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Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Someone Filed A Formal Complaint Against William Gordy Oil Company

This little gem came to me anonymously in the US Mail. Mind you, this is only one side of the story but begs the question, how many "blacks" are working for the Salisbury Fire Department too?


Anonymous said...

You are right , you only have one side of the story. It's obvious that you don't care for Gordy
with a bias print on your blog. Shame on you!I've seen people of color working at these facilities.
I've seen minorities working at these facilities. Whoever sent this to you is probabley looking for "something for nothing".

Joseph Albero said...

Let's get a couple of things straight here.

#1, I didn't file the complaint.

#2, This is news, period.

Anonymous said...

The cry of racism is the last refuge of a scoundrel !

Anonymous said...

fire departments are generally having white males apply. wonder what the ratio of applicants are. The complaint is not news it is you digging at the gordy family. it would be news if the complaint is found to be true. anyone can file a complaint for anything. anyone can sue for anything. most likely it is someone that is trying to get some money for nothing.

Joseph Albero said...

FUNNY, it's A-OK for the Daily Times to publish every little complaint about Joe Albero but its not OK for me to publish anything about anyone else.

Anonymous said...

To the FEW nay sayers out there, Gordo and his waste of sperm baby Gordo are two of the most racist and biased individuals who have ever stepped foot in the Salisbury Fire Department. Those 2 with the help of Rick Hoppes, David See, Gary Comegys, Jim Ireton, Louise Smith, Barrie Tilgman, Mike Dunn, John Pick have ruined the Salisbury Fire Department beyond help. They have made small attempts to recruit African Americans and it is a known fact the Gordo and little Gordo consider them tokens. This new fire chief is no better.

Anonymous said...

1:44 The fact they have go out of there way to try and recruit blacks proves there is a lack of applicants. I don't care what color the person is who saves a life get of your quota mentality it's racist !

Anonymous said...


The complaint doesn't even make much sense "applicants were not hired based on where they live rather than their employment qualifications". Be glad with no employees you don't have to put up with this stuff.

Anonymous said...

12:53 PM and 1:03 PM

You are more than likely the same person, but anyone that knows Bill Gordy and Jeremy Gordy knows they are thieves, criminals and trouble makers. The son has been in trouble many times and daddy has bailed him out or gotten him off the hook. The fact that Bill Gordy condones his son's actions makes him just as guilty.

Anonymous said...

Good ole boys on good ole shore. pathetic

Anonymous said...

Last I counted there were No African Americans working for the SFD...

Anonymous said...

3:23 You can't force Black people to work for the fire dept you racist!

John Robinson said...

I own a business, and I do the same thing. I screen applicants by their name. If it sounds black, into the trash can went the application. If they sounded black when I called the, they didn't get a job. If they got past that, I would see if they were black on the interview. Black workers accounted for most of the employee theft in our company. Hiring only smart whites dropped our shrinkage by 93%. Good for Gordy.

Grey Ghost said...

Mr. Robinson, with all due respect, I'm not bashing you here, but what you just said smacks of ignorance and prejudice. Not every African-American is a thief or a crook. I wonder how many African-Americans of great moral character applied to your company, only to be confronted by your apparently well-hidden racism. I agree that quite a few African Americans are accused and convicted of crimes, but to paint every one with such a broad brush is extremely closed-minded and wrong. I don't think your father would have condoned such behavior. Maybe what you should do instead is have your employees complete a thorough background check form and have them checked out by a company like Pinkerton. They can determine if someone has a record, and you can make a more informed decision, instead of one based on race and bias.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Robinson, Your mindless thoughts are enough to start a riot in the Black community as well as from the White.We don't need ignorant accusations. I am very surprised this was even published.

Anonymous said...

David Cox is black and got his job back at SFD. L. Cropper is black and holds rank at SFD. I am sure there are others.

Anonymous said...

What's so wrong with racism ? I mean it's okay and even legal to discriminate against white men.

Anonymous said...

is robinson on dope or just drunk?

if there's a riot that's where it should start the moron

Anonymous said...

Hey John Robinson, I guess paying a little more might solve your shrinkage problem. You still have shrinkage as stated above. So I would guess your shrinkage is due to a compensation problem, not a race problem.

Anonymous said...

Believe me! Robinson will never get another dollar from my family.
I have contacted my entire family.

Grey Ghost said...

Mr. Robinson contacted me and made some valid points. Perhaps the person commenting under his name is simply trying to start something. I may have misjudged him and was hasty. Perhaps Mr. Robinson should come on this forum and try to explain himself, it would clarify things. If you stop and think about it, and I readily admit that I didn't as the comment that was made was so startling in its ignorance it took my breath away, why would a respected businessman come on a popular blog and then proceed to admit to openly racist hiring practices. It doesn't make sense from many standpoints for him to do that.

Joseph Albero said...

I have received a message from John Robinson stating he did not write the comment above.

While I find it very unusual that ANYONE would use someone else's name out of the blue to make a comment, John still claims it's not him.

It has always been our policy to publish anyone's comment that uses their real name. That being said, I'll state this again to Mr. Robinson. I will NOT publish ANY comment that has a telephone number on it. I have stated this to you numerous times and hopefully this is the very last time I have to tell you.

If I had to guess, (outside of it being John) I'd say it was Charles Jannace, aka Dr. Delusional. By the way John, they don't get 120,000 hits a day.

Anonymous said...

Robinson called me and told me that too. He also said delusion was Jannice.