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Monday, November 08, 2010

Netanyahu To Press US For Military Threat On Iran

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu told U.S. Vice President Joe Biden Sunday that only a credible military threat can deter Iran from building a nuclear weapon, Israeli political sources said.

In comments signaling growing Israeli impatience with diplomacy, the sources said Netanyahu, beginning a five-day U.S. visit, argued that economic sanctions have failed to persuade Iran to stop its nuclear program.

Netanyahu and Biden met on the sidelines of an American Jewish conference in New Orleans that both are due to address, and also discussed Israeli-Palestinian peace talks suspended in a dispute over building in settlements in the West Bank.

"The only way to ensure that Iran will not go nuclear is to create a credible threat of military action against it if it doesn't cease its race for a nuclear weapon," one of the sources said Netanyahu told Biden.

"The economic sanctions are making it difficult for Iran, but there is no sign that the Ayatollah regime plans to stop its nuclear program because of them."
Here is more


Orsonwells said...

So tell Netenyahoo that he's got a really great idea and he should go ahead and carry out his attack if he really wants to. We'll watch the action from our houses!

Anonymous said...

9:20 After they finish using their nuclear power on Israel, who do you think will be next? Maybe you, sitting on your butt in your house, waiting for it to happen.

Anonymous said...

The economic sanctions only hurt the citizens of Iran. the govt could care less. They live the way they want. It is the citizens who get hurt and end up hating America.

Orsonwells said...

10:12, What on earth compels you to attack Iran? That's the very reason they would use to justify attacks on US. If we leave them alone, and they then try something against us, THEN would be the time to get in front of that plan and hit them. If some other country wants to attack them for working on their nuke program. let's LET THEM!

Anonymous said...

Mr. Wells,
Dont waste your breath. Americans are all about killing people. Violent television programs and child's video games. Weve been brainwashed into believing our job is to kill brown people.

Anonymous said...

10:41 and 11:38, I am 10:17 and you are dead wrong that I am about killing other people. I would happily live peacefully in my little house on the Eastern Shore, minding my own business, leading a boring, undramatic life. I am not about killing other people, I am about surviving. And that is what Iran doesn't want now. You may not see that the way I do, and I hope I am wrong, but I feel that the if they are allowed to proceed with their loudly proclaimed intentions, you will learn the hard way. If I thought that just leaving them alone would prevent the US from being attacked with a nuclear weapon, I would be all for that foreign policy, but I think the time for "Live and Let Live" philosophy is past. Blame our prior foreign policy, blame Bush, blame Obama, blame leftist Muslim zealots, blame who you want, but it's too late to change their intentions. I want to survive. What's more I want the country I love to survive, and all of it's citizens with it. Furthermore, I would deeply saddened by the disintegration of Israel. So no, I am not an American all about killing. You make a gross generalization by jumping to that conclusion. And Mr. Wells, if we wait for a nuclear attack, how many of our citizens will lose their lives? Unlike you, I think they are as important as anyone else's in the world.

Anonymous said...

VEry well stated and passionate defense of our foreign policy. We dont want to kill them but they hate us for our freedoms. We have to kill them.

I just wish our young men were a little better trained to do the job. I think maybe we are trying to save money or do the job without the proper equipment. We should have won the wars by now.

Anonymous said...

#1 people should realize that Iran had a democratic state prior to US/British intervention.

#2 with that said, take them down through any means necessary before they shoot a nuke this way.

#3 This is definetly an area where the politicians and the people need to stop the 24/7 campaign and come back to reality for the sake of the US. Ex: Obama scrapped the land based European missle shield for a more accurate, less costly system that is more applicable to the current threat, yet the right uses this as an excuse to say "the pres. is weak" without ever concentrating on the pros and cons of the issue.