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Monday, November 08, 2010

NPR, Juan Williams, And Sharia Law

NPR’s sacking of Juan Williams was more than the politically correct act du jour.  It was the latest in a series of media and political capitulations to Sharia law.

A central provision of Sharia law is its prohibition against speech that can be construed as “defaming” Islam or the prophet Mohammed.  Where Sharia is practiced and enforced, such “defamation” is a criminal offense that can be punished by death.

In other words, what we in America take for granted as free speech is a capital crime in some areas of the Muslim world.

Islamists around the world are seeking to impose Sharia’s muzzling of free speech on free societies.  The Organization of the Islamic Conference, composed of 56 Islamic states, has won passage of a United Nations resolution calling on countries to criminalize speech that “defames” religion—clearly referring to Islam.  After all, does anyone really expect countries like Saudi Arabia to criminalize speech that “defames” Judaism?

Criminalizing speech that is deemed “defamation” of Islam is tantamount to a backdoor enactment of Sharia law.  The law may have a different name or description, such as prohibiting “hate speech,” but the effect on speech is the same as if Sharia law were in place.
Read more here


Anonymous said...

Really? You guys have been complaining about hyper-PC policies for years whether its been during discussions of race, religion, sexism. You name it. Now you construe this as a muslim takeover.

Anonymous said...

Christians vs Muslims . . . qui bono?

Anonymous said...

Hey, I agree with Juan Williams and sorry that he was fired for voicing his opinion. Let me tell you something, when you are grocery shopping and you come across two eyes peering out at you from behind a bunch of black cloth, you soon get out of the way and get the heck out of the grocery store, just like I did not so long ago while shopping at Super Fresh. They want to practice such as this, fine, but in some other country. I always thought, when in Rome, do as the Romans do, well they need to pretend this is Rome and learn to do as we do.

Anonymous said...

10:36, would you cease to practice your christian faith (assuming you are christian) if you lived in communist china?

Anonymous said...

Christians are not decapitating people who don't believe in Christ.
Christians haven't flown airliners into buildings.
Christians haven't declared that all non-believers are infidels and must die.

It's amazing how quick the 'tolerant' left is to slap down even the mention of Christ in the public arena, yet give a pass (and a pat on the back) to muslims who voice their feelings.

The thing is-- once they get this thing in place, if the lefties don't show up for 3 o'clock prayers, their heads will roll, too.

You all don't know what you're messing with.

Anonymous said...

1:45 and that woman in the grocery store that 10:36 alluded to wasn't a threat to anyone either, just shopping for groceries... as i recall that super fresh is still there it hasn't been blown up or had a plane flown into it

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Christians vs Muslims . . . qui bono?

10:05 AM

Do you mean Cui bono?

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Really? You guys have been complaining about hyper-PC policies for years whether its been during discussions of race, religion, sexism. You name it. Now you construe this as a muslim takeover.

10:05 AM

What's scary is it's liberal morons like you that are in denial. That is the exact reason we are losing our country to foreigners.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

10:36, would you cease to practice your christian faith (assuming you are christian) if you lived in communist china?

10:58 AM

Again more denial from liberal morons!!

Anonymous said...

Well said Anon 1:45 PM. The only thing that will make those soft hearted liberals believers is when one of those muslims they love to protect has a knee in their back with head full of hair in one hand and a knife in the other. I wonder what will be going through their minds when that knife starts slicing through their neck as they as screaming and praying for mercy!