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Tuesday, November 09, 2010

Gay Couples Launch Attack On U.S. Marriage Law

New lawsuits could increase pressure on Obama to act on promises to support gay rights

Joanne Pedersen tried to add her spouse to her federal health insurance on Monday. She was rejected. Again.

The problem is that while Ms. Pedersen is legally married to Ann Meitzen under Connecticut law, federal law does not recognize same-sex unions. So a health insurance matter that is all but automatic for most married people is not allowed for them under federal law.  

GO HERE to read more.


Anonymous said...

Typical ! Gays don't fight for their rights they attack normal peoples rights !

Anonymous said...

So if you're not straight and white, I guess you're not normal?

Anonymous said...

11:05 Did you just make a racial slur ? Using your logic if your gay your a racist too!

Anonymous said...

I used to have a bit of compassion for gays but not anymore they do to others what they condemn people for doing to them.

Anonymous said...

11:19- I was asking that question to 9:38.

LadyLiddy said...

I have no clue why so many are afraid of gay marraige. I see no threat in allowing it. This is supposed to be a free country. I guess that freedom only applies to heterosexual people. I've been married to an opposite sex spouse for 26 years and I feel absolutely no threat from two people of the same sex recognizing and committing to the person they love in the state of legal marraige. People need to get over themselves.

Anonymous said...

It's about eroding the morals and values this country was founded on and what holds our society together. If this perverse practice is legalized then the flood gates are open and beastality is next. And any church refusing to perform a ceremony would be sued out of existence. Homosexuality is an illness and should be treated as such. What's next NAMBLA as a political party?

Anonymous said...

How much are you willing to tolerate ? Everybody has a limit, what's yours ?

Anonymous said...

The morals and values this country was founded on are not always nice or fair. We were founded on slavery, do you still want that? We were founded on the principle that women had no rights, still want that? One of our earliest colonies, the Massachusetts Bay colony was founded on a theocracy that whatever their particular church wanted, that was law, follow this with witch burning. Do you still want that? What is great about America, is that despite the negatives, crazies, and violence in our history, the common-sense, peaceful, tolerant people have won out over the hateful and ignorant over time, making this a better country. Gay marriage is yet another hot button issue used by politicians to distract the easily manipulated from the real truth, that nothing changes in government, the rich keep getting richer, and the middle-class are slowly being eliminated. So keep being distracted, vote against your own interests as long as they promise to stop gay marriage, stop abortion or whatever carrot they dangle in front of you. Have they done any of it? No. Will they ever? No, because then they'd have no carrot left to convince you to vote for them. Hopefully enough people will wake up and see past this distraction and move us forward as a nation and not continually divide us over nonsense.

Anonymous said...

Gay marriage will lead us to bestiality?? What about people who have murdered others even though they were part of a "regular" marriage? How would we deal with that? I think that in order to really uphold the morals and values of our country we would have to make divorce illegal as well. I believe that it is everyones right to oppose something but in this situation the reasons most people oppose those should not apply. There are just as many issues with conventional marriages as there are with same sex marriage. I think it is an archaic argument but one that will go on for quite a long time.


Anonymous said...

So apply separately. There. It's done and you are both insured.


Anonymous said...

I think it's pathetic how gays try and paste there complaint on top of race and slavery what an insult to real victims.

Anonymous said...

I hope the gay people will get the treatment they deserve don't settle there is a cure !

Anonymous said...

A cure, yeah right. And what is that cure, oh wise one?

Anonymous said...

Ever notice the people who are the most anti-gay marriage have the most to hide? See Ted Haggard, Larry Craig et al..

Anonymous said...

As you see, everyone has an opinion. In a democracy, we can vote and it seems most Americans believe marriage is defined as a husband (male) and wife (female). Personally, I support this and will vote this way. That has nothing to do with hating someone or a phobia. What people do in their bedroom is their right of personal freedom. I'd just prefer for everyone to keep it there and stop making it a public or policitcal point of contention. Gay people are just as capable of getting health insurance, can list their partners as beneficiaries, etc. And, have their rights of other personal freedoms just as any other. But, in our country, marriage is clearly defined and gay marriage is not included in that definition.

Anonymous said...

Gays are intolerant of everybody's opinion but their own!

Anonymous said...

When you behave more like an animal then a human being you must know you're doing something wrong!