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Thursday, January 13, 2011

Keep Benefits The Same

More than 100 members of the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees came to Annapolis on Wednesday to lobby the 428th General Assembly for their No. 1 priority: preserving the health and pension benefits they have. AFSCME is the largest union for state employees. Legislative director Sue Esty said that with several proposals circulating to make cuts in pension and health benefits – as well as recent furloughs, pay cuts and hiring freezes – the union members want to make sure they set the right tone for this General Assembly session.

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Anonymous said...

AFSCME and the rest of the public employee unions just don't get it-- the taxpayers just can't afford to support their opulent lifestyle anymore.
We can't afford to pay somebody $120,000 with full benefits and grand retirement to patch potholes anymore.
When the trash truck driver makes more than an IT pro, something has to give.
If these public servants won't accept a reduction in their compensation to realistic levels, layoffs and a reduction in force will be the only alternative.
Remember Crown Cork? Dresser?
Read the writing on the wall.
The party is over.

Anonymous said...

I have a friend who has 17 years with the state as a supervisor, who currently oversees 12 people. She, like all others working for Maryland, has had furloughs for the last 3 years, has seen her 401 K tank ( like all others), and has seen the price of everything rise (like all others).

Her salary before furlough was about 38K per year. Not much considering she's a single mom with a mortgage, car payment, etc. etc., and no child support money coming in- from NO ONE. Not even head of household deduction at tax time- she 'makes too much'.

I don't think anyone could consider this woman coddled, overpaid or pampered, and thats the problem. The economy tanks and people lose jobs, so they exaggerate the pay and benefits state workers receive...

Anonymous said...

10:30, I don't know of anyone making the kind of money you are talking about "patching holes". The guys I know that patch holes, are just above the poverty mark. Maybe Federal employees enjoy what you are talking about, but quite frankly, you just don't know what you are talking about. My health insurance is no cheaper than many, many people I know in the private sector. My pension is a result of my contributions. Just because I work for government, doesn't mean that I have it made. When times were good, we were making squat compared to private sector. We chose to stay for the job security, and sacrifice the high pay the private sector enjoyed. Don't be mad now because I have a job. We couldn't get people to apply for jobs a few years ago, and now they are mad. Go learn some facts before you start generalizing government workers.

Anonymous said...

No, 12:11, I know too many state workers that are way overpaid, and who do little productive work.
Not to say ALL are that way. But many are. And that's the hard reality.
You could start with State highway-- you could lay off half of them without losing anything.
We must learn to do with less, and get more productivity out of those who remain.
Business is that way. Government needs to be, too.

Anonymous said...

4:17, so when the state roads become looking like the county and city roads after a snow due to severe understaffing, you won't complain and be okay with it? That obviously has already been proven. The county roads has lost a ton of positions due to the budget, I don't hear anyone being understanding because there road isn't dry a day after a storm. What I hear is people screaming I want this, I want that. What DO you want?