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Thursday, December 16, 2010

Road Conditions In Wicomico County Are Just Horrible

Folks, the roads throughout Wicomico County are horrific. I have been receiving phone calls from several people on the roads right now and they are asking me to tell everyone out there to stay off the roads unless it's an emergency.

They are starting to see plows in recent minutes, (some of these people reporting are cab drivers) but unless you need to be out there, don't. Hopefully business owners will follow this warning and allow their staff to go home earl today. Be careful out there.


Anonymous said...

let the freak out begin....

citygoer said...

County roads in horrible condition after days of notice for accumulating snow, not in Wicomico County. Im wondering what it is my taxes pay for here. No infrastructure, no city conveniences, high crime and poor public services. How anyone can be proud of this area is a mystery to me.

Anonymous said...

The wife and i just came home from the center mall usin beg.prk dr. The intersections at zion road both sides of the overpass,old ocean City rd,and the rewst of the intersections to RTE 13 in SALIS. ARE EXTRA SLIPPERY be very careful.

Anonymous said...

Hey 12:29, My Tax Dollars do pay here in Wicomico County!!! No results, its too easy to close down the county and schools! Let the teachers be on a hourly pay and see how they like it, if they don't get a full paycheck!!!!! Since we have 2 hour delays and have 4 of them, then school day should be made up! Also, if we are out of school for a week, it should be made up!!! Let's do away with the Spring Break!! Remember teachers, MY TAX DOLLARS ARE PAYING YOUR SALARY!!!!!!If you have to go school on a Saturday to make up a day, then lets do it!!!! I don't feel like being in school till June 15th!!! Sorry if you do not like this! Too Bad! ! Go work outside all year! You wouldn't be able to handle it!!! This is not for all the teachers!!!!! This is for the ones who think we shouldn't have to make up days!!! So, If I am paying you then I want my monies worth!!!

Anonymous said...

My husband is coming in to Salisbury from Seaford area, he said 13 is horrible. Use common sense if you have to be on the road, do not wait until the last minute to turn on a blinker or try to turn on a will not happen! Also if a car or small truck cannot stop on a dime think about how much longer it takes to stop a straight truck or tractor trailer. Be careful people and allow plenty of time to stop!

Anonymous said...

it will be slippery, it is snowing. don't drive like it is sunshine and 90 degrees...

Anonymous said...

One would think that after the snow we received last winter, Salisbury would be more prepared for this little bit of snow! I had to go to Walmart in Fruitland, and I was in Walmart for only about ten minutes, yet it took me AT LEAST twenty min to get home. I live right by Giant, so it NEVER takes me that long, but some people just don't understand how to drive in snow, and when the roads are this bad it certainly does not help.

Anonymous said...

The snow is beautiful

Anonymous said...

Plowing and salting roads while snow is falling is very expensive, and pointless.

But, lets' do to make everybody happy today so they'll be able to complain about the high cost of government tomorrow.


Anonymous said...

I do not get paid if we close early due to weather conditions being bad, however today I would prefer to take the pay cut. I went to lunch early because the roads wernt that bad, and after 30 minuets at home I had to request a friend to drive me back to work (I am not comfortable driving in these conditions)and we fishtailed twice on the way here going 15mph apparently when she was taking my car back to her house it was even worse. I informed my boss of this and her response was well at least it wont be a busy day!

Anonymous said...

Seriously? After 2"? How bad can it really be? Learn how to drive!

Anonymous said...

12:43 you're a terrible terrible ignorant person for saying that about Teachers. They get paid crap and have buy all the kids supplies, they deserve a break being around all the kids all year teaching our future presidents, take you're tax dollars and shove 'em where the sun does not shine.

as for the post, there's barely any snow on the ground lets not get too hasty, in other states they wouldn't even be thinking of closing school.

Anonymous said...

@ 12:43pm - you are just completely ignorant and don't deserve the air you breathe!

@ 2:13pm - the roads are icy and horrible. It is not the snow that is the problem - it is the snow on top of a frozen surface that creates hazardous conditions.

Anonymous said...

I don’t believe I said anything about teachers indirectly or otherwise, at least I didn’t mean to. I am not from here I have never had to drive in the snow and I don’t intend to learn to now I would rather have someone who is comfortable driving in it drive me so my lack of experience does not put myself or anyone else on the road in anymore danger. as for the tax dollar comment since they are already being used ineffectively and inappropriately I've really give up on caring about them in fact your suggestion may be a better use for them.

Anonymous said...

I wish I could leave early but that doesn't happen around here!
If I wasn't out of vacation time, I'd be outta here!

Anonymous said...

@12:43: Teachers are tax payers too. You DO know this right? Seriously? Do you think teachers enjoy having to miss days for snow only to make them up at the end of the year when it's so hot? Some schools are not air-conditioned in this county. Teachers don't make the call if schools are opened or not, but tell you what: why don't YOU drive the bus on the icy roads and be responsible for the lives of the children on that bus? I am glad my children are HOME when the roads are dangerous. As for teachers' pay? They earn every cent we pay them. Visit a classroom once in a while and see for yourself.

Anonymous said...

12:43 If teacher's have it so great... get your degree and become a teacher. In the meantime - stop sounding like an ignorant fool! You are embarassing yourself.

Anonymous said...

Thats's Salisbury where there are no hills in Salisbury????

Anonymous said...

1:25 PM

You don't know what you are talking about. But don't let that stop you, it hasn't so far.