
The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and do not represent our advertisers

Friday, December 24, 2010

Needy Elderly

I think what you and your advertisers are providing for those less fortunate is a wonderful work of God. It shows many that the spirit of Christmas is alive and well in Wicomico County.

I'd like to take the opportunity to share something with you and your readers, if I may. Some years ago the mother of a very dear friend became ill. Her blood pressure was way off the charts. She was on medication for this problem yet something was going wrong. One of her daughters took her to the doctor and found, through conversation with her mother, that she had not been refilling her prescription. You may wonder why she was not having the prescription refilled. It turns out, this proud old woman, that worked all of her life, right up until she was 88 years old, would not ask anyone for help. She lived on her social security as best she could. When prices started rising her income was not enough to meet all of the necessities in life. She chose to alternate, month to month, what she would purchase. The choices were groceries or medication. This is a dilemma many of our elderly neighbors face daily. Do they eat or do they take needed medication? Imagine having to make that decision. Her daughters contacted social services, hoping they would offer at least food stamps. Social Services allotted her $10 per month in food stamps. This would buy milk and bread, maybe but could she be expected to live on $10 per month in groceries? She owned her home, therefore she was not eligible for anything more than $10. Fortunately, she had adult children that were able to help her meet her needs once they found out what was going on with her. She was even more fortunate than many elderly because she never had to make the choice between medication and groceries again.

Having shared this situation with you I would hope that only those truly in need will take advantage of the generous gift of food this Christmas. Maybe they will think about their neighbors and give them a ride into town to receive a turkey, we can only hope.

So while we're all trying to do all we can for others, keep in mind, children are not the only ones in need, their grand and great grandparents might also need a little help from us.

I wish all a Blessed Christmas.


Anonymous said...

So how did the turkey give away go?

Anonymous said...

Anonymous 9:38am, Seriouly?? You read something as heart breaking as that and that is your comment?? The elderly in this country are treated so poorly. I think that our elderly need to be protected and care for just as our children. They have given now it is our turn to give to them.

Anonymous said...

11:30 AM

Yes that is my comment. Valid question as far as I'm concerned. If you don't like it, tough tookies.

Get over yourself.

Anonymous said...

Oh, I do, do agree with this. I'm 77 and doing great, but my sister not so much so we help out. We have to be sneaky though because she does have her pride.

There is an adorable child on our street who comes and helps me from time to time. I let her help fold my laundry (nice break for my arthritis) and I reward her with school supplies. She loves that since money is tight for her family. We can all help each other, you know.

Anonymous said...

Glad the turkey give away was such a huge success Joe. Maybe that will inspire others to do similar things to help people.

God bless you and the others involved with this program.

Maybe you would consider running for office. You already have a following and have demonstrated strong ethics.

Not sure what the qualifications are but I am sure you would be a force to be reckoned with.

Food for thought. Goodnight.