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Friday, December 24, 2010

Cop Records Himself Detained At Walmart Receipt Check

A tipster has sent in an audio recording of himself being stopped at the Walmart doors for refusing to show them his receipt. He says that it's in his pocket and he just doesn't feel like getting it out. According to the reader, two of the men who stop him are sheriff's deputies. When he asks one of them their name, the man responds, "John Doe." Our reader, who says he is a cop of 20 years himself, says it took nearly half an hour of asking them whether they are placing him under arrest or if he can be on his way before they let him go.

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Cathy said...

what exactly did this guy prove by doing this?

Anonymous said...

Cathy has a valid point. If he was a "cop" for 20 years, why would he put out crap to 2 cops just doing their jobs??

Anonymous said...

The point is that Walmart is assuming everyone is a thief until they prove themselves to be innocent.

Much like the Department of Homeland Security

Anonymous said...

He is trying to teach you to have more pride. Why do you allow a corporation to treat you like a criminal?

Anonymous said...

8:06, 9:08 - Why do you want to give up your rights so easily to Walmart?
Do you understand the concepts of liberty and innocent until proven guilty?
Being a cop himself, he understood his rights and stood up to protect them. Good for him. Most of us are just sheep nowadays.

Anonymous said...

9:08 AM

They said that a greeter asked the customer for his receipt and two police officers who were on the scene overhead him decline to show it and stepped in.

The ignorant deputies took it upon themselves to get involved. And the deputy I heard sounded like an uneducated black man.

They can't force you to show your receipt unless they think you have shoplifted.

He didn't feel like showing it and that should have been the end of it.

I'm glad he stuck to his guns. Especially after that dumb deputy opened his mouth.

Not everyone is a sheep.

Tee said...

This has happened to me several times at various wal*mart stores.

I have been asked to see my receipt by the wal*mart greeters on several occasions and I politely decline every time it happens.

I just keep walking most of the time and nothing else is said, on the few occasions that the wal*mart greeter has actually told me to "stop" I will always ask "am I being detained?"

Most of the time they (the greeter) will say they are going to call the police and I will reply "yes please call the police" and then I just walk away and never look back.

It really ticks them off if you wont show the receipt when the anti-theft alarm goes off while you walk through.

So far they have never actually made me stop physically or called the police that I know of, remember the key words.... "am I being detained?"

People, don't let these stores trample on your rights as a citizen, and while the greeter is holding you hostage it's likely that the real thief was standing there waiting for the greeter to stop an honest shopper so the thief could sliver out while the greeter/security is busy with you.

Anonymous said...

people are idiots. shoplifting costs all of us money. who do you think pays for the loss due to theives...we all do in the form of higher prices. don't make this something it isnt. walmart isn't looking to take away your rights, they are looking to stop thieves. it's the same paranoid people that cry that stores are taking away their rights as it is the ones complaining that they aren't doing enough to stop theives. people like that are never satisfied. Walmart is one of the few stores that wishes you a merry Christmas because they don't cater to the jihad few.

Tee said...

2:33 you're the "idiot"

the next time you're leaving wal*mart and you see them stopping and checking some 90 year old lady because she has her case of water on the bottom of the cart think about this post.

I will NEVER stop when asked at any store, if they 'think' I have stolen from them then they will have to arrest me.

2:33, how many real thieves do you think will stop when asked?

here we have a 80 year old greeter and a 20 year old thief that can run, jump, and you think the real thief will halt when told? yea right!

Stopping honest people only helps the thief as I described above in my last comment.

While the greeter is bust checking you the real thief slides right on by you and the greeter and is home free you idiot.

lmclain said...

Wal-mart has security cameras watching shoppers as they shop and plainsclothes security wandering around the store. And despite THAT, they have a 70 yr old lady asking to see your receipt...I don't stop either (and I don't steal, either). I pay for what I buy.. If you THINK I stole something, call the police (and they ain't gonna like talking to ME), but DON'T ask me to PROVE I bought something in your store. Its an intrusion I won't put up Americans, we are being TRAINED to submit to unwarranted searches, constant surveillance, and presumptuous infringements on our daily lives. Because its for our own good?! Please go tell that to someone else.

Anonymous said...

I have done the ultimate thing when it comes to WalMart, I don't go there anymore. I don't want to be treated like a thief. I go somewhere else. Their prices are not so great to be treated like this.