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Saturday, September 11, 2010

Try To Image The World 15-20 Years From Now


Anonymous said...

Buy all the ammo you can get now , it won't be available in a few years.
The muslims are trying to take over the entire world with their religion , the said part about that is they will kill people if they don't convert , that's in their bible , the kuran or what ever it's called.

Anonymous said...

This is very scary and it is time for the U.S. and the world to wake up. I say burn the Quran(Kuran) and annihilate the Islam/Muslim culture before they take over this country and the world. If the Liberal morans in this country with a soft heart don't agree then they should be annihilated as well. This is some serious stuff that the mainstream media refuses to focus on.

Anonymous said...

When ECI opened in Somerset County, the Somerset Herald would print several court petitions weekly for a change of name of inmates. The majority were blacks changing their name to what appeared to be an islamic name. The Herald no longer has these petitions, so do not know if inmates are still petitioning to change their names.

Anonymous said...

What has happened to this country? We just back down anymore and have no character. We need a person leading this country that doesnt try to kiss everybody's butt. The last time I checked we were one nation under GOD not under Allah. Something has to change soon or its going to be a revolution! Can I go to Mecca as a Christian? Heck no...So why do we bow down as a whole? When is enough, enough?

Anonymous said...

Just look at the bull they push on our kids in public schools now, we need to watch what the liberals are up to.

Bob said...

I find it amazing that we (society) have found it necessary to choke our fundamental freedoms in order to keep from offending muslims. Seriously. Our Secretary of Defense calls a minister on the phone and asks him not to burn the Qur'an for fear of reprisal should the muslim people be offended. FEAR. Our government is living in fear of the muslims because an American threatens to burn the Qur'an! This has to stop! I don't care about the mosque. They own the property and have the right to build it anywhere they want. That is a fundamental right. Just like our fundamental right to self expression. The courts say the 1st amendment protects the right to burn the flag yet no secretary of defense has ever called anyone and asked them not to do it. The same protection applies to this wacko "Minister" yet he received the phone call from a member of our government specifically asking him NOT to exercise his constitutional right. WHY? Because it may offend the muslim community worldwide and they may protest the act with violence.

No. I say it is time to stand up against this fear. It is time to stop asking our citizens to refrain from exercising their constitutional rights because they my offend the muslim community. It is time to tell our government "no more bending over backward to forward the muslim movement".

Anonymous said...

10:21 - I used to take AA meetings in to ECI. I stopped because I couldn't keep the inmates from turning those meetings into Nation of Islam recruiting sessions. They even threatened violence if I tried to stop them.

lmclain said...

We make concession after concession to the Muslims --- they make NONE toward us. This religion, this culture, is completely foreign to our beliefs, our society, our political system, OUR culture. Yet, even our President is unwilling to criticize them at all. It is not JUST AL-QAIEDA, as he constantly IS the Muslim religion. Is it just Al-Qaeida members running down the streets with clubs and firebombs? Is it just Al-Qaeida building these restricted compounds in our country? Are we purposely be fed some BS, because what we see and what we are TOLD we are seeing are worlds apart. If it's ONLY Al Qaeida, then they are much more numerous than we are being led to believe and if it IS "only Al-Qaeida", then we need to start bombing them right here in this country...something doesn't make sense here....if our government won't put an end to this treasonous behavior, then maybe it will be up to the average Americans to do it. As in a "preserving our nation" type of action.