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Friday, January 14, 2011

Is The Country Closer To Racial Equality?

Despite having their first black president, Americans are no more certain than before that the country is closer to the racial equality preached by Martin Luther King Jr., a poll shows.
GO HERE to read more.


Anonymous said...

Obama is BI-RACIAL. Why does nobody ever say anything about him being half white???

Anonymous said...

It would have great if Martin Luther King were president, or at least a man of his caliber.
Obama was elected because of one reason and one reason alone , he was black or a person of color or brown or a colored person or an African American ,----his color.
He still remains an idiot and a muslim.
People of clor or what ever don't want to be equal , they want it all , free.
So , the answer to your question is NO!

Anonymous said...

Mr. King is spinning in his grave over what his people have done with what he died to give them.

Anonymous said...

11:52, you are exactly what is wrong with the Eastern Shore. Uneducated, mindless, bigoted moron.

Anonymous said...

Things are better than in the past and continually get better but there is a long way to go and we may never completely get there.

Anonymous said...

Anon 11:52 and so many other people... Obama is not a muslim. There are so many reasons we should not like him but people falsely claiming a religion for him should not be one of them.

Anonymous said...

Just think this mindless 11:52am moron is the reason I do believe this country still suffers from racial, prejudical and hateful inequalies. It doesn't matter who the president may be. As long as Congress sets the tune, this country will always be full of hate mongers. The eastern shore is full of them on both sides of the tracks.

Anonymous said...

True equality will not come when there are programs in place to help 1 race over others. For example - 7/11 owners or other like facilities having tax breaks that are not offered to all.
New buildings like all the S.U. projects requiring 25 % MBE, this benefits certain groups. Once all of these are taken out and everyone can have a eben playing field - then it will be Equality.

Anonymous said...

It's more advantageous for the left wing socialists to keep people hating each other while they slowly tighten the noose around our necks.

Anonymous said...

thanks 11:52 your right on the money

Anonymous said...

1:29, If you would bother to read that "History Book" you use to level out that table you might find out that a little thing called SLAVERY followed by SEGREGATION happened herein this "great and fair country".

Unfortunately there are Bigots out there who think a public store shouldn't have to serve the WHOLE public or have to hire people from other races. As long as there are (and there are- see 11:52 for example)then we need to legislate equality.

what is wrong with that?

Anonymous said...

There is a lot of truth to what you say. How can we say everyone should be treated equal.. oh but let me give this one special attention because of the race or color. I have never understood why we as Americans are punished and the ones that come here are given things to them. If you want something you work for it. No more free lunches we are broke.

Anonymous said...

Quote: Anonymous 1:24 PM said...
Just think this mindless 11:52am moron is the reason I do believe this country still suffers from racial, prejudical and hateful inequalies. It doesn't matter who the president may be. As long as Congress sets the tune, this country will always be full of hate mongers. The eastern shore is full of them on both sides of the tracks.

Comment: That's exactly correct, and NO amount of government forcing the races together is EVER going to work, anywhere in this country. Both races think completely different about all to many things. Each group generally was raised different, with different views regarding how a person should live their life. Integration is what, 40+ years old? Is it working? The answer is absoluty NOT. Racial friction today is extremely higher then the 1950's when I was a kid. And God help us, should this society ever break down and collaspe into total chaos. You already know what some of the outcome will be, don't you? A war of races and religion. Integration is a total failure and hangs by a thread daily.

Anonymous said...

Obama is 50-50. He is not black. He is not white. Did he win because he was "black" yes. Do we have raciel equality, NO. Affirmative Action sees to it that there is reverse discrimination every day. White males are the minority but sure don't get special treatment. MLK was not a great man when you talk about how he was a minister womanizer. How could he do both? His public personna over the years makes him to be one though. I wish people could stand on their own based on their own personality, education, work skills and stop all of the special treatments that promote racism every day. Stop the statistics game that promotes racism in government, in hiring, in education, political districts, and all the rest. THEN, we can have racial equality.

Anonymous said...

2:31 I think you forgot to follow that comment by making a case FOR segregation... sheesh....

Anonymous said...

"oh gee- well if Anon 2:36 thinks Obama won because of his race I guess he did after all"

Telling yourself Obama won solely based on race wont make the McCain/Palin ticket any more viable two years later. It's not hard to sell cold pizza when that's all there is worth eating.

Obama was the first Dem I voted for in over 50 years- and based on those talking about running so far 2012 will be my second time.


Anonymous said...

Obama is a socialist, not even a democrat. He won because those who voted for him wanted a free ride. And, they re now getting part of the American dream, paid for by the American people. Obamacare, what is joke! Economy, yeah right! Troop withdrawals, NOT! The only promises he's kept is to spend as much of the American tax dollars on vacations for Michelle and the kids. He's kept them for sure!

Anonymous said...

Actually by definition any president of the USA is a free market capitalist, not a socialist.

These are facts.

Anonymous said...

this country won't be closer until we take everything whitey has and redistribute it to those who deserve it, ie, all us who have been exploited by whitey!

Anonymous said...

3:47 is right. The lazies wanted a free ride! That is why he got elected.

Anonymous said...

We all have the same chance in life your color will not help you or hold you back. Using race as a handicap will only hold you back because it's nothing more than a government approved excuse. If you want to be a success then you do the things that successful people did to get there and you will not find that racial discrimination helped anyone achieve success. Therefore is not practiced by winners.

Anonymous said...

Politics has to do with money not race. The Democrats in MD have figured out that, if the majority of voters can be pushed out of the middle class into poverty and you can make them dependent on you in order to survive, you not own the voting majority but you can raise taxes for any pet project you want. The new majority pays no taxes so what do they care?

Amongst black voters, 90% voted for Obama. Does that mean black voters were racial in their support of Obama? The interesting revelation in history though will be when it is revealed that Obama's birth certificate classifies him as Caucasian. Why? Because there were no other ethnic groups present in the room when he was born. Who would have thought this could represent a liability for him 40+ years later?

Let's be honest. A lot of Obama votes were cast out of emotion and perhaps feelings of guilt by some. I don't think that's possible to duplicate in 2012.

Anonymous said...

4:19 Name one person who's exploited by whitey.

Anonymous said...


My heritage started after slavery.
No one in my family was a slave owner. The question was about Racial equality. As long as those that believe some sort of payback is required there will be NO racial equality. I do not believe your average 7/11 owner was part of that minority group.

When quotas are stopped, requirements to use minority owned business are stopped and tax breaks for first time americans is stopped then we all can play fairly.

Look at the NFL Minnesota did not have to interview a white coaching candidate they already had their black man for the position. Why wouldn't they have to do the reverse ?