, the prez started this mess.

lmclain said...

Believe this --- none of those politicians could REALLY give a crap about the poor child who was killed or any of the others hurt/killed in that episode of violence. Its a chance for them to show "empathy" when they really have none. Their one and only motivation is "self-preservation". Already, Senators and representatives are carrying guns and proposing legislation protecting THEM, all the while bemoaning the average Americans right to also carry a weapon. Are they better than us? Depends upon who ya ask. Locally, in a state with the "supposed" right to carry weapons, in spite of DAILY murders, assaults, home invasions, and robberies, we have to ASK (beg) the police for our rights. And the police, who only show up AFTER you're robbed or killed, tell us that we can't be trusted with our RIGHTS. They will protect and serve us. LOL! Anyone still believe THAT?? And Obama and his cronies have already started talking about gun "safety". BETTER believe they really mean GUN CONTROL. MORE gun control. Best thing to do now is buy guns and ammo. Lots of it. Soon, it may not be possible...

Anonymous said...

Imclain you are sick. So a man with two young daughters and a wife all of a sudden doesn't feel any true empathy at seeing a family lose their young daughter and a husband almost losing his wife, all because he might disagree with your outlook on gun policy. You are apart of the disease that is rotting this country from the core. I repeat, what have we become?

Anonymous said...


you are already rotten to the core and trying to drag the rest of us with common sense down with you.

earth to you, i ain't stupid and brainwashed and an obvious child of public education.

YOU and your ilk are what's wrong with this country and the fact you can even walk on two feet is amazing in itself.

you are pathetic and everyone that thinks like you should go live in Cuba since you think communism is great.

I thought i'd seen the lowest you and your crowd could go, but last nights love fest/political rally during a memorial for dead people was THE most disgusting, revolting example of the levels your kind will go to win elections and influence people.

lmclain said...

6:41 thanks for your diagnosis. Remember, Rahm Emmanual's advice to Obama---"never let a good crisis go to waste". THAT is the focus. If politicians' REALLY cared about the deaths of citizens, maybe they would do a better job of deciding when we go to war. I haven't seen a lot of politicians, including and especially Obama, very concerned at all about the men and women being shipped home in boxes or getting off planes without hands, arms, legs, etc. He is too busy and has too many problems to spend a lot of time "empathizing" over the deaths of a few people. He'll be golfing this weekend. And disease? I have a full time (good) job, work every day, don't break the law, raised a good family, own my house and have served my country. There's a disease in this country all right, but I don't think I'm part of it.

lmclain said...

6:41... something else occured to me, too and I submit this for your consideration. Do you have any idea how many children are murdered in Washington D.C each year? How many drive-bys are done in Los Angeles where kids are killed in a spray of gunfire? Has Obama had a press conference on THAT? Went to the church in LA for THAT? This different? WHY? Because it was a politician? An astronuat's wife? A pretty WHITE girl got killed? Its a political opportunity and a media event (sorry to say). All built up for purposes and intentions that have little to do with "empathy". I don't see ABC, CNN, Or Fox News in Compton crying about "senseless violence". Is it beacuse they are just poor people? Black folk who never held office or had astronaut relatives? Just tonight, in cities across our nation, kids, mothers, sons and daughters are getting killed in "senseless violence". Obama didn't go to ANY of their funerals, did he? So, get over yourself and your self-righteous indignation.

Anonymous said...

hear hear 6:24 and 7:12 & 7:15...took the words right outta my mouth...and I am not alone

12:51 I'm glad she scares you and your kind.....cause hard working middle class americains love her..Only commie, leftist, welfare, rainbow loving, silver spoon fed mommas boys dont like her. Cause dedication, hard work family, and apple pie elude your progessive lost mind

Anonymous said...

7:12, who said anything about Cuba. My comment truly speaks to the fact that so many of you believe that because two Americans may disagree about policy, one of those citizens must be unAmerican, or out to destroy America. Thats a bunch of crap and it is that line of thought which is ripping the political system apart.

Imclain, you are so far off the reservation, I'm not sure where to even begin. I think if this pres. camped out at Dover AFB to receive all of our fallen soldiers, memorialized every US death, brought about peace in the middle east, and put a chicken in every pot, idiots like you would still scream "Obama is so terrible" in the same incoherent fashion.

lmclain said...

3:55.... when you can't argue reason and facts, just throw out some "chicken in every pot" ramblings, put fantasy words in other peoples mouth and then criticize them for what you "thought". You missed my entire point in your effort to defend the President. Your loyalties are quite evident. So in response, I would say to you that if Obama sprouted horns and drew a pentagram on the White house lawn, YOU would find a reason to tell us it was a skin disease and he was merely doing "art" for the public. And you complain about "what we have become", while calling people who don't have YOUR viewpoint "idiots"....hmmmmm....

Anonymous said...

imclain, people who disagree are not idiots. People who have formed opinions prior to actually looking at the facts are idiots. People who take the words of the pundits as gospel truth are idiots.

I for one have never said that this pres. is perfect, or the best, or is infallible. In fact there are many areas where the 'opposition' can actually change/modify policies for the better. BUT, we can't get the best ideas from both sides if people have made up there minds that those that oppose their views are somehow antiamerican extremist out to destroy the US. Or evil robots who don't feel emotion at the loss of a child's life.

lmclain said...

8:34... It seems to me from your posting, that if someone doesn't have the same views or political outlook as you, then they must be listening to "pundits" or making up ideas without having a factual basis. How sad. Millions of Americans don't think this President is doing well and is actually undermining our economy and our world standing. They don't need "pundits" to tell them that. Have you ever seen some of the transcripts of the Congressional debates in the 1800's? A more civil discourse? Those transcripts make what is being said NOW look like the reading of a love story. We survived. And "evil robots"? LOL! You missed my point. (too). Why is THIS event so televised and milked for every drop of emotion possible? Because they are white and pretty? Because a CHILD was killed? Because another maniac went berserk? That stuff happens every day, but I don't see the media or the President weeping over those people. Understand one thing. Politics. Thats all. Just politics.